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Developpement log (Google translated)

jlppc edited this page Aug 8, 2017 · 2 revisions

Developpement log

This is the "Journal de developpement" which is in french, translated by google. Feel free to correct google translation errors and add html or markdown tags(because google traduction don't want to translate them)! If you want a good presentation, go here!

Here is the development log of the game from 20/10/2016. Each addition or modification will be noted, to the extent possible. There are sometimes eclipsed periods, due to the lack of additions, or work, or oversights. You can find a summary of all these additions in the Monthly Balance Sheets.

  • August 2017

  • July 2017

  • June 2017

  • May 2017

  • April 2017

  • March 2017

  • February 2017

  • January 2017

  • December 2016

  • November 2016

  • October 2016 Log entries 2 - 9 August 2017 Code optimization Reduction of game loading time Adding sprites to the kid Enhance the title screen Improvement of OPMons 1 August 2017 Improved dialogue Addition of rival sprites: Skullk Improving the design of the dialog box ------- August 2017 ------- 19 - 31 July 2017


18 July 2017

Exit of the Alpha version 0.12, new features: Reading panels, animations in the game (windmill, fireplace ...) and small corrections and improvements in code and graphics 

15 - 17 July 2017

Preparation of the release of the version ALpha 0.12: last improvements and addition of the deb package of the version 

14 July 2017

Improvement of the village of Fauxbourg Euvi
The main character is now directly in his room after the intro scene with the Prof
Work on the rival of the main character 

12 - 13 July 2017

Added several animations (fade in black, fireplace)
Great improvement of the house of the main character
Addition of the possibility of going to the rooms
Added the ability to read a new panel (near the lab)
Small corrections in the code and the graphics in view of version a0.12 

July 11, 2017

Addition of the possibility of entering the houses through the doors
Addition of fir sprite in the Tilesets 

8 - 10 July 2017

Addition of the animation of the Eaux Fauxbourg wind turbine
Work on doors 

5 - 7 July 2017

Addition of the reading events of Fauxbourg Euvi's mailboxes
Work begins on animations in play 

1 - 4 July 2017

Fixed compilation a0.11 for Windows
Slight correction of sprites of the main character
Addition of temporary sprites for the PP mother
Adding a DEB package of compilation by sources (for Debian systems with more recent dependencies than Ubuntu 16.04) 

------- July 2017 ------- 28 - 29 June 2017

Passage in Alpha 0.11 version: FULL SCREEN mode, Fauxbourg Euvi upgrade, possibility of visiting the interiors of the village buildings with the "F *" keys (eg House of Perso Main F2 key) and possibility to read the panel Top of the village 

27 June 2017

Addition of Professor Kiwai's final sprites
Improvement of the kitchen garden of Fauxbourg Euvi
Adding the theme of battles (beta)
Addition of the interior of the house of the rival, the room of the mother and the PP
Code optimization 

26 June 2017

Addition of the event of the Fauxbourg Euvi panel
Add a vegetable garden in Fauxbourg-Euvi 

19 - 25 June 2017

Anglinization of the deposit
Work on the events 

12 - 18 June 2017

Adding the lab to the game (F3)
Start of work on the events 

9 - 11 June 2017

Addition of rocks, solar panels and wind turbines in Fauxbourg Euvi 

7 - 8 June 2017

Added the possibility of entering the house of the PP with F2 and returning to the main map with F1
Adding an alternative logo
Beginning of the adding of the credits of the game
Adding a game loading screen 

5 - 6 June 2017

Adding new music
Addition of the OPMon laboratory of Fauxbourg Euvi (in image, not yet functional in game) 

4 June 2017

Adding home door animation to resources
Addition of OpMon "Chagnon"
Addition of OpMon "Coassdethé" 

1 - 3 June 2017

Improvement of the village of Fauxbourg Euvi (houses and lab)
Added full screen capability in options
Adding the OpMon Titbraise
Improved the Linux .deb installer so that the game is available in the system menu 

