As a student of AltSchool Africa, CRUDify APP is an application I built using many of the React concepts I was taught and some concepts which I researched on. The app performs all CRUD operations, it uses regular expression to perform a search ignoring the case.
Currently, the application does not make use of any database but hardcoded lists of phones.
The application does the following,
- Displays phones
- Creates phone
- Updates phone
- Deletes phone
Some concepts I used includes,
- Routing
- Hooks(useContext, useState, useReducer, useEffect, and others)
- Firebase Deployment and Authentication.
├── README.md
├── public
│ ├── index.htnl
├── .gitignore
├── package.json
└── src
│ ├── Assets
│ ├── Components
│ ├── Store
│ ├── App.js
│ ├── index.js
│ └── config
The prerequite tool for local development is:
- Node
The app is built with React so there is need to install the frontend dependencies using Node.js and NPM
You can confirm if Node.js and NPM is installed successfully using the codes below
node -v
npm -v
From the frontend folder, run the following commands to start the client:
npm install # run this once to install dependencies
npm start
By default, the frontend will run on localhost:3000
On the first page, there is a sign in button, clicking on it will redirect you to a page where you will verify your gmail account.
The application make use of firebase authentication and so you will have to verify your gmail account before you can access the application.
Header :
- This is where you navigate to all the pages of the application
Home Page:
- This is the default page
- Phones are displayed and are paginated in group of 1
- You can search for a phone with its name or search using a letter in the phone name.
- The sign out button to logout of the application.
Create Page:
- This is where you create a phone
- On clicking on the backdrop, you will be redirected to the home page
Update Page:
- This is where you update a phone using its ID and also passing new details
Delete Page:
- This is where you delete a phone using its ID
The app is deployed on Firebase
Joel Ojerinde
AltSchool Africa