A Simple Discord Webhook builder for java that allows you to add everything such as Embeds, Fields, etc
You can easily add the Builder to your project by importing, here is how you can do it
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.NimxDev:DiscordWebhookBuilder:f97af014a4'
If you dont want to import it you can copy the files into your project and add the dependencies below, but is not recomended.
If you want to install manually the Builder you must have to add this dependencies to your project
dependencies {
implementation 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.30'
implementation 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.13'
implementation 'org.json:json:20240303'
You can easly send a webhook with the next code:
new WebhookBuilder("WEBHOOK_URL")
.setContent("This is a test!")
.setUsername("WebhookBuilder Test")
You can also set an avatar to the Webhook with the next code:
And if you want to add an embed to the Webhook you can use the EmbedBuilder like this:
new WebhookBuilder("WEBHOOK_URL")
.setContent("This is a test!")
.setUsername("WebhookBuilder Test")
.addEmbed(new EmbedBuilder()
.setAuthor("ElNimo", "LOGO_URL")
.setTitle("Embed Test")
.setDescription("This is an embed test!")
.setFooter("Footer Test", ZonedDateTime.now())
And you can also add fields to the embed with the FieldsBuilder
new WebhookBuilder("WEBHOOK_URL")
.setContent("This is a test!")
.setUsername("WebhookBuilder Test")
.addEmbed(new EmbedBuilder()
.setAuthor("ElNimo", "LOGO_URL")
.setTitle("Embed Test")
.setDescription("This is an embed test!")
.setFooter("Footer Test", ZonedDateTime.now())
.addFields(new FieldsBuilder().setTitle("Field Test").setDescription("This is a Field Test").setInLine(true))
If you have any question you can contact me trought discord: @nimovt Or you can also see the documentaion inside the classes.
Also if you have any suggestion or problem feel free to contact me.