This is an official repository for IT115Group1. For contributions to the Group1 Final Project in IT115.
Team Members - Dagmawi, Surafel, Marcy, Joette, Antonio
- Discussing common programming languages and their various uses.
- Learning the different components of a repository and how to make them.
Requirements list for the repository:
- License
- Project Page
- Bug Reports Project Board
- Super-linter workflow
- ll project pages and assets
Group Project Presentation [group] due 6/8/22
- How did you change Code Compare?
- How did your group collaborate and manage the project?
- What roles did each team member play?
- Describe your process for testing.
- Describe your process for bug tracking.
- How did you update and fix code?
- What web server are you using to host your project?
- Describe the process for configuring your web server.
- How did you deploy code to your server?
- Provide a URL so others in the class can playtest your project.
Link to PowerPoint Project:
Started & updated by Joette 1jc