This machine code program will provide 25 extra commands for your COMMODORE 64. The program will be placed in the top 6K of BASIC ram, but when you run it, it will protect itself.
The commands can be used in program mode and direct mode, but suing the commands in direct mode may result sometimes in a SYNTAX error.
Pressing RUN/STOP and RESTORE keys together will reset the computer plus resetting the commands as well. When this happens a message will appear on the screen :-
This assures you that the commands are still active in the computer.
The BOX command draws a box on the Hi-Res screen. The command parameters are two sets of co-ordinates. The first set (X1,Y1) is the lower left hand corner of the box, the second set (X2,Y2) is the top right hand corner of the box. From these co-ordinates the box is drawn.
Format :- BOX X1, Y1 TO X2, Y2
Example :- 10 GRAPHIC
20 FOR I = 0 TO 20 STEP 3
30 BOX I, I TO 200-I, 200-I
The CHAR command put text onto the H-RES screen. The command parameters are the co-ordinates of the text (X,Y), and the text that is to be printed.
Format :- CHAR X, Y, “TEXT”
Example :- 10 GRAPHIC
20 A$ = “COMMANDS”
30 CHAR 0, 100, “GRAPHICS”
40 CHAR 72, 90, A$
The CIRCLE command draws a circle on the Hi-Res screen. The command parameters are the centre of the circle or ellipse (X,Y), the horizontal and vertical radii (Xrad, Yrad) and where to start and finish the circle (which measured in degrees).
Format :- CIRCLE X, Y, Xrad, Yrad, Start°, Finish°
Example :- 10 GRAPHIC
20 CIRCLE 160, 100, 40, 0, 361
30 CIRCLE 100, 50, 25, 25, 180, 270
40 CIRCLE 160, 100, 100, 90, 90, 180
The COLOUR command changes the screen and border colours, it also changes the extended background colours if the user wishes. Each Other setting can be between 0 to 255, but as you may know there are only sixteen colours, therefore the colour number must not exceed the value sixteen.
Format :- COLOUR Border, Screen [, Back, Back2, Back3]
[…..] these parameters are optional.
Example :- 10 PRINT ”CLR”
20 FOR I = 0 to 255
30 POKE I+1024, I
40 POKE 55296+I, 0
50 NEXT : POKE 53265, PEEK(53265) OR 64
60 FOR COL = 0 to 16
80 FOR DE = 0 TO 100 : NEXT
90 COLOUR 14, 6
100 NEXT
Note : If you want to change the colour of the Hi-Res picture (not the background), then multiply the screen colour by what colour number you want the picture to be.
The DRAW command will draw a line on the Hi-Res screen. The command parameters are two sets of co-ordinates. The first set X1, Y1 points to where the line is to start, X2, Y2 points to where the line is to finish.
Format :- DRAW X1, Y1, TO X2, Y2
Example :- 10 GRAPHIC
20 FOR I = 0 TO 200 STEP 10
30 DRAW 0, 200-I TO I, 0
40 DRAW 319-I, 200 TO 319, I
50 DRAW 319-I, 0 TO 319, 200-I
60 DRAW 0, I TO I, 200
The ERASE command puts erase mode on or off. The first time you use this in a program it will turn on erase mode, the second time will switch the mode off. The erase mode will erase any line (or point) on the screen, but if there is no line (or point) then the erase mode will temporarily switch off the erase mode and draw the line (or point), then the erase will switch back on.
Format :- ERASE
Example :- 10 GRAPHIC
20 DRAW 10, 10 TO 100, 100
40 DRAW 10, 100 TO 100, 10
50 DRAW 10, 10 TO 100, 100
The FILL command will fill any area in the Hi-Res screen. The command parameters are the co-ordinates of the area to fill. The command works well in areas which have no gaps.
Format :- FILL X, Y
Example :- 10 GRAPHIC
20 CIRCLE 160, 100, 80, 80, 0, 370
30 FILL 160, 100
The GRAPHIC command will put the computer into Hi-Res mode for drawing. The dimensions of the Hi-Res screen are 0 to 319 on the horizontal axis and 0 to 200 on the vertical axis. If values outside these limits are used an ILLEGAL QUANTITY ERROR will result.
Format :- GRAPHIC
The HCHAR command is just like the CHAR command but instead of plotting normal text, it puts double height text. The parameters are the co-ordinates of where the text is to be plotted.
