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An attempt to create a clock app that utilize hive

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Clock Hive

A personal Flutter project. This project is a clock application that also stores some clocks at different timezones.

This version of wiki is not up to date with the current project.

Table of Contents


I got an idea about this project from Worldtime App made by Shaun from NetNinja and decide to made an improvement. Another reason why this project came to fruition is because I have never worked with non-relational database services and thought this kind of project is a good example of storing non-relational data. At the time of writing this, I just learn Flutter for about a month or two and thought this project might help me learn Flutter better. Lastly I am not a native English speaker so please excuse my grammatical errors.

Third Parties and APIs

Any dependencies that were used are:


The main.dart contains only Hive initialization, routes, and theme settings for convenience in development. All scaffolds are provided by classes in pages directory.

void main() async{
  await Hive.initFlutter();
  Map<String, Widget Function(BuildContext)> routes = {
    '/clock': (context) => const ClockPage(),
    '/add_timezone': (context) => const AddTimezone()

    debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
    themeMode: ThemeMode.dark,
    theme: ThemeData.dark(),
    initialRoute: '/clock',
    routes: routes,


The clock is made from a DateTime class that were formatted with intl to a HH:MM:SS format. The Clock class contains information such as:

  • clock
  • day and date
  • offset from UTC
class Clock {
  DateTime now;


  void renew(){
    now =;

  String formatted(){
    return DateFormat('HH:mm:ss').format(now);

  String date(){
    return DateFormat('EEEE, dd/MM/yyyy').format(now);

  String offset(){
    String offsetSign = (now.timeZoneOffset.isNegative) ? '-' : '+';
    return 'UTC $offsetSign${now.timeZoneOffset.inHours.toString().padLeft(2, '0')}:${(now.timeZoneOffset.inMinutes%60).toString().padLeft(2, '0')}';

In order for the clock to keeps running, a Timer class is needed to renew the clock in each several milliseconds. Personally I am comfortable with 100 milliseconds as intervals. The Timer class is used to update each WorldTime class.

t = Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 100), (timer) {
  setState(() {
    if(worldtimes.isNotEmpty) {
      for (var worldtime in worldtimes.values) {



This gif shows an earlier version of this project.


The worldtime is a DateTime class instantiated in UTC time and has been modified according to its timezone. In order to instantiate a WorldTime class, an API endpoint provided by WorldTimeAPI is required (see for list of available timezones). Inside the class, call into API will be made in the getTime() method.

class WorldTime {
  final String? url;

  DateTime? time;
  String? timeDifference;
  String? offsetSign;
  int? offsetHours;
  int? offsetMinutes;
  bool? dayTime;

    required this.url

  Future<void> getTime() async{

      Response response = await get(Uri.parse('$url'));
      Map data = jsonDecode(response.body);
      offsetSign = data['utc_offset'].substring(0, 1);
      offsetHours = int.parse(data['utc_offset'].substring(1, 3));
      offsetMinutes = int.parse(data['utc_offset'].substring(4, 6));

      time =;
      if(offsetSign == '+'){
        time = time!.add(Duration(hours: offsetHours!.toInt(), minutes: offsetMinutes!.toInt()));
      else if(offsetSign == '-'){
        time = time!.subtract(Duration(hours: offsetHours!.toInt(), minutes: offsetMinutes!.toInt()));

      return Future.error(e);

  void renew(){
    time =;
    if(offsetSign == '+'){
      time = time!.add(Duration(hours: offsetHours!.toInt(), minutes: offsetMinutes!.toInt()));
    else if(offsetSign == '-'){
      time = time!.subtract(Duration(hours: offsetHours!.toInt(), minutes: offsetMinutes!.toInt()));

After instantiation, calling the getTime() method is required in order for the clock to appears. In this block of code, there is an error catching that will be explained in another section.

if(timezones.isNotEmpty) {
  for (var timezone in timezones) {
    WorldTime instance = WorldTime(url: timezone);
    await instance.getTime().catchError((error, stackTrace) {
      this.error = true;
    if(!error) {
      worldtimes[timezone] = instance;
      error = false;

All WorldTime instances are stored in a Map with timezone as key and instance as value. Note that Map in dart is unordered. Each of WorldTime instances will be displayed using ListTile class generated by ListView.builder.

