The ODCON1 is a fully 3D printable NAMCO GunCon45 inspired shell for the Gun4IR project
The ODCON aims to provide a robust and fully featured platform to support all features of the Gun4IR project (including solenoid blowback and vibration) while remaining affordable and accessible to build.
Major release credits are owed to some excellent folks in the JB Gaming Gun4IR Discord. Firstly Pete9l9 and Loll45 for all of their support in refining this release model, RigoHoward for the tested thread adapter model, and finally JayBee for all of his work on the excellent Gun4IR project that makes this possible.
- 3mm threaded brass inserts
- 30mm smooth aluminum 3mm standoffs
- 3mm hex head machine screws
- Xbox 360 rumble motor
- Micro switch
- Solenoid
- Spring from any cheap ink pen
- -GX16 6-pin connector
Gun4IR information and assembly instructions can be located using the Gun4IR project link above.
Print the frame pieces dependent on which IR solution you will be installing, there are specific front end pieces for both Wii and DFRobot IR camera setups. The barrel print is specific to each front piece as well and should be printed with the barrel vertical. These sections can be glued to one another once complete, I recommend a thin 2 part epoxy for the best results.
Once complete the frame can be finished by installing the 9 brass inserts per side including a final insert on the rear post of the trigger mount.
The side panels, trigger, rear framework, and 3 frame anchors can be printed now.
Now is a good time to install and wire the GX16 connector. 4 pins will be used for USB and the remaining 2 will be used for the 24V line.
Install a brass insert into each frame anchor and test fit the anchors with the rear framework and the rear left side panel (sanding may be required) If the assembly fits use more thin epoxy resin to secure the anchors to the rear left panel.
Install the trigger being sure to be careful not to overtighten the screw, adjust this amount based on trigger feel. Now install the rear left panel, before installing the rear framework into this be sure to insert the Xbox 360 rumble motor with its wire routed through the available hole. Once the framework is attached to the side panel you should press the rumble motor to make sure it is seated as deeply as possible test fit the rear right panel to verify clearances are good. The rumble motor can be glued in place using a very small amount of hot glue run carefully around the perimeter of the motor. The micro switch can now be inserted with the lever arm facing up, once in place this can be glued in place. Finally the spring can inserted into the retention channel, I personally prefer to achieve this by sliding the spring over the shaft of a small screwdriver and then using that as a guide to squeeze it into place and over the bump on the rear of the trigger. Some pen springs tested may be longer than required and create issues, if this is the case just trim the spring back until the trigger feel is suitable.
The arcade pushbuttons can be installed in both front half panels, just make sure that each side is oriented 90 degrees apart so that the leads don't interfere once both side panels are installed.
The Solenoid can be installed up top with it's wires feeding down into the body of the gun, make sure that before you secure this in place with hot glue or epoxy that the temperature probe is installed and routed.
The gun can be built within at this time following the electronics guide on the official Gun4IR page:
Once complete the slide can be printed. This can be printed in two or four halves depending on printer bed dimensions. The solenoid clamps must first be installed. A single heat insert is installed on the left half and then both halves can be installed over the end of the solenoid with the spring pushed back. Once installed these can be held together with a single screw. Starting with the left slide half, install a single 30mm standoff into each hole and hold them in place tightly using a screw from the opposite side. The left half may now be installed making sure that the solenoid clamp is seated in the fitted groove, then the right half may be installed and tightened.
If you plan to use a wide angle adapter lens, the threaded insert file can be printed and seated against the notch within the barrel and then glued in place.
- Updated Slide STL to resolve holes appearing when sliced.
- Included varaint to account for more common size of threaded inserts.
- PostLaunchFixes folder added with containing several printable updates for the ODCON.
- Lightweight slide added to improve rapid-fire slide return
- SlideFix 1 rail can be epoxied to the interior of the rear of the slide
- SlideFix 2 can be epoxied laying flat against the corner of the shoulder behind the solenoid
- WiiCamAdapter is a modified version of Discord user SamRevolt's IR sensor mount
Documentation regarding these fixes will be added shortly.
- 3mm threaded brass inserts
- Amazon -
- AliExpress - (5.3mm OD x 5mm Length)
- 30mm smooth aluminum 3mm standoffs
- Amazon -
- AliExpress - (m3x30)
- 3mm hex head machine screws
- Amazon -
- AliExpress - (Cap Head)
- Xbox 360 rumble motor
- Amazon -
- AliExpress -
- Micro switch
- Amazon -
- AliExpress - (MS-1A-14.5-C)
- Solenoid
- Amazon -
- AliExpress - (24V)
- GX16 6-pin connector
- Amazon -
- AliExpress - (6 Pin)
- Spring from any cheap ink pen
- Don't let me hear you BOUGHT a pen just to salvage, seriously, go steal one...