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Development reports

Cyrielle edited this page Oct 20, 2019 · 12 revisions

This page gathers the development reports.

[DEV REPORT] from... a long time ago.

Ok, it's been a while.

Accomplished work

The 0.16 is out! Well, it has been released for 2 months, so I guess you already know. Except this... Ok, nobody did nothing.

Dev news

Both of us, main developers, are now doing time-consuming studies. So our time for OpMon dropped significantly. Personnaly, I have maximum 2-3 hours to give to OpMon per week, but it usually is less than 1 hour. So, thanks to @Srykah, we've found a great idea : to organise the contributions. That's why the Active Contributors Team has been created. It consists of a bunch of motivated contributors who wants to be really active in the development. There is weekly reports to do, to avoid having tasks locked by inactive people. You can join whenever you want, leave whenever you want. You won't be shamed if you're not working neither. So, if you want to join, go ahead!

To do next

Ok, it's not because the development is slower that the development will stop! There is plenty of things to do. For now, we're in a goal of improving the game code for future contributors. So, the game might not have any update until some time. But it's a necessary investment of time, I think. Anyway, thank you for following the _way too long_ OpMon development, and above all, thank you for your incredible patience.

[DEV REPORT (Special)]

Ok, the format changes only for this one, it's just an announcement I made on the Discord server. The next real one arrives after the 0.16 release.

So, two things, one about the game and one about me. First, we expect to be able to release the 0.16 before mid-august. The battle animation system is nearly over, the only thing left is to create the animations for OpMon moves. After this, we'll fix the game problems (compiler warnings, possible memory losses) and release the game !

Second thing, much more personal but I had to say this one day. I'm transgender. The only thing I want from you is just to accept me as I am and consider me as a woman from now on. I won't be mad at you or something if you make some mistakes at first, but please just be kind and respectful. Some people here already know, either because we are in touch in places where I'm already out or where I always presented as a woman, or because I told them so. If you won't accept it, please leave. I don't want this to interfere with the work I do on this game, and it won't. Nothing will change about the game, I just want to say this to be myself here too. I will finally put my real Discord nickname here (some people may have noticed it when seeing it on my profile or when pinging me), which is also my chosen name (except for the "centori" part, obviously, this is just a nickname).
Thank you for you acceptance and for following OpMon development.

[DEV REPORT] from March 6th to May 11th

I can't be late anymore now.

Accomplished work

Since the last time, we've improved the battle system, as well as the loading time. I've quickly improved the fullscreen mode, too. You can now toggle fullscreen without rebooting anymore! And since we've added access to the options menu from the game, you can toggle fullscreen in-game.

To do next

There is still some things do to before releasing the 0.16 (which should be released this summer). First thing, we'll add animations to the battles. Then, we'll add OpMon menu in the game, and maybe a team of several OpMons. And, that's all!

Dev news

First thing first: Goodbye Monthly reports. Now, hello Dev reports. The only change will be that the reports won't be every month anymore, simply because the Monthly reports were often useless due to the lack of features added. Now, bad news: exams. For me, and for Navet. So, the development will be completely paused until the end of June (at least for me). But don't worry, we'll back after, and we'll work a lot on the 0.16! However, big bad news: after holidays, in September, I'll start really time-consuming studies. For two years. I don't know what will happen to OpMon yet, but I won't abandon it, don't worry. It will be either Navet continuing to developing it by learning programming, or the game being on a big slow period for some time. Anyway, thanks for following the (slow) OpMon's development!

[MONTHLY REPORT] from January 19th to March 5th

And now you have the menu.

Accomplished work

At least, we've been more active than the last year's end ! We have added a new music, some OpMon sprites, but, more importantly : we have added the in-game menu ! Ok, right now, you can only go to the setting with it (Allowing you to change the volume, controls, languages, without closing the game, it's already something).

To do next

First thing I will do : improve the battle system. First, I will add a completely new system for the turn (Instead of "signals" given in the Turn objects, I will create other things, objects containing instructions for the view, you'll see). Secondly, I will add animations. Maybe the attack animations, I don't know yet, but at least, there will be animations. And, last but not least, I will create a script for the end of the battle, because currently it just closes, which is quite annoying.

Dev news

Nothing really to say for this month and the next month, except that we won't be very active the next week (March 11th to 15th). So, as always, thanks for following OpMon development !


