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LiuMotion: Live Interactive User-friendly Motion

The idea: connecting an AI image generation model to a real-time data source to create a dynamic and interactive visualization that responds to external input. Specifically, since I'm fascinated by sound, I've tested it to an audio source using a forked version of Friture. 🔊 -> 🖼️

current objective: midi input to control parameters , mac-os support

Things to try

  • using body tracking as input (Maybe the ballerina from While my Guitar gently weeps as test?). Maybe using the body tracking as subject sliders selector and music as the subject variation
  • understand if it could be used as a tool to approach music by deaf people? Neil Harbisson attached to his head an antenna that convert light to sound, why not the inverse?

Early tests

3 videos of the software in action using an audio source as input are available here:

What is LiuMotion?

LiuMotion is a framework that allows you to create real-time visualizations that respond based on the data it receives. The framework is based on the use of neural networks wrapped by the class LiuNet.

Specifically, I've tested it with a BigGAN model by Google Deepmind and a model trained by myself, fed by data from a microphone, but it can be easily adapted to other models and data sources. Here is a list of all available subjects: list For this scope, I forked and edited friture which is able to analyze sound signals in real time.

How does it work?

alt text

The framework works by capturing data from an UDP connection and feeding it to the GAN model. The model generates an image based on the input data, which is then displayed on the screen. The process is repeated in real-time, creating a dynamic and interactive visualization that responds to external input.

Specifically, the framework can be used to create visualizations that respond to audio input, such as music or environmental sounds. The visualizations can be customized by changing the LiuNet model, the input data source, and other parameters.

How to run LiuMotion

LiuMotion can be run by following the instructions below.

I've built an executable version of LiuMotion and Friture to make it easier to use for non-developers. It's really easy to use, just download the executable and run it. You won't be able to train your model, but you can use GoogleDeepMind BigGan model.

You can also use the modified version of Friture to analyze sound in real time and therefore use a microphone as input data.

If you are NOT a developer:


  • Windows (possibly with a NVIDIA Card)
  • A microphone (if you want to connect an input audio source)

disclaimer: this software doesn't access any local file other than the Deepmind GAN, which is automatically downloaded when the software is started. Making a .exe out of a python project isn't very efficient, if anyone knows how to make it more lightweight please let me know.

How to start.

  1. IF you have a NVIDIA video card: download and install cuda drivers to improve LiuMotion performance

  2. download the latest release of LiuMotion from here and modified version of Friture from here

  3. Unzip the downloaded file

  4. Open the folder and double click on LiuMotion.exe

  5. If you want to use a microphone, open Friture and select the microphone you want to use.

  6. Enjoy your visualization!

If you are a developer:

The software has been built as lightweight as possible, with less libraries as possible. I've tested it with Python 3.12, but it should work with other versions of Python as well.

To install the necessary dependencies, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

You will need problably need also to download Microsoft C++ BuildTools, the most clear guide I found to so is here

IF you are using a N Windows version, you'll need to install Windows Media Feature Pack, you can find how to install it here

Also if you have a nvidia graphic card, you can install cuda drivers to (drastically) improve LiuMotion performance

how to train your model

To train your model, you need to have a dataset of images. You can use the script to train your model.

Training a GAN model can be a complex and time-consuming process. The code is under development, so I would recommend using a pre-trained model if you are not familiar with GANs.

LiuNet class

The LiuMotion class is the main class of the framework. LiuNet instead is a wrapper for neural nets, it allows you to easily load a model and generate images based on input data. I made it to be able to incorporate different models in the framework without having to change the code too much. (next to implement: pixel diffusion model, VQ-VAE, etc.)


The performances of the framework are highly dependent on the hardware you are using. Hardware knowledge is not my strong point, so I will be happy to accept contributions to this section, especially if you have tested the framework on different hardware configurations.

The main question is: on which parameters does the performance of the framework depend?

Performance benchmarks

Device Type Fps Latency LiuNet type
RTX4070S GPU 30 47ms BigGan256
RTX4060 GPU 25.6 56ms BigGan256
RTXA1000 (mobile) GPU 24 42ms BigGan256
i7-8700K CPU 2 536ms BigGan256

Possible fields of application

I think that LiuMotion framework could be used in various applications, including:

  • Live Performances: Enhance live music performances with real-time visualizations that respond to audio

  • Medical Research: I wonder if it's possible to use this visualization to help people with hearing problems.

  • Music Videos: Generate dynamic and unique visuals for music videos that sync with the audio track.

  • Game Development: Create interactive visualizations for games that respond to player input.

  • Musician Practice: Use the framework to create visualizations that help musicians practice their pieces through a visual representation of the sound.

  • - we'll see


If you would like to contribute to this project, please open an issue or submit a pull request. My objective is to maintain the framework light and user friendly, so I will be happy to accept contributions that align with this objective.

Performance improvements, bug fixes and professional documentation are welcome. Specifically:

  • Improve accessibility: Make the framework more user-friendly by adding a GUI or other features that make it easier to use. Moroever, if anyone know how to make the .exe lighter, I would be happy to know.

  • Add new types of GAN models: Integrate new types of GAN models to create different types of visualizations.

  • Deployment: Automate the deployment process to make it easier for users to run the framework on different platforms.

  • Performance Improvements: Optimize the code to improve the real-time performance of the framework.

  • Bug Fixes: Fix any bugs or issues that you encounter while using the framework.

  • Documentation: Improve the documentation to make it more user-friendly and accessible to developers.


  • Valtellina Petra for the valuable insights from a professional musician's perspective.
  • Dad, for the endless support and patience (and for the best omelette ever)

This project was developed with the following libraries:

Thanks to you for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it :)

Issues and Improvements

If you encounter any issues while using the framework, please open an issue on the Issues page. I will do my best to address them.


This repository is licensed under a dual license:

While I would be happy to see this project used in various applications, I would appreciate it if you could credit me and provide a link to this repository if you use it in your projects.

Please consider giving a star ⭐ to this repository!


This project was developed by L. Gabriele, inspired by the love for math and sound. For any inquiries or contributions, please contact [email protected]. 04/02/2025

Post Scriptum

This software was initially named "holophonor", in honor of the instrument from the TV show Futurama. I then decided to change it to avoid any copyright issues.