Windows Software application to fetch the available slots, that can be used to book the appointment for COVID-19 Vaccination, Co-WIN using the APISetu APIs from Govt Of India.
This is a .NET Core console app which sends SMS & Email notification when vaccination slots are available for pincodes, using Twilio SMS integration & SMTP client for mail notifications.
This can be easily integrated with Windows Task Scheduler or Azure to send SMS & Email notification once slots are available at the requested pincodes.
- To use this we require free twilio account to get Twilio API key, Sid and phone number.
- Just replace them in the twiliosettings.json.
- Then enter your phone number & mail id along with the pincodes for which you are looking for a vaccination slot in notificationData.Json file.
- Once these details are filled correctly, you can use the dll to schedule in windows task scheduler and just wait and relax till you get notified of slots.
Clean & build the project once you install the following packages using Nuget Package Manager:
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json
- Newtonsoft.Json
- Twilio
.NET Core 3.1 Runtime is supported & Use of Visual Studio 2019 is recommended for the purpose of development.
This implementation took inspiration from Amit Sharma's (amitagt007) work.
Please do not abuse this API endpoint as it is something very critical. Avoid sending requests to the API Endpoint every few minutes.