A ONS API used to search information against datasets which are published.
In order to run the service locally you will need the following:
The only breaking change from verion 5.x to 6.x of elasticsearch is highlighting will not work correctly but the api will stil be able to send back responses.
- Clone the repo
go get github.com/ONSdigital/dp-dimension-search-api
- Run elasticsearch
- Run the application
make debug
The endpoint /health
checks all backing services, e.g. elasticsearch, dataset API:
- success (200)
- warning (429) - either application is starting up or a connection to a backend service
has been lost in the last
value, (default set to 90 seconds, see table below)but there is still time to recover. - failure (500)
CREATE: curl -X PUT <HOSTNAME>/dimension-search/instances/<instanceID>/dimensions/<dimensionName> -H <AUTH HEADER>
DELETE: curl -X DELETE <HOSTNAME>/dimension-search/instances/<instanceID>/dimensions/<dimensionName> -H <AUTH HEADER>
must be either a valid X-FLorence-Token
or a valid Authorization
Scripts for updating and debugging Kafka can be found here(dp-data-tools)
Environment variable | Default | Description |
AWS_REGION | eu-west-1 | The AWS region to use when signing requests with AWS SDK |
AWS_SDK_SIGNER | false | Boolean flag to identify which library to use to sign elasticsearch requests, if true use the AWS SDK |
AWS_SERVICE | "es" | The aws service that the AWS SDK signing mechanism needs to sign a request |
BIND_ADDR | :23100 | The host and port to bind to |
DATASET_API_URL | http://localhost:22000 | The host name and port for the dataset API |
ELASTIC_SEARCH_URL | http://localhost:10200 | The host name and port for elasticsearch |
ENABLE_PRIVATE_ENDPOINTS | false | Set true ("1","t","true") when private endpoints should be accessible |
GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT | 5s | The graceful shutdown timeout |
HEALTHCHECK_INTERVAL | 30s | The time between calling the health check endpoint for check subsystems |
HEALTHCHECK_CRITICAL_TIMEOUT | 90s | The timeout that the health check allows for checked subsystems |
HIERARCHY_BUILT_TOPIC | hierarchy-built | The kafka topic to write messages to |
KAFKA_ADDR | localhost:9092 | The list of kafka hosts |
KAFKA_MAX_BYTES | 2000000 | The maximum permitted size of a message. Should be set equal to or smaller than the broker's message.max.bytes |
KAFKA_VERSION | "1.0.2" | The kafka version that this service expects to connect to |
KAFKA_SEC_PROTO | unset | if set to TLS , kafka connections will use TLS [1] |
KAFKA_SEC_CLIENT_KEY | unset | PEM for the client key [1] |
KAFKA_SEC_CLIENT_CERT | unset | PEM for the client certificate [1] |
KAFKA_SEC_CA_CERTS | unset | CA cert chain for the server cert [1] |
KAFKA_SEC_SKIP_VERIFY | false | ignores server certificate issues if true [1] |
MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS_OFFSET | 1000 | The maximum offset for the number of results returned by search query |
OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT | localhost:4317 | Endpoint for OpenTelemetry service |
OTEL_SERVICE_NAME | dp-dimension-search-api | Label of service for OpenTelemetry service |
REQUEST_MAX_RETRIES | 3 | The maximum number of attempts for a single http request due to external service failure |
SEARCH_API_URL | http://localhost:23100 | The host name and port for this service, dimension search API |
SERVICE_AUTH_TOKEN | SD0108EA-825D-411C-45J3-41EF7727F123 | The token used to identify this service when authenticating |
SIGN_ELASTICSEARCH_REQUESTS | false | Boolean flag to identify whether elasticsearch requests via elastic API need to be signed if elasticsearch cluster is running in aws |
ZEBEDEE_URL | http://localhost:8082 | The URL to zebedee, used to authenticate requests |
See CONTRIBUTING for details.
Copyright © 2016-2021, Office for National Statistics (https://www.ons.gov.uk)
Released under MIT license, see LICENSE for details