January 19th

Here we are again, for the 2018 development recap ! This year has been rich with optimizations and improvements of all kinds, and it was the year of OpMon battles. Two big versions have been released. The first, in February, has optimized the code by making it cleaner and faster. The second version, released in August, featured the first OpMon test battle. The code is not perfect yet, not even fully documented, but many enhancements have been done to make is more readable and understandable. A lot of new contributors brought us their help, we thank them very much ! Some of them created OpMon, other improved the translations, or even helped on the code. Right now, we are working on the combats improvements and the menu (Controls, in-game menu...) The next version should be out at this year's beginning, if we are fast enough.

  • Navet56's word : My contribution rhythm during 2018 were quite steady, even if it has slowed since last year. However, this year is very likely to be the year where I will work the less on the game, for the lack of time, but I will continue to work and follow OpMon community anyway, hoping the game stills improving during this year !

  • Cyrion Cyriel's word : Hey... Changed my pseudonym, again... There is a reason for that, but I won't talk about it here since it's personal (At least it doesn't change very much, just two letters). Anyway, I won't contribute very much this year too, and the year after, and the first half of the year after. That's a long time, I know, but studies, and all... I will be very busy, but I will continue to work from time to time, don't worry ! After this two years and a half, I will normally be back for more work ! We'll see in the future, who knows what will happen ?

Anyway, happy 2019 to you and, as always, thank you for following OpMon development !

[MONTHLY REPORT] from December 15th to January 6th

2019 ! Happy new year !

Accomplished work

We've improved the controls menu a little bit but... except this... we havn't done many things. It's the end of the year, after all.

To do next

It's the same things than the previous report. I recommend you to take a look at it.

Dev news

Oh... Many things about us. We will do a big message soon.

[MONTHLY REPORT] from November 5th to December 15th

Late. Again...

Accomplished work

The externalization is over : all the game's resources have been moved in Json files. Meanwhile, Bobor has created the controls menu ! Again, a big thanks to him ! We will slightly improve it's appearance soon. Navet continues to add some OpMons with new contributors.

To do next

After improving the controls menu's appearance, I will add the side menu in the game. This is the next thing planned for the 0.16.

Dev news

We're approaching Christmas, so we won't contribute very much during this period. I will take a break between December 29th and January 4th. So, merry christmas to you, and if you don't celebrate it, happy new year ! And, as always, thanks for following OpMon development !

[MONTHLY REPORT] from October 5th to November 4th

Accomplished work

The code is fully commented, and the bugs have been fixed ! It means, it means ? The 0.15.1 is out, yes ! The changelog and the downloads are here ! We also have a new contributor : Bobor ! Thanks to him !

To do next

I have to finish the documentation for now, and next, I will work on the 0.16, starting by moving the resources out of the program. Navet will create some more OpMons, and create the attacks' animations.

Dev news

Again, we lack of time to work on OpMon so the development is slow. And it will be slow for some years. Yes, some years. Sorry about that, but we won't give up on this game, even if the development is slow !
Thank you for following OpMon development !

[MONTHLY REPORT] from September 11th to October 4th

Accomplished work

In the code, I have started to reread and comment the code to help the contributors. This is what have been planned for the 0.15.1. Navet56, Cheesecake and KuroK3ENSHI are working on new OpMons for now.

To do next

We will continue to do what we are doing now until we finish, so no big things planned for now. One thing, however : we are starting to study XML to put the resources in this format. We will do this in the 0.16.

Dev news

Some people may have noticed, we work less this year. It's normal, we have more and more work to do in our studies. So, the development rythm is slower, but don't worry, we are fine !
Thanks for following OpMon's development, even if it's slower !

[MONTHLY REPORT] from August 2nd to September 10th

Accomplished work

Well... The 0.15 is released, see the new features in the releases. I've taken a break from OpMon for three weeks, and Navet56 has taken a little break too. But he has documented some OpMons, and created new NPC sprites that will be implemented soon. Otherwise, nothing to really report this month.

To do next

We're going to start the code cleanup and documentation work, according to ROADMAP, this version will be called 0.15.1, it will also fix 0.15 bugs. And at the same time, on the develop branch, work on version 0.16 will start slowly.
Anyway, thank you for following OpMon development, even during breaks !

[MONTHLY (+other half) REPORT] from June 20th to August 2nd

I'm late on purpose.