Format :- HCHAR X, Y, “TEXT”
Example :- 10 GRAPHIC
20 A$ = “COMMANDS”
30 HCHAR 0, 100, “GRAPHICS”
40 HCHAR 72, 90, A$
The GDUMP Command will read the Hi-Res screen and then print out the screen on the printer, if the user requires a hard copy of the picture.
The SPRITE command is used to set up the information about a sprite. The parameters are the sprite number (0 to 7), the pointer to where the data is stored for that sprite (0 to 255), whether the sprite is on or off, is the sprite expanded horizontally, is the sprite expanded vertically, has the background got priority over the sprite and is the sprite in multi-colour mode (all the information after the pointer is indicated by 0 for off, 1 for on).
Format :- SPRITE Sprite#, Pointer, Exp X, Exp Y, Back, Mult
Example :- Look at sprite command example
The MOBCOL command is used to set up both the multi-colour elements of the sprite, when the sprite is in multi-colour mode.
Format :- MOBCOL Col1, Col2
Example :- Look at Sprite Command Example
The PLOT command will plot one single point on a Hi-Res screen. The command parameters are the co-ordinates for the point to be plotted (X,Y).
Format :- PLOT X, Y
Example :- 10 GRAPHIC
20 FOR X = 0 TO 319
30 Y = 100 + (70 * SIN (I / 64))
40 PLOT X, Y
The POLY command will draw a multi sided polygon of the users choice. The command has the same parameters as the circle command, but also has an extra parameter which is the increment angle of the next side to be drawn (this is measured in degrees also). If you want a six sided polygon you work out the increment value by dividing three hundred and sixty degrees by the number of sides.
Therefor 360° / 6 = 60° so the increment angle is 60°.
Format :- POLY X, Y, Xrad, Yrad, Start°, Finish°, Inc°
Example :- 10 GRAPHIC
20 POLY 160, 100, 100, 80, 0, 370, 60
30 POLY 160, 100, 50, 50, 0, 370, 120
The GPUT Command will save the Hi-Res screen on the device specified with the filename of the users’ choice.
Format :- GPUT “FILENAME”, Dev
The GPULL command will load a Hi-Res screen from a specified device, with the filename of the users’ choice.
Format :- GPULL “FILENAME”, Dev
The REVERSE command makes the Hi-Res screen reverse on. I.e. all the black areas become white and all the white areas become black.
Format :- REVERSE
The RJOY Command will read either port one or port two depending on what is inside the brackets. The value of the joystick will be placed in the variable which the user specified.
Format :- RJOY ( 0 or 1)
If you put 0 in the brackets that is port two, 1 is port one.
Example :- 10 A = RJOY(0) : B = RJOY(1)
30 GOTO 10
The values you can get from the joystick command is :-
5 1 9
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
4 ++++++++++ 8 Fire = 16
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
6 2 10
The RPDL command will read the paddle specified in the brackets and return that value in the specified variable.
Format :- RPDL (0 or 1)
Example :- 10 A = RPDL(0) : B = RPDL(1)
30 GOTO 10
The SPENABLE command will allow the user to enable a sprite.
Format :- SPENABLE Sprite#
The SPDISABLE command will allow the user to disable a sprite.
Format :- SPDISABLE Sprite#
The SPLACE command will allow the user to interact wit the sprites and allow the user to easily specify the x,y coordinates and the colour of the sprite too.
Format :- SPLACE Sprite#, X, Y, Colour
Example :- 10 FOR I= 0 TO 62:READ A:POKE 12288 + I,A : NEXT
20 SPRITE 0, 192, 1, 1, 0, 1
30 MCOL 12,15
40 SPLACE 0, 100, 100, 2
60 GET A$ : IF A$="" THEN 60
1010 DATA 16,0,18
1020 DATA 8,126,28
1030 DATA 5,255,204
1040 DATA 6,16,54
1050 DATA 15,159,240
1060 DATA 8,146,16
1070 DATA 8,243,240
1080 DATA 8,242,16
1090 DATA 8,244,8
1100 DATA 31,254,24
1110 DATA 32,1,244
1120 DATA 32,0,164
1130 DATA 39,128,188
1140 DATA 39,192,164
1150 DATA 31,255,252
1160 DATA 13,60,176
1170 DATA 25,195,152
1180 DATA 49,0,140
1190 DATA 48,0,12
1200 DATA 120,0,30
1210 DATA 204,0,51