Database for federal votes.
The CSV and XLSX version of the dataset are cached on application level and regenerated only after updating the votes. The files are saved in the root of the filestorage. Old files are not deleted.
Managing votes is done by uploading datasets. Modified votes are automatically updated and new votes added. Deleting existing votes can be done using the UI.
Onegov Swissvotes uses Poppler + Postgres for full text search of attached PDFs.
If you want to reindex the attachments, you can run:
onegov-swissvotes reindex
There is a command line command for batch-uploading and indexing attachments:
sudo -u [user] bin/onegov-swissvotes --select /onegov_swissvotes/[instance] import [folder]
The structure of the folder is expected to be in the form:
The attribute may be any LocalizedFile attribute of the SwissVote model.
Install tox and run it:
pip install tox tox
Limit the tests to a specific python version:
tox -e py27
Install jest and run it:
npm install npm t
To update the snapshots, run:
npm t -- -u
Onegov Swissvotes follows PEP8 as close as possible. To test for it run:
tox -e pep8
Onegov Swissvotes uses Semantic Versioning
onegov.swissvotes is released under GPLv2