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Johan Veldhuis edited this page Aug 30, 2022 · 3 revisions

In this part of the Wiki you will see an overview of questions we received and the answers to those questions. So if you have a question about the app review this page before asking the question.


While running the deploy script I receive a timeout error from Azure

When this issue happens one ore more resources failed to deploy due to a timeout issue in the Azure end. The script will provide you with the option to retry the deploy. In most cases using this option will resolve the issue. If for some reason this does not resolve the issue try to redeploy the app by performing the steps in the solution section


  1. Go to
  2. In the search box on the top of the page provide the name of the resource group which you provided when running the deploy script
  3. In the overview section you will find an item called Deployments which will likely show failed, click on the link
  4. On the new page opened you will have the option to select the failed deployment. Place a checkmark before the entry and from the menu on the top select Redeploy
  5. Review the values in the field of the Custom deployment, you will need to specify the secret (password for the service account) and the Teams PS Module version (4.3.1 currently)
  6. Once all fields are validated click review and create
  7. Review the config once again and press Next to deploy the resource, if the Next button is grayed out make sure all values are populated, if not use the Previous button to populate the fields.

I canceled the deployment and when I try to deploy the application using the same parameter values as previously I do receive an error that the registered application already exists

If this happens the registered application is not cleaned up (which is by default). Perform the following steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Go to
  2. In the Azure services section select Azure Active Directory
  3. In the left menu select the option App registrations
  4. In the main pane search for the application name you provided during the initial deployment of the app, if the name is not listed select the All applications option to validate if it is listed there
  5. Once you located the entry and you have made sure it is not used by another app select the entry and from the main pane select the option Delete on the top

Once theses steps have been performed run the deploy script again.

When validating the flow in the flow portal I receive a forbidden error

This error can occur due to multiple reasons. In most cases this is caused by either a missing license or missing permissions. Below is an example error message you might receive:


Flow client error returned with status code "Forbidden" and details "{"error":{"code":"MissingAdequateQuotaPolicy","message":"The user 'XXXXX' does not have a service plan adequate for the non-Standard connection 'Http'.","extendedData":{}}}".


Make sure that the user which you used to login to the portal has been assigned a license for Microsoft Flow.

When validating the flow in the flow portal I receive an error thatit cannot find a specific resource

This error happens in most cases if the variable does either have an incorrect value or is empty. In this case the flow won't be able to find the specific resource:


Flow client error returned with status code "BadRequest" and details "{"error":{"code":"InvalidOpenApiFlow","message":"Flow save failed with code 'MultipleErrorsOccurred' and message 'The dynamic operation request to API 'sharepointonline' operation 'GetTable' failed with status code 'NotFound'. This may indicate invalid input parameters. Error response: {\r\n "status": 404,\r\n "message": "List not found\r\nclientRequestId: b9ea1008-7d98-44c5-b2a1-f55131e78837\r\nserviceRequestId: b9ea1008-7d98-44c5-b2a1-f55131e78837"\r\n};The dynamic operation request to API 'sharepointonline' operation 'GetTable' failed with status code 'NotFound'. This may indicate invalid input parameters. Error response: {\r\n "status": 404,\r\n "message": "List not found\r


Perform the following steps to fix the issue above:

  1. Go to
  2. Select Auto Attendan and Call Queue Management and click on the 3 dots and select the option Edit
  3. One the solution has loaded review the variable VAR - SPO Site AutoAttendant and CallQueue Manager by clicking on the 3 dots and select the Edit option
  4. Validate the value on the Current Site field
  5. Repeat step 3 and 4 for the variables starting with VAR - SPO List -

Can I run the Azure Function App from my own Github repo?

Yes this is possible, keep in mind that this will require additional steps to update the Azure Function App depending on the way you created your own Github repo. In the solution area you will find the steps which need to be performed to run the Azure Function App from a different Github repo.


  1. Make sure the Github repo contains the zip which contains Azure Function app
  2. Go to the Azure Function App
  3. In left menu select Configuration which can be found in the Settings section
  4. In the Application settings section in the main pane search for the application setting with the name WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE
  5. Click on the pencil and adjust the Value to the Github repo where you stored the zip

Why do I not see anything when I log on as a user in the Power App?

In most cases this is either caused by a permission issue or an entry is missing in the User Administration SPO list


  1. Make sure you have create an entry in the User Administration SPO list: Adding owners and delegates
  2. Validate the user has access by manually opening the SharePoint site and validate if the user can access the individual lists, if not make sure is added either directly or via a security group

Application functionality

Will the auto attendant, call queue and holiday data be automatically refreshed

Currently both the Import-AutoAttendant and Import-CallQueue flows are manual trigger only. Which means someone needs to manually trigger the flow to import the auto attendant and call queue configuration for both new and existing ones. Holidays are only imported if they are connected to an auto attendant. If you create a holiday which is not configured in one of your attendants the holiday will not be imported.

Technically it is possible to run the flow on a flow based on a predefined schedule. To do this you will need to edit the existing flows(s) and remove the existing trigger and replace it with the reoccurance trigger.

For more information see: Get started with triggers