  child: ListView.builder(
    itemCount: worldtimes.length,
    itemBuilder: (context, index){
      return Center(
        child: ListTile(
          leading: (worldtimes.values.elementAt(index).dayTime!) ?
            const Icon(Icons.sunny) :
            const Icon(Icons.mode_night),
          title: Text(
            style: const TextStyle(
                fontSize: 36,
                fontWeight: FontWeight.w400
          subtitle: Column(
            children: [
                '${worldtimes.values.elementAt(index).timezone()}, ${worldtimes.values.elementAt(index).date()}',
                style: const TextStyle(
                    fontSize: 12
                style: const TextStyle(
                    fontSize: 12
          trailing: IconButton(
            onPressed: () {
              loadingWrap(() async {
                String key = worldtimes.keys.elementAt(index);
                await box!.put(keyName, List<String>.from(worldtimes.keys));
            icon: const Icon(Icons.delete),


Note 1:

This gif shows the latest version of the project.

Note 2:

There are 2 FloatingActionButton for deleting all instances and create one respectively.

Each ListTile contains:

  • An icon to indicate if it is day time or not (if the clock is between 06.00 to 18.00 it is considered day time).
  • The clock in a H:mm with AM PM format.
  • Timezone name or location of the instances.
  • Date in each instances.
  • Time different according to local time.
  • a delete button.


The location for each timezones may be provided by the URL parameter itself. If the first API parameter after timezone is an area name, the last parameter must be a city name. Some cities have more than one word in their name (such as New York, Los Angeles), thus changing underscore to a space is needed.

String timezone(){
  List<String> regions = [

  List<String> splitted = url.toString().split('/');

    List<String> city = splitted.last.split('_');
    return city.join(' ');
  return url.toString();

Time Difference

Time difference for each instances is achieved by acquiring time difference between local time and timezone time manually in minutes before create an instance of Duration with acquired difference. Yes, DateTime.Difference() method is exist. However, since the timezone clock is instantiated in UTC time, using that method would results in time difference between timezone time and UTC instead.

void difference(DateTime now){
  int minutesDiff = (time!.hour - now.hour)*60 + (time!.minute - now.minute);
  Duration difference = Duration(minutes: minutesDiff);
  String output = 'Failed to compute difference';

  if(difference.inMinutes == 0){
    output = 'Same as local time';
  else if(difference.inMinutes < 0){
    int hours = difference.inHours.abs();
    int minutes = difference.inMinutes.abs()%60;
    if(hours == 1) {
      output = '1 hour ';
    else if(hours != 0){
      output = '$hours hours ';
    if (minutes != 0){
      output += 'and $minutes minutes ';
    if(hours == 0){
      output = '$minutes minutes ';
    output += 'late from local time';
    int hours = difference.inHours.abs();
    int minutes = difference.inMinutes.abs()%60;
    if(hours == 1) {
      output = '1 hour ';
    else if(hours != 0){
      output = '$hours hours ';
    if (minutes != 0){
      output += 'and $minutes minutes ';
    if(hours == 0){
      output = '$minutes minutes ';
    output += 'ahead of local time';
  timeDifference = output;

In order for timeDifference property to be used, method difference() must be called after the call of method getTime().

Get New Timezone

A tap on the FloatingActionButton with a plus sign will navigate to add_timezone page. The page will call getTimezones() method to get timezones in List<String> data type.

Future<List<String>> getTimezones() async {
    Response response = await get(Uri.parse(''));
    List<String> data = List<String>.from(jsonDecode(response.body));
    return data;
    return Future.error(e);

In the add_timezone page, if an error is caught, user will be redirected back to homepage. If the process of getting timezones is successful, 2 lists are used, one for showing suggested timezones and one for storing all available timezones.

void initTimezones() async{
  timezones = await getTimezones().catchError((error, stackTrace) {
    return List<String>.from([]);
  if(timezones!.isEmpty && mounted){
  timezonesShowed = timezones;

  setState(() {
    isLoading = false;

Timezones suggestions would be based on what user type on the TextField class. If a user type on the TextField class, the String typed would be used to filter out all available timezones and only timezones name that has the typed String as a substring would be shown. Timezones also displayed using ListTile build by ListView.Builder similar to how WorldTime instances is being displayed.

  onChanged: searchTimezone,
  decoration: InputDecoration(
    border: OutlineInputBorder(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(20)
    prefixIcon: const Icon(
void searchTimezone(String query){
  final suggestion = timezones!.where((timezone) {
    final timezoneLower = timezone.toLowerCase();
    final input = query.toLowerCase();
    return timezoneLower.contains(input);

  setState(() {
    timezonesShowed = suggestion;

The use of 2 lists would prevent timezones loss in case of user mistyped their intended timezone.


