Project based on given instructions and requirements:
Simply create a new .json file in config
directory with the given structure:
"option 1": option1value,
"option 2": option2value,
mapWidth - width of the map in cells
mapHeight - height of the map in cells
cellSize - size of a single cell in pixels
mapVariant - available options:
- Globe
- Hellish Portal
startingPlants - amount of starting plants
plantsEnergy - energy supplied by eating a single plant
dailyPlants - amount of new plants growing every day
plantGrowthVariant - available options:
- Overgrown Equators
- Toxic Carcasses
startingAnimalEnergy - starting energy of first generation of animals
satiatedEnergy - energy needed for an animal to procreate
procreationEnergyCost - energy spent for bringing a new child into this world
minMutations - minimum amount of mutations of a new animal
maxMutations - maximum amount of mutations of a new animal
recombinationVariant - available options:
(In Darwinian Recombination the animal gets the same amount of genes from both parents, whereas in Non-Darwinian the share of genes inherited from each parent are proportionate to their respective energy levels)
- Darwinian
- Non-Darwinian
mutationsVariant - available options:
- Full Random
- Slight Correction
genomeLength - length of the genome
behaviorVariant - available options:
- Full Predestination
- A Tad Of Tomfoolery
millisecondsBetweenStages - time between stages in simulation
If selected before running the simulation every-day statistics will be saved in a file in logs
The animals with the most popular genome have their energy level bolded and italicized, where the currently
selected animal has its energy level bolded and surrounded with !*
and *!