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Update dailyWriting and dailyWritingCircled icons
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bcardiff committed Dec 1, 2023
1 parent 4ae0c74 commit 9a5c010
Showing 1 changed file with 118 additions and 18 deletions.
136 changes: 118 additions & 18 deletions src/Nri/Ui/AssignmentIcon/V2.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -148,17 +148,66 @@ selfReview =
{-| -}
dailyWriting : Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.Svg
dailyWriting =
Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.init "15 15 40 40"
[ Svg.path
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"0 0 39 39"
[ Svg.g
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[ Attributes.d "M39.7581 49.4534H31.5746C31.5713 50.541 32.0021 51.5844 32.7687 52.3543C33.5369 53.1241 34.5787 53.5566 35.6663 53.5566C36.754 53.5566 37.7957 53.1242 38.5639 52.3543C39.3305 51.5844 39.7614 50.541 39.7581 49.4534Z"
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[ Attributes.fillRule "evenodd"
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, Attributes.fill "currentcolor"
, Svg.path
[ Attributes.fillRule "evenodd"
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, Attributes.fill "currentcolor"
, Svg.path
[ Attributes.fillRule "evenodd"
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, Attributes.fill "currentcolor"
, Svg.path
[ Attributes.fillRule "evenodd"
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, Attributes.d "M15.6905 21.8775C15.2102 21.8775 14.8182 21.5219 14.8174 21.0833C14.8174 20.6476 15.2077 20.292 15.6881 20.292H30.0325C30.6765 20.292 30.9056 20.7188 30.9056 21.0848C30.9056 21.4507 30.6765 21.8775 30.0325 21.8775H15.6905Z"
, Attributes.fill "currentcolor"
, Svg.path
[ Attributes.fillRule "evenodd"
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[ Svg.clipPath
[ "clip0_220_913"
[ Svg.rect
[ Attributes.width "39"
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Expand Down Expand Up @@ -472,21 +521,72 @@ gradingAssistantCircled =
{-| -}
dailyWritingCircled : Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.Svg
dailyWritingCircled =
Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.init "0 0 70 70"
"0 0 70 70"
[ Svg.path
[ Attributes.fillRule "evenodd"
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, Svg.path
[ Attributes.d "M35.6664 15.8077C34.9702 15.8077 34.3035 16.0845 33.8105 16.5759C33.3191 17.069 33.0423 17.7356 33.0423 18.4318V21.9387C29.0866 22.8068 26.0103 25.7355 25.7909 30.9525C25.5551 36.5953 25.3274 39.3322 22.0154 43.1095C20.7181 44.5886 20.2267 45.2749 20.3512 46.2479C20.4691 47.1668 21.1718 47.7745 22.2955 47.7745H49.037C50.1606 47.7745 50.865 47.1651 50.9813 46.2479C51.1057 45.2749 50.6144 44.5886 49.317 43.1095C46.0034 39.3339 45.7774 36.597 45.5415 30.9525C45.322 25.7357 42.2459 22.8067 38.2901 21.9387V18.4318C38.2901 17.7356 38.0133 17.069 37.5219 16.5759C37.0289 16.0845 36.3625 15.8077 35.6664 15.8077Z"
, Attributes.fill "white"
, Svg.g
[ Attributes.clipPath "url(#clip0_220_902)"
, Svg.path
[ Attributes.d "M39.7581 49.4534H31.5746C31.5713 50.541 32.0021 51.5844 32.7687 52.3543C33.5369 53.1241 34.5787 53.5566 35.6663 53.5566C36.754 53.5566 37.7957 53.1242 38.5639 52.3543C39.3305 51.5844 39.7614 50.541 39.7581 49.4534Z"
, Attributes.fill "white"
[ Svg.path
[ Attributes.fillRule "evenodd"
, Attributes.clipRule "evenodd"
