The 4D_VC_GIT Component extends the VC_Framework component to provide GIT version control support to 4D V14. This Component is inspired from the VC_SVN Component. In addition, it supports importing pulled code back to 4D, inspired from Elutz's VC_Import method. This way, you can have your team's commits inside 4D.
The 4D_VC_GIT Component depends on these components :
So don't forget to add them to your Components folder.
Make sure "git" executable is in your system path. The component can't work without it.
Rename the file "rename.gitignore" --to--> ".gitignore" in the root folder of the database you want to import VC_GIT component in. This will prevent unwanted files to be commited to your 4D Project git repositories.
- 4D methods are nested inside the .4DB file. It is therefore impossible to Version Control your code.
- The VC_Framework component creates txt files for the methods & the forms of your 4D project and saves your changes constantly in these txt files. Making it possible to use a version control system.
- You can then use git CLI tool to commit your changes, push, pull, ...
- When you need to import your team's changes pulled from central repository back to 4D, just Run the VC_GIT_IMPORT method. And you're set !
Support for VC_Framework DEVHOOK methods will be added soon :