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SiBPJS - Secure Integrated BPJS

SiBPJS app is built over blockchain technology, run by government, insurance companies, and health providers, so that every parties involved in the circle will possess truthful and reliable information from the system.

Built using ReactJS and Solidity.

Demo Presentation: [slide]


What does your application solve?

Providing secure and trustable source-of-information regarding historical insurance policies and medical records, enabling robust and seamless authentication for health providers (clinics, hospitals), insurance companies, and government (through BPJS). As the medical records are distributed and kept in each key partners, patients and insurance prospects authentication process will be much easier.


We believe medical identities, such as BPJS identity number, has great potential to be the main source of identity in Indonesia. It provides deterrence for one to create more than one BPJS card, as his/her medical records will be splitted into both accounts. Each Indonesian citizen will only hold exactly one ID, resulting SiBPJS app will only provide clean data to support identification of one’s identity.





By Team koceeenq oreeen
Devin, Frieda, Robert (Airy Tech <3)