Upon tapping a ListTile, timezone contained by tapped ListTile will be returned back to home page and a new instance of WorldTime will be created.

dynamic result = await Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/add_timezone');
if(result != null){
  loadingWrap(() async {
    String url = result['url'];
    WorldTime instance =  WorldTime(url: url);
    await instance.getTime().catchError((error, stackTrace) {
      this.error = true;
      worldtimes[url] = instance;
      await box!.put(keyName, List<String>.from(worldtimes.keys));
      error = false;


Hive is used as a database service to store timezones in a form of List<String>. At the initialization of home page, a List<String> containing timezones URI is retrieved from an already opened Hive box.

box = await Hive.openBox(boxName);
List<String> timezones = List<String>.from(await box!.get(keyName, defaultValue: []));

Every time a WorldTime is instantiated or removed, the box containing instantiated timezones would be updated.

  onPressed: () {
    loadingWrap(() async {
      String key = worldtimes.keys.elementAt(index);
      await box!.put(keyName, List<String>.from(worldtimes.keys));
  icon: const Icon(Icons.delete),

The box would be closed before the disposal of the home page.

void boxClose() async{
  await box!.close();

void dispose() {

Loading Wrap

Since a lot of methods used were asynchronous, it is a good idea to show a loading page during the use of asynchronous method. The idea is to wrap any part of the code that are asynchronous with setState() method that update any properties related to loading.

void loadingWrap(void Function() func){
  setState(() {
    isLoading = true;
  setState(() {
    isLoading = false;
body: Center(
  child: (isLoading) ?
  const CircularProgressIndicator() :
    children: <Widget> []

Here is one example of the use of loading wrap.

loadingWrap(() async {
  await box!.clear();

To be honest, the term of loading wrap is a term that I made it up since I do not know what the professional term to describe this thing.

Error Handling

The problem with loading wrap is if a hit to an API is failed, the state of isLoading will always be true forever. The use of Future.error() method would make catching errors in another class possible. Any method that has a Try and Catch block with the use of Future.error() upon catching error will enable new method called catchError() that allows catching errors when mentioned method is being used. Here is an example:

  Response response = await get(Uri.parse(''));
  List<String> data = List<String>.from(jsonDecode(response.body));
  return data;
  return Future.error(e);
timezones = await getTimezones().catchError((error, stackTrace) {
  return List<String>.from([]);
if(timezones!.isEmpty && mounted){
  Navigator.pop(context, 'error');

In this example, if an error is caught during an API hit to acquire available timezones, user would redirected back to home page. Another use of error handling in this project is during method getTime() in WorldTime class. If the API hit is failed, the instance would be discarded instead.

If an error has been caught, an instance of AlertDialog could be utilized to inform user if there is an error that has been occurred while still allows for the page behind to build and run at the same time.

void showErrorDialog(BuildContext context) {
    context: context,
    barrierDismissible: false, // disables popup to close if tapped outside popup (need a button to close)
    builder: (BuildContext context) {
      return AlertDialog(
        title: const Text(
          'An Error Has Occurred',
          style: TextStyle(
            fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
            fontSize: 36
        content: Text(
          style: const TextStyle(
              fontSize: 24
        actions: <Widget>[
            icon: const Icon(
            onPressed: () { Navigator.of(context).pop(); },
            color: Colors.purple,//closes popup
  setState(() {
    error = false;

In showErrorDialog() method, an instance of AlertDialog will be built upon method call. And since the method is used to show an information about an occurred error, property error in the home page will set back to false. This is one example of how the method is utilized.

else if (result == 'error'){
  error = true;
  errorMessage = 'Failed to fetch timezones';
  if(context.mounted) {

However, please note that if an error is being caught by another class, please use any way other than checking if result from a Navigator method is null or not since pressing back button will send null to the previous page.


I do not know if there are better way to catch errors other than this one.

Improvement Idea

I have a plan to add several features such as:

  • alarm
  • stopwatch
  • timer


An attempt to create a clock app that utilize hive






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