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move diagnostics on edit
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Nimaoth committed Mar 16, 2024
1 parent 8fc64a1 commit 24e0a86
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Showing 5 changed files with 236 additions and 159 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/scripting_api.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ type
SelectorPopup* = object
id*: EditorId

type Cursor* = tuple[line, column: int]
type Selection* = tuple[first, last: Cursor]
type CursorT*[T] = tuple[line: int, column: T]
type SelectionT*[T] = tuple[first, last: CursorT[T]]
type Cursor* = CursorT[int]
type Selection* = SelectionT[int]
type SelectionCursor* = enum Config = "config", Both = "both", First = "first", Last = "last", LastToFirst = "last-to-first"
type LineNumbers* = enum None = "none", Absolute = "Absolute", Relative = "relative"
type Backend* = enum Gui = "gui", Terminal = "terminal", Browser = "browser"
Expand Down
15 changes: 13 additions & 2 deletions src/text/language/language_server_base.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import std/[options, tables, json]
import misc/[custom_async, custom_logger, event]
import misc/[custom_async, custom_logger, event, custom_unicode]
import scripting_api except DocumentEditor, TextDocumentEditor, AstDocumentEditor
import workspaces/workspace

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,6 +79,17 @@ type InlayHint* = object
paddingRight*: bool
data*: Option[JsonNode]

type Diagnostic* = object
selection*: Selection
severity*: Option[lsp_types.DiagnosticSeverity]
code*: Option[JsonNode]
codeDescription*: lsp_types.CodeDescription
source*: Option[string]
message*: string
tags*: seq[lsp_types.DiagnosticTag]
relatedInformation*: Option[seq[lsp_types.DiagnosticRelatedInformation]]
data*: Option[JsonNode]

var getOrCreateLanguageServer*: proc(languageId: string, filename: string, workspaces: seq[string], languagesServer: Option[(string, int)] = (string, int).none, workspace = WorkspaceFolder.none): Future[Option[LanguageServer]] = nil

method start*(self: LanguageServer): Future[void] {.base.} = discard
Expand All @@ -92,7 +103,7 @@ method saveTempFile*(self: LanguageServer, filename: string, content: string): F
method getSymbols*(self: LanguageServer, filename: string): Future[seq[Symbol]] {.base.} = discard
method getHover*(self: LanguageServer, filename: string, location: Cursor): Future[Option[string]] {.base.} = discard
method getInlayHints*(self: LanguageServer, filename: string, selection: Selection): Future[seq[InlayHint]] {.base.} = discard
method getDiagnostics*(self: LanguageServer, filename: string): Future[lsp_types.Response[seq[lsp_types.Diagnostic]]] {.base.} = discard
method getDiagnostics*(self: LanguageServer, filename: string): Future[lsp_types.Response[seq[Diagnostic]]] {.base.} = discard

var handleIdCounter = 1

Expand Down
22 changes: 17 additions & 5 deletions src/text/language/language_server_lsp.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import std/[strutils, options, json, tables, uri, strformat, sugar, sequtils]
import scripting_api except DocumentEditor, TextDocumentEditor, AstDocumentEditor
import misc/[event, util, custom_logger, custom_async, myjsonutils]
import misc/[event, util, custom_logger, custom_async, myjsonutils, custom_unicode]
import text/text_editor
import language_server_base, app, app_interface, config_provider, lsp_client
import workspaces/workspace as ws
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,21 +314,33 @@ method getSymbols*(self: LanguageServerLSP, filename: string): Future[seq[Symbol

return completions

method getDiagnostics*(self: LanguageServerLSP, filename: string): Future[Response[seq[Diagnostic]]] {.async.} =
method getDiagnostics*(self: LanguageServerLSP, filename: string): Future[Response[seq[language_server_base.Diagnostic]]] {.async.} =
debugf"getDiagnostics: {filename}"

let response = await self.client.getDiagnostics(filename)
if response.isError:
log(lvlError, &"Error: {response.error.code}\n{response.error.message}")

let report = response.result
debugf"getDiagnostics: {report}"

var res: seq[Diagnostic]
var res: seq[language_server_base.Diagnostic]