Accomplished work

The Trainer Event is finished, and now totally functional ! You can find Beta the NPC on the road 14, go and talk to him to launch a battle. Many global variables have been deleted from the code, making it easier to understand and less heavy in the memory. And... except that... not many new things.

To do next

Only a few steps away from the 0.15 ! The only things left are the cursor for the sound and the music for the battle. Next, I will fix the memory leaks, and release the version. It should be released before mid-August, but if not, it will be released in the first part of September.

Dev news

I have decided to do a special 0.15.1 version to make the code more contributor-friendly. So the documentation announced by the last monthly report will be in this version, but there will be some other things to. To see what is planned, you can go to the Projects tab.
I will take a break from August 18th to September 8th.
So, as always, thanks for following OpMon development ! See you for the 0.15 !

[MONTHLY (+half) REPORT] from May 8th to June 19th

I'm a little bit late.

Accomplished work

The battles are now finished... at least the basics. It is just two OpMon, there is no team for now. But the interface is functional. We will create a NPC to make the battle more accessible in the next version. The volume control is nearly finished (thanks to Samurai413x, see pull request #50), it just lacks a cursor, but I will add it just after writing this. Big thanks to jubalh for adding a German translation to the game, and for having fixed many other little things !

To do next

Before releasing the 0.15, there is still some little things to do. First, I will clean up the code a little, and I will finish the documentation. Then I will add the battle's NPC, and here we go ! I hope releasing the next version before the next monthly report, but since I'm bad at deadlines, I won't promise anything.

Dev news

It's summer holidays in France ! We will have more time to work on the project, and that's cool !
Thanks for following OpMon's development !

[MONTHLY REPORT] from April 12th to May 7th

Accomplished work

Work on the battle continue, now the first interface can be showed (In the overworld, in the debug mode (Type the '+' key), type B and the first battle preview will appear). I am currently working on the attacks selection interface. Thanks to BAKfr, the camera have been improved a lot.

To do next

I hope I will have finished the first battle before the next month, but I won't make promises. After the battle we will have some others things to add to the game, like the volume control, and then we will be able to release the next version.

Dev news

Nothing particularly new. I just want to recall that we will have a break at the end of the month. Thank you for following OpMon development!

[MONTHLY REPORT] from March 11th to April 11th

Accomplished work

I continued to work on the battle, but I don't have much time currently, so the battles are progressing, slowly. Navet56 added some NPCs. A lot of documentation have been done, see it on the website.

To do next

I will continue working on the battles, the first preview should be out soon. Navet will be adding many OpMons to the repository, and started to list them in the wiki : HERE

Dev news

We are working quite slowly, because we have a lot of work to do, but the situation should be fixed at the end of the month. Also, we will have a break at the end of may.

[MONTHLY REPORT] from February 13th to March 10th

Accomplished work

The Alpha 0.14 is out on this month !

To do next

We work on the battles since the release. There is lot of work to do, GUI for battles, many menu and screens etc

Dev news

The website has a big problem : the domain name has expirated, so we have change the domain name to "" provisualy.

[MONTHLY REPORT] from December 21th to February 12th

Accomplished work

The reorganization is fully completed, a test version is out to find the latest bugs before the release of the 0.14 version around February's end.

To do next

Correct the latest bugs and release version 0.14, when that's done, we'll start fighting

Dev news

We are motivated since the end of the reorganization, the development should continue normally. Sorry for the lack of montly report, I skipped one month.



We will summarize the 2017's adventure on the free Pokémon-like video game project and projections of the work to accomplish thereafter:
We started to program the game in February 2017. Before, the project was in text and coded in the java language. The first GUI version came out in February, and soon after we've started redesigning the site to have the design you know today. From versions to versions we have advanced quite quickly until the release of version alpha 0.1, which laid the basics : the professor speaks, asks for the character's name, and the first village with the character who walks and a main menu are done. With this version, there is a video on our YouTube channel created for the occasion: OPMon Team. This video currently has almost 1k views. Then the development became quicker during the summer. Navet56, the game designer, has posted a post on OpenClasseroom, a french forum, with the goal of recruiting developers, and it has worked quite well.
To accommodate the potential contributors, we have created a discord. Some people have given advices, and Jlppc have begun to work on a great code reorganization for better clarity. Meanwhile, an article published on a Spanish website about the game has caused many people to discover the game. We will continue the development for this year 2018, and we hope that you will be able fight trainers, have a menu in the game, a beginning of history and even the possibility of saving your progression.
Thank you for following OpMon development.

