A tf-keras implementation of ARCNN mentioned in :
- Deep Convolution Networks for Compression Artifacts Reduction, Ke Yu, Chao Dong, Chen Change Loy, Xiaoou Tang
- Tensorflow
- tqdm
- Numpy
- Pillow
- Everything within the requirements.txt file.
Dockerfile with all required libs included in repository
The scripts are written to be trained on any folder of images as long as:
- All images are of the same dimensions
- All images are of the same file format
example : A folder where all images are pngs and 720p (1280x720)
Recommended that you use Div2k, Use HR or LR based on the closest match to target inference domain.
There are 3 seperate models for training: The ARCNN, Faster ARCNN, ARCNN Lite (A faster ARCNN with dilated convolutions)
The comparision in parameters is given below:
Model | Paramenters |
ARCNN | 108k |
Faster ARCNN | 64k |
ARCNN Lite | 32k |
All outputs are from the dilated model
JPEG 20 | Inference |
![]() |
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JPEG 15 | Inference |
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JPEG 10 | Inference |
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![]() |
The docker container includes all the packages plus jupyter lab for ease of use. Remember to pass the flag "--ip" to jupyter lab
The usage of docker would be the following:
> cd /location/of/repository
docker build ./ -t arcnnkeras
docker run -it --gpus all -v $PWD:/app -p 8888:8888 arcnnkeras bash
- Use the "--gpus" flag only is nvidia container runtime is set up
- -v parameters can be added for different data folders that need to be mounted
- The port 8888 is passed for jupyter usage. It isn't needed for inference
Inside the docker container or in your env use the infer.py script to infer the results on a folder of images.
Folder should follow the rules
- All images are of the same dimensions
- All images are of the same file format
usage: infer.py [-h] -p FOLDER_PATH -m MODEL_PATH -o OUTPUT_PATH
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p FOLDER_PATH, --folder_path FOLDER_PATH
Path to folder of frames
-m MODEL_PATH, --model_path MODEL_PATH
Path to weights file
-o OUTPUT_PATH, --output_path OUTPUT_PATH
Path to output folder
python infer.py -m ./models/Model2_dialted_epoch/ -p ./test/Inputs/ -o ./test/
- Pre-Trained models are found in the model folder. Link one of them in the -m command. Reccomeneded Model2_dialted_epoch
Use the train_ARCNN.py script in order to train the ARCNN model.
usage: train_ARCNN.py [-h] -m MODEL_SAVE_PATH -c CHECKPOINT_PATH -l
{1,2,3} [-e EPOCHS] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
[--patch_size PATCH_SIZE]
[--stride_size STRIDE_SIZE]
[--jpq_upper JPQ_UPPER] [--jpq_lower JPQ_LOWER]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MODEL_SAVE_PATH, --model_save_path MODEL_SAVE_PATH
Path to Saved_model
Path to checkpoints
-l LOG_PATH, --log_path LOG_PATH
Path to logdir
-d DATASET_PATH, --dataset_path DATASET_PATH
Path to Folder of images
-f FILE_FORMAT, --file_format FILE_FORMAT
Format of images
-v {1,2,3}, --version {1,2,3}
ARCNN version to train 1: Original | 2: Fast ARCNN |
3: Dilated
-e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
Number of epochs
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size
--patch_size PATCH_SIZE
Patch size for training
--stride_size STRIDE_SIZE
Stride of patches
--jpq_upper JPQ_UPPER
Highest JPEG quality for compression
--jpq_lower JPQ_LOWER
Lowest JPEG quality for compression