if report.asRelatedFullDocumentDiagnosticReport().getSome(report):
res = report.items
# todo: selection from rune index to byte index
for d in report.items:
res.add language_server_base.Diagnostic(
# selection: ((d.`range`.start.line, d.`range`.start.character.RuneIndex), (d.`range`.`end`.line, d.`range`.`end`.character.RuneIndex)),
severity: d.severity,
code: d.code,
codeDescription: d.codeDescription,
source: d.source,
message: d.message,
tags: d.tags,
relatedInformation: d.relatedInformation,
debugf"items: {res.len}: {res}"

return res.success
Expand Down
239 changes: 175 additions & 64 deletions src/text/text_document.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ type TextDocument* = ref object of Document

styledTextCache: Table[int, StyledLine]

currentDiagnostics*: seq[lsp_types.Diagnostic]
currentDiagnostics*: seq[Diagnostic]
onDiagnosticsUpdated*: Event[void]

proc nextLineId*(self: TextDocument): int32 =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -277,6 +277,15 @@ proc lspRangeToSelection*(self: TextDocument, `range`: lsp_types.Range): Selecti
let lastColumn = self.lines[`range`.`end`.line].runeOffset(`range`.`end`.character.RuneIndex)
return ((`range`.start.line, firstColumn), (`range`.`end`.line, lastColumn))

proc runeCursorToCursor*(self: TextDocument, cursor: CursorT[RuneIndex]): Cursor =
if cursor.line > self.lines.high or cursor.line > self.lines.high:
return (0, 0)

return (cursor.line, self.lines[cursor.line].runeOffset(cursor.column))

proc runeSelectionToSelection*(self: TextDocument, cursor: SelectionT[RuneIndex]): Selection =
return (self.runeCursorToCursor(cursor.first), self.runeCursorToCursor(cursor.last))

func len*(line: StyledLine): int =
result = 0
for p in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -716,7 +725,20 @@ proc getLanguageServer*(self: TextDocument): Future[Option[LanguageServer]] {.as
let diagnosticsHandle = ls.onDiagnostics.subscribe proc(diagnostics: lsp_types.PublicDiagnosticsParams) =
let uri = diagnostics.uri.decodeUrl.parseUri
if uri.path.normalizePathUnix == self.filename:
self.currentDiagnostics = diagnostics.diagnostics
self.currentDiagnostics.setLen diagnostics.diagnostics.len
for i, d in diagnostics.diagnostics:
self.currentDiagnostics[i] = language_server_base.Diagnostic(
selection: self.runeSelectionToSelection(((d.`range`.start.line, d.`range`.start.character.RuneIndex), (d.`range`.`end`.line, d.`range`.`end`.character.RuneIndex))),
severity: d.severity,
code: d.code,
codeDescription: d.codeDescription,
source: d.source,
message: d.message,
tags: d.tags,
relatedInformation: d.relatedInformation,


return self.languageServer
Expand All @@ -729,68 +751,6 @@ proc byteOffset*(self: TextDocument, cursor: Cursor): int =
proc tabWidth*(self: TextDocument): int =
return => c.tabWidth).get(4)

proc delete*(self: TextDocument, selections: openArray[Selection], oldSelection: openArray[Selection], notify: bool = true, record: bool = true, inclusiveEnd: bool = false): seq[Selection] =
result = self.clampAndMergeSelections selections

var undoOp = UndoOp(kind: Nested, children: @[], oldSelection: @oldSelection)

for i, selectionRaw in result:
let normalizedSelection = selectionRaw.normalized
let selection: Selection = if inclusiveEnd and self.lines[normalizedSelection.last.line].len > 0:
let nextColumn = self.lines[normalizedSelection.last.line].nextRuneStart(min(normalizedSelection.last.column, self.lines[normalizedSelection.last.line].high)).int
(normalizedSelection.first, (normalizedSelection.last.line, nextColumn))

if selection.isEmpty:

let (first, last) = selection

let startByte = self.byteOffset(first)
let endByte = self.byteOffset(last)

let deletedText = self.contentString(selection)

