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Product Backlog Magnement

Alex Glen edited this page Jan 29, 2024 · 4 revisions

Dealing with issues/user stories

When dealing with issues, we have big user-stories which encapsulate lots of features and smaller feature issues that relate to the functional requirements of the user story (i.e. what developers are making).

Issues/User stories should be stored within "ready" if they can be worked on, but they aren't being developed at the moment. Issues/User stories that are actively worked on should be inside "in-progress", the same is true with the smaller issue if they are being worked on.

Product Backlog:

The product backlog should contain ALL issues within our product and should primarily be maintained by the project owner. The project owner will then assign these tasks during the next sprint and refine the issues/user-stories. Mid-sprint we can also add more tasks from the product backlog to the sprint backlog if our groups finish early and are stalling.

You can filter the Product/Sprint Backlog to only show user stories using - label:"user-story" this is helpful during standup meetings and getting a clean overview of what is in progress.

Sprint Backlog:

The sprint backlog contains all issues/user stories that we are going to complete within the current sprint. At the start of the week we should discussion and assign tasks to people based on what the scrum master and developers think is achievable within the week. We want to be careful not to overwork our developers and burn them out, so we want to look at the most critical issues as determined by MoSCow and risk/value sorting so that they are prioritized.

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