OPMon team


Nous allons retracer l'aventure de cette année 2017 sur le projet de jeu vidéo libre Pokemon-like et des projections du travail à accomplir par la suite :

Nous avons débuté le code du jeu en février 2017, avant, le projet était en texte et en java. La première version GUI est sortie dans la foulée, en Février, et peu après nous avons entamé la refonte du site pour avoir le design que vous connaissez aujourd'hui. De versions en versions nous avancions assez rapidement jusqu'à la sortie de la version stable 0.1, qui posait les bases : le professeur parle et demande le nom du personnage, le premier village avec le personnage qui marche et un menu principal. Avec cette version est sortie une vidéo sur notre chaîne youtube crée pour l'occasion : OPMon Team. Cette vidéo compte aujourd'hui près de 1 000 vues. Ensuite le développement c'est fait pendant l'été avec un rythme assez dense. Navet56, le game designer, a posté sur OpenClasseroom un post pour recruter des développeurs, ce qui a plutôt bien fonctionné.
Pour accueillir les potentiels contributeurs, nous avons crée un discord. Des conseils nous on été donnés, et une grande réorganisation du code pour une meilleur clarté à été entreprise par Jlppc. Pendant ce même temps, un article publié sur un site espagnol est sorti sur le jeu, ce qui a amené des centaines de personnes à découvrir le jeu. Nous avons essayé de contacter cette personne pour la remercier et lui dire que peut être était-ce trop tôt pour sortir un article.... Soit, c'est ainsi, nous sommes aujourd'hui à ce stade : près de 1k vues sur la vidéo, des dizaines de contributeurs, 25 stars sur GitHub, des centaines de visiteurs sur le site. On peut conclure que ce jeu attire des gens, qu'il y a de potentiel joueurs. Nous continuerons donc avec enthousiasme le développement pour cette année 2018, qui nous l'espérons aboutira à la possibilité de combattre des dresseurs, avoir un menu in-game, un début d'histoire et même peut être la possibilité le sauvegarder, c'est le but de cette année.
Merci de suivre le jeu OPMon.

OPMon Team

[MONTHLY REPORT] from November 13th to December 20th

Sorry, I'm late!

Accomplished work

Anyway, there is not a lot to say about this month. I continued working on the code reorganization, I think I will finish it before February, at least I hope. A lot of OpMons have been designed.

To do next

Finish the reorganization. It is the last thing before the release of the alpha 0.14.

Dev news

I, Jlppc, started to slow my work on OpMon to focus my time on my studies. But don't worry, I will never stop the project, and even if it takes 10 years, I will finish it. But don't be surprised if the progress is slower than usual.
Happy christmas for everyone who celebrate it, happy new year for the others, and if you don't fit into any of these two categories, I wish you a happy life.

[MONTHLY REPORT] from October 11th to November 13th

During this month, some things happened.

Accomplished work

I have started to completely reorganized the code. Completely. First, I have started to change some containers, and now I am reorganizing the code, splitting some classes, creating new parts and some others things.
From now on, you can test the first route : the "route 14". Unfortunaly, this route is not finished yet.

To do next

As soon as the reorganization is over, I will release the 0.14, "Helium" (I will start to give names to the versions, just for fun. It will be elements for the Alpha, in the Mandeleïev order. Why? Because I love physics.). The 0.13.1 will never exist, all the bugs found in the 0.13 have been fixed.

Dev news

We are searching for creative people! In the Discord, you can send OpMons, Items, Attacks or anything you want to us. If you have any ideas, don't hesitate!
And as always, thank you for following OpMon development.

[MONTHLY REPORT] from September 10th to October 10th

The 0.13 is finally out!

Accomplished work

During this month, I had some personals problems, which slowed down the development a bit. But now the 0.13 is out, with the NPCs!

To do next

A 0.13.1 is planned, to fix some problems and issues. I have started to work on OpMon fight system, in a separated branch. The first version of the fight system will be released in the 0.14 as soon as possible. If I work more often on the fight than on the bugfixes, the 0.13.1 might not exist and the bugs will be fixed in the 0.14.
EDIT 14/10/17 : After a discussion with some programmers, they advised me to reorganize my source code, and I will do, so the fight system will be delayed. Sorry for the players (Even if they are not many.)