if first.line == last.line:
# Single line selection
self.lines[last.line].delete first.column..<last.column
# Multi line selection
# Delete from first cursor to end of first line and add last line
if first.column < self.lastValidIndex first.line:
self.lines[first.line].delete(first.column..<(self.lineLength first.line))
self.lines[first.line].add self.lines[last.line][last.column..^1]
# Delete all lines in between
assert self.lines.len == self.lineIds.len
self.lines.delete (first.line + 1)..last.line
self.lineIds.delete (first.line + 1)..last.line

result[i] = selection.first.toSelection
for k in (i+1)..result.high:
result[k] = result[k].subtract(selection)

if not self.tsParser.isNil:
self.changes.add(Delete(startByte, endByte, first.column, last.column, selection.first.line, selection.last.line))

inc self.version

if record:
undoOp.children.add UndoOp(kind: Insert, cursor: selection.first, text: deletedText)

if notify:
self.textDeleted.invoke((self, selection))

if notify:

if record and undoOp.children.len > 0:
undoOp.checkpoints.add self.nextCheckpoints
self.undoOps.add undoOp
self.redoOps = @[]

self.nextCheckpoints = @[]

proc getNodeRange*(self: TextDocument, selection: Selection, parentIndex: int = 0, siblingIndex: int = 0): Option[Selection] =
result = Selection.none
let tree = self.tsTree
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -906,6 +866,93 @@ proc traverse*(line, column: int, text: openArray[char]): (int, int) =

return (line, column)

func charCategory(c: char): int =
if c.isAlphaNumeric or c == '_': return 0
if c in Whitespace: return 1
return 2

proc findWordBoundary*(self: TextDocument, cursor: Cursor): Selection =
let line = self.getLine cursor.line
result = cursor.toSelection
if result.first.column == line.len:
dec result.first.column
dec result.last.column

# Search to the left
while result.first.column > 0 and result.first.column < line.len:
let leftCategory = line[result.first.column - 1].charCategory
let rightCategory = line[result.first.column].charCategory
if leftCategory != rightCategory:
result.first.column -= 1

# Search to the right
if result.last.column < line.len:
result.last.column += 1
while result.last.column >= 0 and result.last.column < line.len:
let leftCategory = line[result.last.column - 1].charCategory
let rightCategory = line[result.last.column].charCategory
if leftCategory != rightCategory:
result.last.column += 1

proc updateCursorAfterInsert*(self: TextDocument, location: Cursor, inserted: Selection): Cursor =
result = location
if result.line == inserted.first.line and result.column > inserted.first.column:
# inserted text on same line before inlayHint
result.column += inserted.last.column - inserted.first.column
result.line += inserted.last.line - inserted.first.line
elif result.line == inserted.first.line and result.column == inserted.first.column:
# Inserted text at inlayHint location
# Usually the inlay hint will be on a word boundary, so if it's not anymore then move the inlay hint
# (this happens if you e.g. change the name of the variable by appending some text)
# If it's still on a word boundary, then the new inlay hint will probably be at the same location so don't move it now
let wordBoundary = self.findWordBoundary(result)
if result != wordBoundary.first and result != wordBoundary.last:
result.column += inserted.last.column - inserted.first.column
result.line += inserted.last.line - inserted.first.line
elif result.line > inserted.first.line:
# inserted text on line before inlay hint
result.line += inserted.last.line - inserted.first.line

proc updateCursorAfterDelete*(self: TextDocument, location: Cursor, deleted: Selection): Option[Cursor] =
var res = location
if deleted.first.line == deleted.last.line:
if res.line == deleted.first.line and res.column >= deleted.last.column:
res.column -= deleted.last.column - deleted.first.column
elif res.line == deleted.first.line and res.column > deleted.first.column and res.column < deleted.last.column:
return Cursor.none

if res.line == deleted.first.line and res.column >= deleted.first.column:
return Cursor.none
if res.line > deleted.first.line and res.line < deleted.last.line:
return Cursor.none
if res.line == deleted.last.line and res.column <= deleted.last.column:
return Cursor.none

if res.line == deleted.last.line and res.column >= deleted.last.column:
res.column -= deleted.last.column - deleted.first.column

if res.line >= deleted.last.line:
res.line -= deleted.last.line - deleted.first.line

