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NextUser is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

source ''
source ''

target 'MyApp' do
    pod "NextUser", '~> 0.0.5'

To install the pod:

pod install

To update the pod:

pod update NextUser


Import NextUserKit into the file where you will be using it:

#import <NextUserKit/NextUserKit.h>

or depending if you are using frameworks:

@import NextUser;

The main object you are interested in is the NUTracker singleton object. To get a reference to it, use singleton getter:

NUTracker *tracker = [NUTracker sharedTracker];

Session startup

For NUTracker object to become useful, you need to start its session first. To start a session, call: -startSessionWithTrackIdentifier: method:

[tracker startSessionWithTrackIdentifier:@"my_identifier"];

... or you can call another version of this method which receives an optional completion parameter:

[tracker startSessionWithTrackIdentifier:@"my_identifier" completion:^(NSError *error) {
    // check error object here

completion parameter is optional here but if you want to know if setup went smoothly, you can check if error object is nil.

Start session once on the application startup by calling one of the above methods.


NUTracker can be setup to log things in 4 different levels: ERROR, WARNING, INFO, VERBOSE or it can be turned off completely. Here is an example of how to set NUTracker's logging level to VERBOSE:

tracker.logLevel = NULogLevelVerbose;


User identify

You can associate each request with some user identifier. For example, if your application has some logged in user, you can use its identifier (username, email). Do this by calling:

[tracker identifyUserWithIdentifier:@"[email protected]"];

It is enough to call this once.

Screen tracking

When you want to track a screen view inside your application, use this method:

[tracker trackScreenWithName:@"my_screen_name"];

Action tracking

If you need to track an action (event), use these two methods:

[tracker trackAction:action];
[tracker trackActions:@[action1, action2]];

Both of these two methods are receiving NUAction as a parameter (single action or multiple actions inside of NSArray). Here is an example of how to create an NUAction object using the NUAction's factory method:

NUAction *action = [NUAction actionWithName:@"action_name"];

Optionally you can add up to 10 parameters to each action:

[action setSecondParameter:@"2nd_parameter_value"];
[action setTenthParameter:@"10th_parameter_value"];

Purchase tracking

For purchase tracking use these two methods:

[tracker trackPurchase:purchase];
[tracker trackPurchases:@[purchase1, purchase2]];

Both of these two methods are receiving NUPurchase as a parameter (single purchase or multiple purchases inside of NSArray). Here is an example of how to create an NUPurchase object using two NUPurchase's factory methods:

// first create a purchase item (one or more)
NUPurchaseItem *item1 = [NUPurchaseItem itemWithProductName:@"Lord Of The Rings" SKU:@"234523333344"];
item1.category = @"Science Fiction";
item1.productDescription = @"A long book about rings";
item1.price = 99.23;
item1.quantity = 7;

// then optionally create a purchase details object
NUPurchaseDetails *details = [NUPurchaseDetails details]; = 45.65;
details.shipping = 34.87;
details.state = @"Neverland"; = @"Nevercity"; = @"NVL 5000";

// we have everything to create our NUPurchase object now

// 1. create purchase with details
NUPurchase *purchase = [NUPurchase purchaseWithTotalAmount:78.97 items:@[item1] details:details];

// 2. create purchase without details
NUPurchase *purchase = [NUPurchase purchaseWithTotalAmount:78.97 items:@[item1]];

Full minimal example

Pod file section

target 'BeaconsDemo' do
    pod "NextUser", '~> 0.0.3'

Objective-C tracking

    @import NextUser;

    NUTracker *tracker = [NUTracker sharedTracker];
    tracker.logLevel = NULogLevelVerbose;
    [tracker startSessionWithTrackIdentifier:@"my_wid"];
    [tracker identifyUserWithIdentifier:@"[email protected]"];
    NUAction *action = [NUAction actionWithName:@"test_action"];
    [tracker trackAction:action];


Next User, [email protected]


NextUser is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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