Dev news

Thanks to everyone for following OpMon Project! Nothing new this month, but since I started working on the fights, the development will be faster and the game fill finally be fun! (Because walking in a little town can be fun, but quickly it became quite boring...).

[MONTHLY REPORT] from August 8th to September 9th

No new versions... Except the 0.12.1s, which is special.

Accomplished work

During the august month, we have done many things, but we havn't released new versions. We have worked on npcs, and now there is a fully functionnal npc in the map. We are actually working on a new map system to make the program lighter. Speaking of lighter, we have recreated the repository. Now, all the issues and pull requests have gone but the repository have a weight of 180 Mio instead of 500. Much better! I have documented the code too, not entirely, but some things have been done. The documentation have a brand new look! Finally, we have created a discord server! You can join it by clicking on the discord link on the website. The new version 0.12.1s is a special version used to create a version for the new repository, to make the downloads links working. The linux version isn't in the downloads now, but I will add it soon. There is absolutely no changes between the 0.12.1s except the source code packges, because the tag is placed after the 0.12.1.

To do next

The 0.13 should be released soon after the new map system. After, we will be working on the first parts of the story, with the npcs.

Dev news

The studies are back for us, and the development is now slower. But we don't stop developping, and we will be working until the end! However, I can tell that in may and june, the developpement will be slower than ever due to exams. But I absolutely don't know how the development will be advanced in may. We will see!
Thank you for following OpMon development!

[MONTHLY REPORT] from June 30th to August 8th

The 0.12 and even the 0.12.1 are out!
Now the monthly reports are only in english.
Désormais, les bilans mensuels sont uniquement en anglais. Désolé ;-)

Accomplished work

During the first part of July we have worked on the 0.12, which bring some new features. There is now doors and all signs! There is map animations too, adding some life in the village. Finally, there have been many improvements in the game's code, reducing the loading time and adding more stability. Many graphical improvements have been made too, like the main menu and the player's house.

To do next

The important next feature is THE NPCs! I will work on it during August. This will surely be a lot of work, and I hope I will be able to do this quite quickly.

Dev news

Like I said in the last monthly report, there was many new things in the first part of July, less in the second part, and now the development is restarting! The development will return to his original rhythm in the end of August, because the studies are back!

[MONTHLY REPORT - BILAN MENSUEL] from May 30th to June 30th

[EN] - The 0.11 is out!

Accomplished work

During this month, we worked on several big new features. The full screen is now fully functional. No in-game menu but I worked on the first event : the sign in the top of Euvi-town (or Fauxbourg Euvi, call it how you want). The houses' interiors is available too, you can enter it by pressing F1 to F6. We worked on the 0.11 all the month.
On the repository, we have changed the language for everybody, like you I suppose, which don't understand French. Because English is not our native language, we can do some errors. Don't hesitate to make us know by creating an issue or sending us an e-mail at the e-mail addresses in the readme on the homepage.
We have create a Youtube channel here. We will post a video the week after the release of a new version to show the changes and the new features.
Finally, the .deb has been improved.

To do next

During the next month, we will work on the events, adding doors and characters.

Dev news

In France, the next two months, July and August are holidays. So the work speed will probably increase. I will work less often the second part of July, I will have other work to do.
[FR] - La 0.11 est sortie!

Résumé du travail accompli

Durant ce mois, il y a eu quelques grosses nouveautées. Déjà, le plein écran est désormais completement fonctionnel. Pas encore de menu in-game, mais le premier event! En effet, le panneau en haut de Fauxbourg Euvi est fonctionnel! Aussi, l'interieur des maisons est disponible, en appuyant sur les touches de F1 a F6. Tout le mois a servi donc a developper les fonctionnalitées de la 0.11.
Sur le dépot, nous avons changé la langue. Nous avons décidé de faire nos commits en anglais et un peu tout, histoire de toucher le plus grand public possible, pour nous permettre de nous developper plus vite. Une vidéo est aussi sortie sur Youtube pour la 0.1. Une vidéo sera publiée la semaine qui suit la sortie que chaque version pour présenter les nouveautées. Chaine youtube.
Enfin, le deb d'installation a été amélioré.

A faire ensuite

Le prochain mois va surtout être celui des events. Je vais developper des personnages et les portes.

