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Releases: Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy


07 Nov 16:05
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This release contains many updates. Some of the major updates include:

  • repackage to better align with scientific python community guidelines
  • updated documentation
  • added some ability to better handle fragmentation (this will require further attention in future releases)
  • support of OBS data pull

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.1

OOIPy v1.2.0

30 Aug 20:05
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Major Changes:

  • changed spectrogram and psd outputs to be xarray objects instead of custom objects
  • added a scripts section for programmatically downloading hydrophone data to disk.

Minor Changes

  • updated documentation
  • updated to require python >= 3.9
  • updated demo notebooks
  • added progress bar as verbose option to get_acoustic_data

OOIPy v1.1.5

13 Feb 22:11
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.1.4...v1.1.5

OOIPy v1.1.4: A Python toolbox designed to aid in the scientific analysis of Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) data

21 Jan 21:38
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The package provides the following functionality:

  • accessing OOI broadband and low frequency hydrophone data of the Coastal Endurance and Regional Cabled array
  • accessing OOI CTD data of the Coastal Endurance and Regional Cabled array
  • computing and visualizing spectrograms and power spectral density (PSD) estimates for acoustic data using the Bartlett/Welch method
  • computing and visualizing temperature, sound speed, salinity, pressure, density, and conductivity profiles from CTD data

documentation can be found at

Version 1.1.4 updates:

  • bug fix with numpy dependency
  • several other small bug fixes

OOIPy v1.1.3: A Python toolbox designed to aid in the scientific analysis of Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) data

06 Aug 00:56
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The package provides the following functionality:

  • accessing OOI broadband and low frequency hydrophone data of the Coastal Endurance and Regional Cabled array
  • accessing OOI CTD data of the Coastal Endurance and Regional Cabled array
  • computing and visualizing spectrograms and power spectral density (PSD) estimates for acoustic data using the Bartlett/Welch method
  • computing and visualizing temperature, sound speed, salinity, pressure, density, and conductivity profiles from CTD data

documentation can be found at

Version 1.1.3 updates:

  • several bug fixes and improvements in documentation
  • fixed calibration for Axial Base broadband hydrophone

OOIPy v1.1.2: A Python toolbox designed to aid in the scientific analysis of Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) data

11 May 00:53
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The package provides the following functionality:

  • accessing OOI broadband and low frequency hydrophone data of the Coastal Endurance and Regional Cabled array
  • accessing OOI CTD data of the Coastal Endurance and Regional Cabled array
  • computing and visualizing spectrograms and power spectral density (PSD) estimates for acoustic data using the Bartlett/Welch method
  • computing and visualizing temperature, sound speed, salinity, pressure, density, and conductivity profiles from CTD data

documentation can be found at

Version 1.1.2 updates:

  • bug fixes in spectrogram computation and package installation

OOIPy v1.1.1: A Python toolbox designed to aid in the scientific analysis of Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) data

12 Apr 21:19
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The package provides the following functionality:

  • accessing OOI broadband and low frequency hydrophone data of the Coastal Endurance and Regional Cabled array
  • accessing OOI CTD data of the Coastal Endurance and Regional Cabled array
  • computing and visualizing spectrograms and power spectral density (PSD) estimates for acoustic data using the Bartlett/Welch method
  • computing and visualizing temperature, sound speed, salinity, pressure, density, and conductivity profiles from CTD data

documentation can be found at

Version 1.1.1 updates:

  • bug fixes in multiprocessing functions and hydrophone sensitivity correction

OOIPy v1.1.0: A Python toolbox designed to aid in the scientific analysis of Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) data

15 Feb 19:14
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The package provides the following functionality:

  • accessing OOI broadband and low frequency hydrophone data of the Coastal Endurance and Regional Cabled array
  • accessing OOI CTD data of the Coastal Endurance and Regional Cabled array
  • computing and visualizing spectrograms and power spectral density (PSD) estimates for acoustic data using the Bartlett/Welch method
  • computing and visualizing temperature, sound speed, salinity, pressure, density, and conductivity profiles from CTD data

documentation can be found at

Version 1.1.0 updates:

  • added HydrophoneData.wave_write()
  • HydrophoneData.plot_timeseries()
  • updated ooipy_demo.ipynb
  • added deprecation warning to Spectrogram.visualize()
  • added Spectrogram.plot() (calls tools.ooipypltlib.spectrogram_plot())
  • added deprecation warning to PSD.visualize()
  • psd.plot()
  • node string format change for broadband and low frequency hydrophones (removed '/')
  • sensitivity correction for all broadband hydrophones
  • sensitivity correction for low frequency hydrophones
  • added request/ module
  • added ctd/ module for extracting CTD data and computing parameter profiles over the water column

OOIPy: A Python toolbox designed to aid in the scientific analysis of Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) data

01 Dec 19:35
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The package provides the following functionality:

  • accessing OOI broadband and low frequency hydrophone data
  • computing spectrograms and power spectral density (PSD) estimates using the Bartlett/Welch method
  • visualizing spectrograms and PSD estimates

documentation can be found at

Version 1.0.3 updates:

  • dependencies are installed properly when using pip

Version 1.0.2 updates:

  • minor changes in documentation
  • minor bug fixes in computing and visualizing spectrograms


26 Nov 02:13
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  • minor changes on documentation
  • minor bug fixes in spectrogram computation and visualization