An experimental probabilistic programming language (PPL)
- GHC 8.6.4
To use the Z3 backend (disabled at the moment), build and install:
stack build && stack exec zar-exe programs/fair_coin.zar
As an example of a Zar program, consider the following loop that simulates a fair coin from a biased one:
#File: programs/fair_coin.zar
p <- 1/3 #p can be any Rational in (0, 1)
x <- false
y <- false
while x = y:
x <~ bernoulli(p)
y <~ bernoulli(p)
return x
One can run this program by doing
> stack exec zar-exe programs/fair_coin.zar
from the root of the repository.
Zar's surface syntax makes a distinction between a functional expression language and a conventional imperative probabilistic command language. For example, the following expressions over basic datatypes like lists are currently definable:
func head (l : [int]) -> int :
destruct(l, (0-1), \x:int. \xs:[int]. x)
func tail (l : [int]) -> [int] :
destruct(l, []:int, \x:int. \xs:[int]. xs)
func concat (l1 : [int], l2 : [int]) -> [int] :
destruct(l1, l2, \x:int. \xs:[int]. x :: concat(xs, l2))
func reverse (l : [int]) -> [int] :
destruct(l, []:[int], \x:int. \xs:[int]. concat(reverse(xs), [x]:[int]))
func range (n : int) -> [int] :
if n <= 0 then [] : [int] else concat(range(n-1), [n-1]:[int])
and can be used in the context of probabilistic commands such as:
x <~ uniform(range(10))
As an alternative frontend, Zar can be used like an embedded DSL in Haskell (cf. programs/Controller.hs
for an example).
File | What it does |
Main.hs | The main entry point. Contains some code for generating random trees as well as reading and parsing programs |
File | What it does |
Datatypes.hs | Generic set-up for open recursion style data types |
Tree.hs | The tree functor, the type of well-founded trees and operations on them |
ListTree.hs | List representation of trees and operations on them, e.g., converting to and from the standard representation |
Nat.hs | Open recursion natural numbers |
Cotree.hs | Potentially infinite trees as the greatest fixed point of the tree functor |
Sample.hs | State-monad sampling of Cotrees |
Inference.hs | Approximate inference via sampling |
Sexp.hs | Typeclass for serializing to s-expression format (e.g., in order to visualize trees using |
Symtab.hs | Symbol tables |
Util.hs | Miscellaneous utility functions including debug print |
Lang.hs | Abstract syntax (using GADTs and existential packages in the state); interpretation of commands as tree transformers |
Distributions.hs | Primitive distributions (Uniform, Bernoulli, etc.) |
Untyped.hs | Untyped ASTs (typechecked and elaborated to the GADT representation) |
Token.hs | Parser-related stuff |
Parser.hs | Megaparsec parser |
Tycheck.hs | Typechecking / elaboration from untyped to GADT |
File | What it does |
test.zar | Simple example program |
bernoulli.zar | Tests the built-in Bernoulli distribution | | Simulates a fair coin using an unfair one | | A stochastic domination example from Justin Hsu's thesis | | Tricky coin Bayesian inference |