Le mot du dev

Les deux mois d'été arrivent! Le travail va surement s'accelerer et je ne sais absolument pas ou j'en serai a la fin des vacances. Par contre, ce qui est sur, c'est que je vais moins travailler durant la deuxième moité du juillet, je serai occupé a autre chose.


[EN] - From today, the monthly reports will be in english in addition of the french.
[FR] - Désormais, les bilans mensuels seront en anglais en plus du français.

[BILAN DE FIN DE MOIS] du 02 au 30 Mai

Durant cette periode, peu de changements ont eu lieu mais cela à été des changements très importants.

Résumé du travail accompli

Le jeu a entièrement changé de moteur graphique! Il est passé de SDL a SFML, par souci de praticité mais aussi a cause d'un bug qui me démotivait a developper le jeu. Je me suis donc penché sur SFML, un moteur en C++, beaucoup plus pratique d'utilisation. Ce nouveau moteur me permet notamment d'avoir un affichage plus correct, mais aussi de pouvoir regler le problème du redimentionnement de la fenetre ainsi qu'une nouvelle manière de gerer les évènements et un système de récupération du caractère tapé, très pratique pour l'entrée de nom. Aussi, ce nouveau moteur a un outil très performant pour le scrolling, ce qui est très interessant.


Le plein écran va donc arriver bientôt, ainsi que le menu in-game, qui arrivera surement avant la fin du mois. Les differentes maisons arriveront soit au mois de juin, soit en juillet, et les évènements avant la fin des grandes vacances!

Retour sur le dernier bilan

Au dernier bilan j'ai annoncé l'arrivée de quelques fonctionnalitées qui non sont pas apparues, du au changement de moteur. La 0.1 a notamment été retardée, mais elle arrive, avec, en plus, pour les linuxiens utilisant debian&co, un paquet .deb pour l'installation du jeu!

Le mot du dev

Comme prévu lors du dernier bilan, le rythme de travail va surement s'accelerer durant les mois de juin, juillet et aout, du au temps libre laissé par les vacances!

[BILAN DE FIN DE MOIS] du 29 Mars au 02 Mai

Durant cette periode, le jeu a un peu moins avancé du fait que j'ai essayé de me reposer un peu (C'est difficile de programmer autant ;-) )

Résumé du travail accompli

Le scrolling marche enfin très bien, il y a encore possiblement quelques bugs ici et là, n'hésitez pas a nous en faire part si vous en trouvez. La 0.1 ne tardera pas a arriver, mais il reste encore quelques bugs a corriger.
Un menu Options a été ajouté permettant enfin de changer de langues pour nos amis anglophones et espagnols.

Le mot du dev

Ce mois a été un mois de repos, le jeu n'a pas beaucoup avancé. Le mois de mai va malheureusement être aussi ralenti notamment parce que j'essaye d'apprendre de nouvelles choses sur la programmation, pour me permettre d'optimiser et d'ajouter des fonctionalitées plus avancées au jeu. Cependant, les mois de juin jusqu'a fin aout ont des chances d'être très productifs du a la fin de l'année scolaire!

Fonctionalitées prévues

Pour le mois prochain, je prévois un passage en 0.1 (ENFIN!!!), un menu "Pause" et des corrections de bugs. Peut-être, si je suis rapide, il y aura possibilité d'entrer dans les maisons avec des touches au clavier avant la fin de mois, mais je ne promets rien.
Merci de suivre le projet OpMon!

[BILAN DE FIN DE MOIS] du 1er au 28 Mars

Premier bilan depuis le changement de nom du jeu, et celui-ci a beaucoup avancé!

Résumé du travail accompli

La scène d'intro est désormais terminée, quelques ajustements auront lieu mais le gros est fait! Aussi, un écran titre a été ajouté au jeu et le projet du launcher a été abandonné (Parce que ca servait un peu a rien ;-) ) Le travail sur l'overworld a commencé et a déjà bien avancé, le village de fauxbourg euvi étant fonctionnel sans évènements, ni collisions, et le scrolling de s'arrete pas encore a la fin de la map. Mais cependant, le scrolling est tout de même fonctionnel, et le personnage se déplace a une vitesse correcte avec des animations dans la map. Les énènements ne sont pas encore ajoutés, cela sera le but de toute la periode 0.1-0.2 . La 0.09 arrivera dès que les collisions seront ajoutées!

