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Status Report 2

Patrick Melanson edited this page Oct 12, 2018 · 1 revision
  • Physics: A test physic engine has been created with properly working physic on the celestial bodies. The engine is capable of simulating any number of celestial bodies and plot their orbit. It is capable of time acceleration.

  • Networking: Decided on GRPC over something like ZMQ (has more fully-featured distributed systems functionality, it's designed around RPCs). Implemented networking in and, as well as a main loop and a CLI for the two programs.

  • Admin: Create and submit team contract document. Research on Visual Python Library, comparing Pygame Library. Briefly speaking, visual python is a rendering tool for 3D objects while Pygame is also a rendering tool supporting 2D objects. Visual Python seems more well suited for the simulator program; thus we will start using that library for GUI.

Next week: Ye Qin will work on saving and loading Sean will work on graphics Patrick will work unit testing the physics

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