- 本项目的功能是爬取节点的数据,对数据初步解析并存入数据库。
- 从节点获取到块数据,并解析出块数据中的交易数据,utxo,每个块的系统费,资产详情等信息。
- 部分入库数据,如notify,nep5余额等数据的入库迁移到 neo-cli-nel 中。两个工程配合能更好的爬取数据并存入数据库。
安装git(如果已经安装则跳过) :
yum install git -y
安装 dotnet sdk :
rpm -Uvh https://packages.microsoft.com/config/rhel/7/packages-microsoft-prod.rpm
yum update
yum install libunwind libicu -y
yum install dotnet-sdk-2.1.200 -y
通过git将本工程下载到服务器 :
git clone https://github.com/NewEconoLab/NeoBlock-Mongo-Storage.git
修改配置文件放在执行文件下,配置文件大致如下 :
"mongodbConnStr": "基础数据库连接地址",
"mongodbDatabase": "基础数据库名称",
"NeoCliJsonRPCUrl": "neo-cli-nel节点请求地址",
"sleepTime": "睡眠时间",
"utxoIsSleep": "是否需要睡眠",
"isDoNotify": "是否启动notify入库",
"isDoFullLogs": "是否启动fulllog入库",
"cliType": "网络类型"
dotnet publish
cd NeoBlock-Mongo-Storage/NeoBlockMongoStorage/NeoBlockMongoStorage/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0
dotnet NeoBlock-Mongo-Storage.dll
- The function of this project is to crawl the data of the node, parse the data and store it in the database.
- Obtain block data from the node, and parse the transaction data in the block data, utxo, system fee per block, asset details and other information.
- Some inbound data, such as notify, nep5 balance, etc., are migrated to neo-cli-nel. Two engineering collaborations can better crawl data and store it in the database.
install git(Skip if already installed) :
yum install git -y
install dotnet sdk :
rpm -Uvh https://packages.microsoft.com/config/rhel/7/packages-microsoft-prod.rpm
yum update
yum install libunwind libicu -y
yum install dotnet-sdk-2.1.200 -y
clone to the server :
git clone https://github.com/NewEconoLab/NeoBlock-Mongo-Storage.git
Modify the configuration file under the execution file, the configuration file is roughly as follows:
"mongodbConnStr": "basic database connectString",
"mongodbDatabase": "basic database name",
"NeoCliJsonRPCUrl": "neo-cli-nel request URL",
"sleepTime": "sleep time",
"utxoIsSleep": "if utxo need sleep",
"isDoNotify": "if notify function start",
"isDoFullLogs": "if fulllog function start",
"cliType": "network"
Compile and run :
dotnet publish
cd NeoBlock-Mongo-Storage/NeoBlockMongoStorage/NeoBlockMongoStorage/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0
dotnet NeoBlock-Mongo-Storage.dll