Le mot du dev

Le jeu a énormément avancé depuis un mois et on peut vraiment maintenant un peu appeler ça un jeu (Enfin on se déplace juste sur une map sans collisions mais bon.
Le jeu a donc changé de nom, de Regimys a OpMon, mais cela reste le même, exepté que nous devons maintenant inventer nos propres Opmons. Les combats seront donc retardés, puisque, si vous vous souvenez bien, il était prévu a la base de faire les combats avant l'overworld. Mais nous y avons réfléchi et déduit que c'était une perte de temps de le faire maintenant, et nous avons privilégié l'overworld avant.
Une petite nouveautée aussi, le site a complètement changé, grace a Navet56! Allez voir : ICI
J'ai aussi ajouté une page de crédits pour tous ceux qui nous aident!
Merci de suivre le projet OpMon!

[BILAN SPECIAL] Changement de nom

Pour ne plus utiliser la licence Pokemon, nous avons décidé de changer le nom du jeu ! Ci dessous les anciens bilans de l'ancien jeu !


[BILAN DE FIN DE MOIS] du 17 Fevrier au 1er Mars

Résumé du travail accompli

Le jeu a bien avancé, il y a maintenant des lignes de dialogues et la possibilité d'entrer du nom. Il y a aussi de la musique et du son. Des macros ont été ajoutées dans le code pour faciliter la création nombreuse d'objets (Especes par exemple)

Le mot du dev

Le jeu est enfin convenable en C++, la version 0.08 n'est pas vraiment un jeu, et la version 0.09 tardera a sortir. C'est pour cela que j'ai décidé de créer des version de développement : Plus d'infos ici
Nous avons aussi commencé a penser a refaire les titres et les Pokémon pour ne pas utiliser la license Pokémon. Ce changement est en cours de réfléxion. Cela ne changera pas le jeu, juste les noms des Pokémon et les textures seront modifiés pour être en accord avec la non-utilisation de la license Pokémon et donc pouvoir passer notre projet en 100% libre. La licence, que je trouvait abusive dù a l'utilisation d'une licence commerciale, a été mise en pause.

[BILAN DE MI MOIS] du 1 au 17 Fevrier

Résumé du travail accompli :

Le jeu a été "traduit" du langage Java au langage C++, et la version Alpha 0.08 est sortie

Récapitulatif des changements

  • Jeu maintenant en C++, cela va permettre plusieurs bons points comme de meilleurs performances et un moteur graphique plus abouti : SDL
  • La version ALpha 0.08 est sortie, c'est une version très primitive car il n'y a pas de jeu, seulement un dialogue avec Jlppc, on pourra combattre à partir de la prochaine version.

Et après ?

Le jeu va avancer beaucoup plus vite, en effet, tout est maintenant près, le jeu est codé, le moteur graphique près, les tests sont fait, il ne reste plus qu'a créer le jeu, le système de combat en graphique, le déplacement du personnes, les villes, l'histoire, les évenements...

[BILAN DE FIN DE MOIS] du 13 au 30 janvier

Résumé du travail accompli... OU PAS.

En effet, il est très difficile de récapituler le travail accompli pendant cette periode, cause aux changements de grande envergure dans le code du jeu. Alors...

Récapitulatif des changements

  • Changement du langage en C++!!! Je suis en train actuellement de tout reprogrammer le jeu en C++. Parce que...
  • Changement du modèle de l'interface graphique : Je préfère utiliser SDL! C'est la raison pourquoi je passe en C++!
  • Changement intégral du systeme de sauvegarde : J'ai totalement changé le systeme de sauvegarde avec un codage d'abord en Java pour voir, puis je le metterai en C++

Mot du dev

Ces changements vont apporter BEAUCOUP de differences au niveau du jeu, et quelques abandons d'anciennes idées. Par exemple, le systeme de fenetres internes est annulé pour plus de stabilité avec SDL : Fenetre simple, possibilité de plein écran. Le launcher reste en Java, et quelques sous-programmes en Java seront developpés, du fait qu'il y a quelques fonctionalitées que je sais faire en Java mais pas en C++ (online par exemple, mais j'essayerai de trouver comment en C++). Comme d'habitude, la liste des pokémon augmente, et les collaborateurs ont commencé les attaques. L'ajout des pokémon et attaques reste en Java, je m'en chargerai de les convertir en C++


