Have you tried to re-create 【Alt+Tab】 on keyboard.io (remapping it on 【Fn+d】 for instance)
It is not easy. See https://blog.nimamoh.net/keyboard-io-m01-alt-tab/ for a quick and dirty rationale.
This plugin allows you to
- Enable a state where Alt key is hold. (The transcient window switching state)
- Disable the TWSS when user defined keys are released.
git clone on your sketchbook directory. (see https://github.com/keyboardio/Kaleidoscope/wiki/Installing-Plugins#installing-third-party-plugins)
Include directive:
#include "Kaleidoscope-TranscientWindowSwitchingState.h"
Initialize the plugin
Define the keys which exits the TWSS on setup function, (Use the TWSS_KEYS
helper macro for that):
static const kaleidoscope::Key stoppingKeys[] = TWSS_KEYS(Key_Escape, ShiftToLayer(2));
TranscientWindowSwitchingState.disableOnReleaseKeys = stoppingKeys;
The TWSS is disabled by default, you can enable it by enabling the plugin
Define a macro which enable the plugin:
static void windowSwitch(uint8_t keyState) {
kaleidoscope::hid::pressKey(Key_Tab, keyToggledOn(keyState));
Assign your macro and you are good to go
- Try to stick to the guide above, this plugin is quite specific (and certainly too complex for what it aims for), do not forget to define at least one stopping key to prevent being stuck to the TWSS.
- This is my first plugin with kaleidoscope and I didn't write cpp for a long time. PR and ideas of improvment are welcome.