In progress.
- No Plugins
- CSS: Fraction-based Grid
- CSS: Responsive Snippets
- CSS: Snippets & Helpers
- Automatic Breadcrumb
- Generated Navigation
- Slider
- Buttons & Button Groups (need work)
- Sublime Snippets
- Gulp: automatic optimizations (html, js, css)
- Gulp: component creation
- Gulp: browser-sync & live refresh
# The Grid The Grid is a **fraction-based** grid system and uses flexible sass-mixins instead of fixed classes.
This approach has the following advantages over conventional grids:
- Flexibility - just pass any
you like - Cleanliness - keep your Markup clean and readable
- Simplicity - keep all styles & behavior in one place (separation of concerns)
- Global Border Box (recommended usage)
- Flexbox (use
@include flexbox();
on containing element) - Row containers (working to get rid of those)
@include column(1/4);
@include column(2/9);
@include column(14/23);
###Adding Gutters
By default a column has no gutters. You can add gutters like so:
@include column(1/6, $gutter: true); // adds global gutters (use: 'true' or 'false')
@include column(1/6, true); // shorthand
Note: This uses the global $whitespace
variable for gutters.
You can also specify your own gutters like so:
@include column(1/6, $gutter: 10px); // adds px gutters
@include column(1/6, $gutter: 2em); // adds em gutters
@include column(1/6, $gutter: 3%); // adds % gutters
@include column(1/6, $gutter: $var); // you can also use sass-variables
@include column(1/6, $gutter: $var/2); // you can even do math with them
###Beta: Adding Behavior
By default a column has no special behavior. You can add two different behaviors like so:
@include column(1/6, $gutter: true, $behavior: stacking);
@include column(1/6, $gutter: true, $behavior: doubling);
Stacking: Columns use the full width on smallest breakpoint (common pattern)
Doubling: Columns automatically respond to certain breakpoints (try it out to better understand)
###Beta: Fixed & Auto Columns
Fixed Width-Columns can be used like so:
@include column(250px);
Auto Width-Columns can be used like so:
@include column();
Warning: Neither of those have access to gutters or behaviors!
The Snippets for Sublime Text are optional but make the workflow much faster.
Install: Download the Snippets and place them in your (path_to_sublime)/Packages/User
Usage: Just type column
and hit TAB
to place your include.
You can test the mixin over here:
Open Grid-Playground
#Responsive Mixins
Four sets of sass-mixins let you control the responsive flow of your document:
- Above a certain breakpoint (
@include respond-above(breakpoint-name) { ... }
) - Below a certain breakpoint (
@include respond-below(breakpoint-name) { ... }
) - At a certain breakpoint (
@include respond-at(breakpoint-name) { ... }
) - From a certain breakpoint (
@include respond-from(breakpoint-name, breakpoint-name) { ... }
You can also pass a px value instead of a breakpoint-name.
Above a certain breakpoint (mobile-first)
.foo {
@include respond-above(xs) { ... } // accpets breakpoint-names: xs, s, m, l, xl, xxl
@include respond-above(500px) { ... } // or specific px value
Below a certain breakpoint (desktop-first)
.foo {
@include respond-below(xs) { ... } // accpets breakpoint-names: xs, s, m, l, xl, xxl
@include respond-below(500px) { ... } // or specific px value
At a certain breakpoint
.foo {
@include respond-at(xs) { ... } // accepts breakpoint-names: xs, s, m, l, xl, xxl
@include respond-at(500px) { ... } // or specific px value
Between two breakpoints
.foo {
@include respond-between(xs, m) { ... } // accepts breakpoint-names: xs, s, m, l, xl, xxl
@include respond-between(500px, 900px) { ... } // or two specific px values
###Placement You can use the breakpoint-mixins in two ways:
Either inside your class-declarations...
.foo {
color: red
@include respond-above(l) { color: blue }
... or on their own.
.foo {color: red}
@include respond-above(l) {
.foo { color: red }
Both is fine.
The Snippets for Sublime Text are optional but make the workflow much faster.
Install: Download the Snippets and place them in your (path_to_sublime)/Packages/User
Usage: Just type respond
, choose your type (above, below, at or between) and hit TAB
to place your include.
You can test the mixin over here:
Open Breakpoint-Playground
The Navigation is responsive out of the box.
###Adding a Page
Create your
in the _pages folder -
Add Front Matter
title: "page"
permalink: "/page/"
layout: sidebar_double
position: 2
children: false
###Adding a Sub-Page
Create your
in the _pages folder
Note: you can also place it in a sub-folder for better organisation. -
Add Front Matter
Note: The permalink controls the sub-nav
title: "my_subpage"
permalink: "/page/my_subpage"
layout: sidebar_double
position: 2
children: false
- Finally go back to the parent page (here:
) and setchildren: true
Based on the Swiper Slider.
Full API here, Demos here
- Place the include in one of your pages or layouts:
{% include components_base/slider/slider.html arrows="light" pagination="light" %}
// arrows & pagination can be set to "light", "dark" or "none".
- To add/remove images just place them in this folder:
- Change Slider-Settings here:
Use position relative, absolute or fixed in shorthand.
// shorthand
@include position(relative, 10px, 0, 0, 0);
// returns
position: relative;
top: 10px;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
You can test the mixin over here:
Open Grid-Playground
Use css-arrows via sass-mixins.
// centered up-arrow
@include arrow();
// right-aligned down-arrow
@include arrow($direction: down, $align: right);
// top-aligned left-arrow with specific color & size
@include arrow($direction: left, $align: top, $color: #eee, $size: 10px);
The Snippets for Sublime Text are optional but make the workflow much faster.
Install: Download the Snippets and place them in your (path_to_sublime)/Packages/User
Usage: Just type arrow
and hit TAB
to place your include.
You can test the mixin over here:
Open Grid-Playground
Change styles based on the quantity of Elements.
Example Usecase: Too many Elements in a horizontal Navigation
@include quantity-at(4) {...} // styles when exactly 4 elements
@include quantity-above(4) {...} // styles when more than 4 elements
@include quantity-below(4) {...} // styles when less than 4 elements
@include quantity-between(2,4) {...} // styles between 2 and 4 elements
The Snippets for Sublime Text are optional but make the workflow much faster.
Install: Download the Snippets and place them in your (path_to_sublime)/Packages/User
Usage: Just type quantity
, choose your type (above, below, at or between) and hit TAB
to place your include.
You can test the mixin over here:
Open Breakpoint-Playground
Parts can be used for building your own components.
Optional: Define a title, a link, a style and/or a color.
- Style: can be "filled", "outlined" or "none". Default: "filled".
- Color: can be "brand" or any of the color variables. Default: "grey".
//without variables
{% include components/button/button.html %}
//width variables
{% include components/button/button.html title="MyTitle" link="link" style="filled" color="brand" %}
Optional: Define a style and/or a color.
- Style: can be "filled", "outlined" or "none". Default: "filled".
- Color: can be "brand" or any of the color variables. Default: "grey".
//without variables
{% include components/button/buttongroup.html %}
//width variables
{% include components/button/buttongroup.html style="filled" color="brand" %}
###Container Basic Container
@include container();
###Flexbox Use Flexbox
@include flexbox();