A simple tic-tac-toe game built with vanilla JavaScript with conditions for win/lose/draw. This project was built over the course of two days for the General Assembly - Software Engineering Immersive.
Start by deciding who goes first. The objective is to achieve 3 in a row, while preventing your opponent from doing the same.
The project was deployed on Surge and can be viewed here.
Message section that describes whose turn it is and a win/lose/draw update -
Unique color for each player -
JS Animations -
Self-hosted chalk font -
Play Again button that only appears when the game has ended -
Play Again button does not "refresh" the page -
Win counter for each player -
Deploy to Surge -
10 second turn timer before a random selection is made for the player -
Game alternates who goes first between X and O - Let the user choose which letter goes first
- On win, the winning cells light up, while the others grey out
- 1 Player Mode where a user can play against the computer