La première consequence de tous ces changements va d'abord être négative : En effet, cela va prendre du TEMPS. BEAUCOUP de temps. Mais cela va permettre aussi de joyeuses consequences :
  • Une rapiditée de jeu accrue (Bon c'est un jeu en 2D mais quand même)
  • Une facilité de programmation des evenements avec SDL
  • Un systeme de mods revu, avec plein de choses possibles (Même des mods en DLL!!!)
  • Un systeme de sauvegarde efficace
En echange de temps, il sera possible de creer beaucoup plus de choses. Actuellement, au temps de ce bilan, le jeu est presque a la moitié de sa "conversion". Ensuite, il faudra le tester et le debbuger. En attendant, merci de suivre le projet, et merci de votre patience!

[BILAN DE MI-MOIS] 26 décembre au 13 janvier


Résumé du travail accompli

  • Ajout de plusieurs Pokémon
  • La scène d'intro de l'interface graphique est terminé : Début du travail sur l'interface de combat
  • Début du travail avec les "Projets" et "Issues" sur Github, cela permet une meilleure organisation
  • Déplacement du site vers un autre dépot
  • Changement de l'URL du site (
  • Ajout de documentation
  • Correction du bug d'accents et de sa cause
  • Début des ajouts d'attaque par niveau, la fonctionnalité n'est pas encore présente

Le mot du dev

Merci de suivre le projet pokémon Regimys. Le nombre de personnes nous aidant sur le projet grandit petit a petit, et je vous en remercie. Le format de ces bilans mensuel change un peu : Les bilans pourront être Bi-mensuels quand je le désire. Encore merci, et bonne année.


  • Le createur de Pokémon sera mis à jour... un jour. Pour l'instant, il manque l'xp de base.
  • Il faut verifier si les tables de type sont bien faites, j'ai des doutes...

[BILAN DE FIN DE MOIS] 1er au 25 décembre

Pendant ce mois, beaucoup de choses ont été faites, même si cela ne se voit pas au niveau des versions.

Résumé du travail accompli

  • Début du travail sur l'interface graphique :
    • Ajout des éléments
    • Ajout des Threads differents
    • Ajout de log
    • Gestion des dialogues
    • Ajout de logs et d'une gestion d'exceptions basique
    Le tout dans la branche "gui"
  • Début d'ajout de pokémon de 2de génération
  • Ajout d'attaques par niveau (juste chez bulbizarre
  • Ajout d'une intelligence artificielle pour les combats
  • Création d'un launcher non disponible pour l'instant, prévu pour la a0.1
  • Ajout d'un site a l'addresse
    • Ajout d'une documentation de quelques classes (a améliorer)
    • Ajout d'une page de téléchargement propre


  • Le createur de pokémon n'est toujours pas a jour. Je prévois de le mettre a jour une fois la a0.1 sortie
  • Il y a toujours des bugs d'accents. Nous sommes ouverts a toute personne voulant les corriger, n'étant pas notre priorité actuelle

[BILAN DE FIN DE MOIS] 17 Novembre au 30 Novembre

Ce bilan permet de regler les bilans au début ou fin des mois, et de faire le point, car le jeu a bien avancé.

Résumé des nouveautées

  • Ajout de tous les pokémons de la 1ère génération
  • Passage en 0.07
  • Début de l'ajout des CT
  • Ajout de l'évolution des évolis (probablement bugée)
  • Support des combats entre equipes de pokémon


  • Le créateur de pokémon n'est plus valide. Il n'est pas à jour.

[PREMIER BILAN] 15 Octobre au 17 Novembre

Ce bilan a lieu au milieu de mois, le prochain aura lieu fin decembre. Le jeu a enormement avancé.

Resumé des nouveautées

  • Ajout du "jeu" en lui même : on peut combattre avec une equipe de jusqu'a 6 pokemons
  • Ajout des items
  • Ajout de la sauvegarde
  • Ajout presque complet des elements de la 1ere generation
  • Ajout de graphismes (Dans le fichier Ressources), et de la première musique du jeu
  • Support des evolutions et de la capture de Pokémon

Bugs connus

  • Peut-être des problèmes au niveau des affinitées de type
  • Peut-être des problèmes d'accents
  • Peut-être des problèmes au niveau du createur de Pokémon
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