TerraformLibrary is a wrapper for the Hashicorp Terraform CLI
The library can also be configured to run OpenTofu instead of Terraform.
Link to the keyword documentation
If you already have Python >= 3.8 with pip installed, you can simply run:
pip install --upgrade robotframework-terraformlibrary
Some examples how to import and use the library.
*** Settings ***
Library TerraformLibrary
*** Variables ***
${PATH_TO_TERRAFORM_SCRIPT} ${CURDIR}/terraform-script
*** Test Cases ***
Run Terraform Init
${rc} ${output} Terraform Init ${PATH_TO_TERRAFORM_SCRIPT}
Run Terraform Plan
Set TF Var my_var test_value
${rc} ${output} Terraform Plan ${PATH_TO_TERRAFORM_SCRIPT}
Should Contain ${output} Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Run Terraform Apply
${rc} ${output} Terraform Apply ${PATH_TO_TERRAFORM_SCRIPT}
Should Contain ${output} Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
Inspect Terraform State
${output} Get Terraform State ${PATH_TO_TERRAFORM_SCRIPT}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${output["values"]["root_module"]["resources"][0]["name"]} foo
Run Terraform Destroy
${rc} ${output} Terraform Destroy ${PATH_TO_TERRAFORM_SCRIPT}
Should Contain ${output} Destroy complete! Resources: 1 destroyed.
Install poetry
on your system with pip install poetry
Then setup the current project in a virtual env for development:
$ poetry env use $(which python3)
$ source $(poetry env info --path)/bin/activate
$ poetry install
Run the unit tests:
$ poetry run invoke utests
Run the acceptance tests:
$ poetry run invoke atests
Run all tests:
$ poetry run invoke tests
Exit the virtualenv
The Robotframework-TerraformLibrary is released on PyPi.org. To release a new version of the library to PyPi, a few steps are needed.
- update the version number in pyproject.toml
- rebuild the keyword documentation with the command
poetry run libdoc
- create a pull request with the updated pyproject.toml and the keyword documentation under
- once the pull request is merged a new github release can be created and published which will trigger a github action publishing the release to PyPi via a trusted publisher setup.