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Skills and abilities

翎 edited this page Jun 1, 2023 · 2 revisions

Skills and abilities... what's the difference?

They are mostly the same thing: A special mechanic or a buff/debuff that applies to the player. The only difference is that Skills always need players to activate them manually to take place, while Abilities are not because they activate automatically if the situation fits.

You can activate skills by holding a feather and then Sneak+Right Click.

How many skills/abilities are implemented?

We currently implemented skills and abilities for these disguises:



Disguise Skill Cooldown
Blaze Shoots small fireball 0.5 second
Snow Golem Shoots snowball 0.75 second
Armorstand, Player Change equipment displayed to others 1 second
Llamas Spit 1.25 seconds
Enderman Teleports to any surfaces that are not water within 32 blocks in sight 2 seconds
Ghast Shoots fireball 2 seconds
Creeper Explode 4 seconds
Shulker Shoots Shulker Bullet to the nearest entity within 15 blocks in sight 4 seconds
Warden Fires sonic boom 4.7 seconds
Ender Dragon Shoots dragon fireball 5 seconds
Evoker Summon vexes or fangs depending on the distance to target 5 seconds
Dolphin Applies Dolphin's Grace to all players in 9 blocks 9 seconds
Elder Guardian Applies Mining Fatigue III to all players in 50 blocks 1 minute


Disguise Ability
Zombies except Husk
Skeleton, Stray
Burns in sunlight
Blaze, Strider
Snow Golem
Takes damage from water
Fishes, Dolphin, Guardians, Tadpole, Axolotl, Drowned Applies Conduit power to self underwater
Fishes, Dolphin, Guardians, Tadpole, Axolotl Dries out on the land
Magma Cube, Blaze, Wither Skeleton, Zombified Piglin, Zombified Hoglin, Ghast, Strider,
Wither, Ender Dragon, Warden
Fire Resistance
Allay, Bat, Bee
Wither, Ender Dragon
Ghast, Blaze
Vex, Parrot, Phantom
Spider Climb walls without ladders
Cave Spider, Husk, Wither Skeleton Applies effect to any players and entities they hit
Night Vision
Goat Takes 10 less fall damage
Witch Takes 85% less magic damage
Irongolem, Cat, Ocelot
Snow Golem, Magma Cube, Chicken
Immunes from fall damage
Chicken Slow Falling
Snow Golem Leaves snow trails and immunes from freezing damage. But burns in biomes with high temperatures like deserts.
Player ChatOverride (If enabled in config)
Armorstand, Warden Takes longer times to get targeted by a Warden
Horse Speeds up movement
Iron Golem, Warden Slows down movement and increases the knockback resistance
Fox Immune for damage from sweet berry bushes
Iron Golem Knocks mobs into the air
Ender Dragon Heals from a nearby End Crystal and takes damage when it gets destroyed

How do I disable Skills/Abilities for disguises?

Sadly, there isn't an editor for the Skills/Abilities configuration at this moment, but you can disable a disguise's skill by these steps:

  1. Open the skills.json file under the plugin's directory.
  2. Search for the specific disguise.
  3. Change "skillId": morph:... to "skillId": "morph:none"
    • For abilities, just simply delete that line
  4. Head to the server console (Or your Minecraft window), execute /fm reload
  5. You're Done!

If you wish to disable ALL skills and abilities from now on and future, copy the following content to the file:

  "configurations": [],
  "version": 32768