, Attributes.d "M55 24.4653V49.9254C54.6825 51.8809 53.218 53.4704 51.3117 54H19.7524C17.5926 53.3999 16 51.4394 16 49.1275V25.2632C16 22.4775 18.3123 20.2019 21.143 20.2019H26.4256V16.347C26.4256 15.6048 27.0401 15 27.7944 15C28.5486 15 29.1631 15.6048 29.1631 16.347V20.2019H41.901V16.347C41.901 15.6048 42.5156 15 43.2698 15C44.024 15 44.6386 15.6048 44.6386 16.347V20.2019H49.9212C52.4761 20.2019 54.6088 22.0557 55 24.4653ZM21.143 22.8929H26.4256V24.75C26.4256 25.4929 27.0401 26.097 27.7944 26.097C28.5486 26.097 29.1631 25.4929 29.1631 24.75V22.8929H41.8545V24.75C41.8545 25.4929 42.4684 26.097 43.2233 26.097C43.9775 26.097 44.5914 25.4929 44.5914 24.75V22.8929H49.8746C51.1962 22.8929 52.2801 23.9619 52.2801 25.2607V29.763H18.7375V25.2607C18.7375 23.9619 19.8207 22.8929 21.143 22.8929ZM49.9212 51.4953H21.143C19.8207 51.4953 18.7375 50.2718 18.7375 48.7855V29.763H52.3266V48.7855C52.3266 50.2718 51.2434 51.4953 49.9212 51.4953Z"
, Attributes.fill "white"
, Svg.path
[ Attributes.fillRule "evenodd"
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, Attributes.d "M25.3275 28.8667L27.7735 28.8704C28.4281 28.8771 28.9625 29.37 28.9609 29.9675L28.9322 43.8335C28.9322 44.0532 28.8709 44.2685 28.7563 44.46L26.8545 47.57C26.7833 47.6836 26.6516 47.7563 26.5084 47.76C26.3619 47.7578 26.2277 47.6843 26.1573 47.5685L24.2662 44.4503C24.1524 44.2596 24.0927 44.0436 24.0943 43.8261L24.1238 29.9586C24.1238 29.3566 24.6639 28.866 25.3275 28.8667ZM25.5149 30.0387C25.4863 30.0387 25.4568 30.0417 25.4364 30.0454C25.2326 30.087 25.0869 30.2525 25.0894 30.444L25.0984 43.8513C25.0984 43.9337 25.1295 44.0154 25.1843 44.0799L25.2056 44.1044L26.0607 45.5221H26.9993L27.9175 44.0146C27.9511 43.9604 27.9691 43.8944 27.9691 43.8291V43.5596C27.5378 43.6524 27.0959 43.6992 26.654 43.6992L26.5697 43.6984C26.492 43.6984 26.4208 43.6962 26.3684 43.694L25.9323 43.6932V30.421C25.9339 30.3193 25.8905 30.2243 25.8111 30.1523C25.7293 30.0781 25.627 30.0387 25.5149 30.0387Z"
, Attributes.fill "white"
, Svg.path
[ Attributes.fillRule "evenodd"
, Attributes.clipRule "evenodd"
, Attributes.d "M31.6905 46.9008C31.2094 46.9008 30.8174 46.5445 30.8174 46.1066C30.8174 45.6709 31.2077 45.3146 31.6881 45.3146H36.9654C37.6095 45.3146 37.8386 45.7422 37.8386 46.1081C37.8386 46.474 37.6095 46.9008 36.9654 46.9008H31.6905Z"
, Attributes.fill "white"
, Svg.path
[ Attributes.fillRule "evenodd"
, Attributes.clipRule "evenodd"
, Attributes.d "M31.6905 41.987C31.2102 41.987 30.8182 41.6315 30.8174 41.1928C30.8174 40.7571 31.2077 40.4016 31.6881 40.4016H46.0325C46.6765 40.4016 46.9056 40.8284 46.9056 41.1943C46.9056 41.5602 46.6765 41.987 46.0325 41.987H31.6905Z"
, Attributes.fill "white"
, Svg.path
[ Attributes.fillRule "evenodd"
, Attributes.clipRule "evenodd"
, Attributes.d "M31.6905 36.8775C31.2102 36.8775 30.8182 36.5219 30.8174 36.0833C30.8174 35.6476 31.2077 35.292 31.6881 35.292H46.0325C46.6765 35.292 46.9056 35.7188 46.9056 36.0848C46.9056 36.4507 46.6765 36.8775 46.0325 36.8775H31.6905Z"
, Attributes.fill "white"
, Svg.path
[ Attributes.fillRule "evenodd"
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, Attributes.d "M31.6903 31.966C31.2362 31.966 30.8622 31.6491 30.8213 31.246V31.1733C30.8213 30.7361 31.2116 30.3798 31.692 30.3798H46.0323C46.6763 30.3798 46.9054 30.8073 46.9054 31.1733C46.9054 31.5392 46.6763 31.966 46.0323 31.966H31.6903Z"
, Attributes.fill "white"
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[ Svg.clipPath
[ "clip0_220_902"
[ Svg.rect
[ Attributes.width "39"
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, Attributes.transform "translate(16 15)"

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