Shared Functions/Types Between Odyssey Applications
run docker run -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust -p 5432:5432 -ti --platform=linux/amd64 timescale/timescaledb:2.13.1-pg15
to get the timescale docker database on your local
with a cleared migrations folder in your prisma folder run npx prisma migrate dev --create-only
then go into the created migration file and under the CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "data_id_time_key" ON "data"("id", "time");
write the following
SELECT * FROM create_hypertable('data', by_range('time'));
SELECT * FROM add_dimension('data', by_hash('id', 4));
then run npx prisma migrate dev
if you ever want to reseed database run npm run prisma:seed
now with the setup database, create a new timescaledb on the cloud, obtain required credentials: host, port, password, user, database name
put these in a .env file
cd into the scripts directory
run ./
this will dump the schema and all the data from our database into the clouddb (make sure environment names match up)
with an initialized database you can just run ./
to add all the data from our local database to the cloud