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add (manual) integration test
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adding some code to assist user to run
a 'proto'-integration test to test all API calls
of the shared framework. Useful because it can be
used for Android and iOS applications.
Vivek Ayer committed Feb 26, 2016
1 parent 68669cd commit e8f1352
Showing 1 changed file with 151 additions and 0 deletions.
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions Testing/ProtoIntegrationTest.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
- Add the RunTests function to MainActivity/AppDelegate class to test Android/iOS.
- Make sure you edit userId, which is the player ID to send the notification to.
- Call the function from a separate thread after calling OneSignal.Init ():
// Run Tests
System.Threading.Thread th = new System.Threading.Thread (RunTests);
th.Start ();

public static void RunTests ()
// tag printer delegate for get tags
OneSignal.TagsAvailable tagPrinterDelegate = delegate(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object> tags) {
if (tags == null)
System.Console.WriteLine ("No tags found!");
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kvp in tags)
System.Console.WriteLine ("Key = {0}, Value = {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
// id printer delegate for get ids available
OneSignal.IdsAvailable idsPrinterDelegate = delegate(string playerID, string pushToken) {
System.Console.WriteLine ("playerId: {0}, pushToken: {1}", playerID, pushToken);
// post notification delegates
OneSignal.OnPostNotificationSuccess successDelegate = delegate(Dictionary<string, object> response) {
if (response == null)
System.Console.WriteLine ("No response found!");
System.Console.WriteLine ("SUCCESS: {0}", response);
OneSignal.OnPostNotificationFailure failureDelegate = delegate(Dictionary<string, object> response) {
if (response == null)
System.Console.WriteLine ("No response found!");
System.Console.WriteLine ("FAILURE: {0}", response);

// Disabling in-app alerts
OneSignal.EnableInAppAlertNotification (false);

// Delete all tags before test starts (implicitly testing delete tags)
System.Console.Write ("Deleting hello, foo, fuz...");
OneSignal.DeleteTags (new List<string>() { "hello", "foo", "fuz" });
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");
System.Console.Write ("Sleeping for 15 seconds...");
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (15000);
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");

// Tags Testing: Open Xcode Devices and follow the steps
// Test #1: Send the first tag to OneSignal
System.Console.Write ("Sending {hello, world} tag...");
OneSignal.SendTag ("hello", "world");
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");
System.Console.WriteLine ("Now go and check the dashboard. Quick!!");
System.Console.Write ("Sleeping for 15 seconds...");
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (15000);
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");

// Test #2: Send the other tags to OneSignal
System.Console.Write ("Sending {foo, bar; fuz, baz} tag...");
OneSignal.SendTags (new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"foo", "bar"}, {"fuz", "baz"} } );
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");
System.Console.WriteLine ("Now go and check the dashboard. Quick!!");
System.Console.Write ("Sleeping for 15 seconds...");
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (15000);
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");

// Test #3: Get all tags from OneSignal
System.Console.Write ("Getting all tags...");
OneSignal.GetTags (tagPrinterDelegate);
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");
System.Console.WriteLine ("Now check to make sure all tags were returned here. Quick!!");
System.Console.Write ("Sleeping for 15 seconds...");
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (15000);
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");

// Test #4: Delete last tag sent
System.Console.Write ("Deleting the fuz tag...");
OneSignal.DeleteTag ("fuz");
System.Console.Write ("DONE!");
System.Console.WriteLine ("Now go and check the dashboard. Quick!!");
System.Console.Write ("Sleeping for 15 seconds...");
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (15000);
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");

// Test #5: Get Ids Available
System.Console.Write ("Getting player ID and push token...");
OneSignal.GetIdsAvailable (idsPrinterDelegate);
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");
System.Console.WriteLine ("Now check to make sure correct push token and player id were returned here. Quick!!");
System.Console.Write ("Sleeping for 15 seconds...");
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (15000);
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");

// Test #6: Post Notification
string userId = "EDITME";

// Success
Dictionary<string, object> goodNotification = new Dictionary<string, object>();
goodNotification["contents"] = new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"en", "Test Message"} };
goodNotification["include_player_ids"] = new List<string>() { userId };
System.Console.Write ("Sending a good notification to self...");
OneSignal.PostNotification (goodNotification, successDelegate, failureDelegate);
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");
System.Console.WriteLine ("Check the log quick!");
System.Console.Write ("Sleeping for 15 seconds...");
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (15000);
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");

// Failure
Dictionary<string, object> badNotification = new Dictionary<string, object>();
badNotification["contentz"] = new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"en", "Test Message"} };
badNotification["include_player_ids"] = new List<string>() { userId };
System.Console.Write ("Sending a bad notification to self...");
OneSignal.PostNotification (badNotification, successDelegate, failureDelegate);
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");
System.Console.WriteLine ("Check the log quick!");
System.Console.Write ("Sleeping for 15 seconds...");
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (15000);
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");

// Test #7: Disable Stuff (Android Only)
System.Console.Write ("Disabling Sound, Vibrate, and Notification when active...");
OneSignal.EnableSound (false);
OneSignal.EnableVibrate (false);
OneSignal.EnableNotificationsWhenActive (false);
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");
System.Console.WriteLine ("Now send a notification and check the sound, vibration, enable notification when active and in-app alert. Quick!!");
System.Console.Write ("Sleeping for 30 seconds...");
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (30000);
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");

// Test #8: Enable In-App Alert
System.Console.Write ("Enabling In-App Alert...");
OneSignal.EnableInAppAlertNotification (true);
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");
OneSignal.PostNotification (goodNotification, successDelegate, failureDelegate);
System.Console.Write ("Sleeping for 15 seconds...");
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (15000);
System.Console.WriteLine ("DONE!");

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