Korean Test Questions Structured Analysis Processing Data, around 1.5 million questions, contains question types, questions, answers, explanations, etc..For subjects, include [Primary School] Korean, Mathematics, English, Social Studies, Science; [Middle School] Korean, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies; [High School] Korean, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography; question Types indlude single-choice question, fill-in question, true or false question, short answer question, etc. This dataset can be used for large-scale subject knowledge enhancement tasks.
For more details, please refer to the link: https://www.nexdata.ai/datasets/llm?source=Github
Korean K12 test question
around 1.5 million questions
Contains question types, questions, answers, explanations, etc.
[Primary School] Korean, Mathematics, English, Social Studies, Science; [Middle School] Korean, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies; [High School] Korean, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography
single-choice question, fill-in question, true or false question, short answer question, etc.
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