return res.some

proc updateDiagnosticPositionsAfterInsert(self: TextDocument, inserted: Selection) =
for d in self.currentDiagnostics.mitems:
d.selection.first = self.updateCursorAfterInsert(d.selection.first, inserted)
d.selection.last = self.updateCursorAfterInsert(d.selection.last, inserted)

proc updateDiagnosticPositionsAfterDelete(self: TextDocument, selection: Selection) =
let selection = selection.normalized
for i in countdown(self.currentDiagnostics.high, 0):
if self.updateCursorAfterDelete(self.currentDiagnostics[i].selection.first, selection).getSome(first) and
self.updateCursorAfterDelete(self.currentDiagnostics[i].selection.last, selection).getSome(last):
self.currentDiagnostics[i].selection = (first, last)

proc insert*(self: TextDocument, selections: openArray[Selection], oldSelection: openArray[Selection], texts: openArray[string], notify: bool = true, record: bool = true): seq[Selection] =
# be careful with logging inside this function, because the logs are written to another document using this function to insert, which can cause infinite recursion
# when inserting a log line logs something.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -999,6 +1046,7 @@ proc insert*(self: TextDocument, selections: openArray[Selection], oldSelection:

undoOp.children.add UndoOp(kind: Delete, selection: (oldCursor, cursor))

self.updateDiagnosticPositionsAfterInsert (oldCursor, cursor)
if notify:
self.textInserted.invoke((self, (oldCursor, cursor), text))

Expand All @@ -1015,6 +1063,69 @@ proc insert*(self: TextDocument, selections: openArray[Selection], oldSelection:

self.nextCheckpoints = @[]

proc delete*(self: TextDocument, selections: openArray[Selection], oldSelection: openArray[Selection], notify: bool = true, record: bool = true, inclusiveEnd: bool = false): seq[Selection] =
result = self.clampAndMergeSelections selections

var undoOp = UndoOp(kind: Nested, children: @[], oldSelection: @oldSelection)

for i, selectionRaw in result:
let normalizedSelection = selectionRaw.normalized
let selection: Selection = if inclusiveEnd and self.lines[normalizedSelection.last.line].len > 0:
let nextColumn = self.lines[normalizedSelection.last.line].nextRuneStart(min(normalizedSelection.last.column, self.lines[normalizedSelection.last.line].high)).int
(normalizedSelection.first, (normalizedSelection.last.line, nextColumn))

if selection.isEmpty:

let (first, last) = selection

let startByte = self.byteOffset(first)
let endByte = self.byteOffset(last)

let deletedText = self.contentString(selection)

if first.line == last.line:
# Single line selection
self.lines[last.line].delete first.column..<last.column
# Multi line selection
# Delete from first cursor to end of first line and add last line
if first.column < self.lastValidIndex first.line:
self.lines[first.line].delete(first.column..<(self.lineLength first.line))
self.lines[first.line].add self.lines[last.line][last.column..^1]
# Delete all lines in between
assert self.lines.len == self.lineIds.len
self.lines.delete (first.line + 1)..last.line
self.lineIds.delete (first.line + 1)..last.line

result[i] = selection.first.toSelection
for k in (i+1)..result.high:
result[k] = result[k].subtract(selection)

if not self.tsParser.isNil:
self.changes.add(Delete(startByte, endByte, first.column, last.column, selection.first.line, selection.last.line))

inc self.version

if record:
undoOp.children.add UndoOp(kind: Insert, cursor: selection.first, text: deletedText)

self.updateDiagnosticPositionsAfterDelete selection
if notify:
self.textDeleted.invoke((self, selection))

if notify:

if record and undoOp.children.len > 0:
undoOp.checkpoints.add self.nextCheckpoints
self.undoOps.add undoOp
self.redoOps = @[]

self.nextCheckpoints = @[]

proc edit*(self: TextDocument, selections: openArray[Selection], oldSelection: openArray[Selection], texts: openArray[string], notify: bool = true, record: bool = true, inclusiveEnd: bool = false): seq[Selection] =
let selections = (s) => s.normalized
result = self.delete(selections, oldSelection, record=record, inclusiveEnd=inclusiveEnd)
Expand Down

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