------- June 2017 ------- 31 May 2017

Adding a .deb to install the game on Linux
PASSAGE IN ALPHA 0.1 with the menu options and the resizing of the window or even corrections of bugs 

30 May 2017

Enhanced animation of name entry
Adding additional trees to the edges 

25 - 29 May 2017

Added the ability to resize the window
Fixed scrolling bug
Correction of double music in Overworld
Fixed bug collisions or could get in 

22 - 24 May 2017

Completion of conversion of most files from the game to SFML
Improving SFML code and compiling windows
Fixed the bug of moving the character with SFML
Bug: The character has a small start to the displacement 

19 - 21 May 2017

Conversion to SFML in progress, some problems encountered (including accents)
New sprites in the Tileset Objects (clock, stool, table and large dresser
Addition of the main room of the rival's house 

15 - 18 May 2017

Beginning of the SDL to SFML conversion for the graphics engine, due to concerns with the SDL event system, but also for new functionality. 

12 - 14 May 2017

Travel speed corrections 

8 - 11 May 2017

Code Documentation
Improving OpMons sprites 

4 - 7 May 2017

Added the sprite of Rosain, the starter Plant of OPMon
Work on the update system 

1 - 3 May 2017

Start of work on updates with the implementation of open source Curl software 

------- May 2017 ------- 25 - 30 April 2017

Improved Character Movement
Enhance the title screen
Improved in-game menu for next addition 

23 - 24 April 2017

Code Documentation
Bug fixes
Improvement of Spanish translation 

22 April 2017

Addition of the possibility of changing languages ​​+ improvement of the Spanish translation
Fixed several bugs that crashed the game 

18 - 21 April 2017

Work on the Options menu, including languages ​​and controls
Work on saving options 

8 - 17 April 2017

Working on the Options menu
Adding smoke to the chimney of the house of the PP 

7 April 2017

Addition of a larger range in Fauxbourg Euvi 

3 and 4 April 2017

Addition of several sprites in Tilesets, 1 trash, 1 carpet ...
Addition of mother's room BETA 

1 and 2 April 2017

Improvement and setting of the game scenario
Bug fixes
Added English translation
Start of work on the Game Options section 

------- April 2017 ------- 28 and 29 March 2017

Work on overworld
Addition of Collisions
Scrolling at the edge of the map
Adding the library sprite
Switch to Alpha version 0.09 with the main addition, the city of Faubourg Euvi, scrolling and moving the character with collisions
Addition of music from the city of departure: Fauxbourg Euvi
Adding home plans to the PP 

26 and 27 March 2017

Work on overworld
Adding the map background
Added scrolling (which does not stop at the edges of the map)
Addition of the displacements on the 4 cardinal points 

24 March 2017

Work on OverWorld 

23 March 2017

Work on OverWorld (game world)
New Attacks 

22 March 2017

Taravil on the Tilesets
New design for the site 

21 March 2017

End of work on the backup system: now functional!
Changes of several sprites and tilesets for farms 

20 March 2017

Corrections and code improvements
New Monster: Oursiflamme
Improved Professor sprite
Work on the backup system 

19 March 2017

Enhanced Title Screen Music
Adding free tilesets
Changes in the dialogues in favor of those of Prof. Kiwai in place of Jlppc
Work on the backup system 

18 March 2017

Added an error when clicking on "Options" or "Load a part" in the menu
Work on the backup system 

17 March 2017

Added Prof Kiwai's sprite (for the start dialog)
Work on the backup system
Bug fixes 

16 March 2017

Start of work on the new backup system
Transposition of multiple attackers in C ++
Start of the Spanish translation 

15 March 2017

Bug fixes
Adding the prohibition sound 

14 March 2017

New Contributor: imZeRRkA
Adding a temporary provisional screen
Bug fixes
Transition to C ++ of 6 attacks
Addition of Magmortis
Adding sounds to the title screen 

11 - 13 March 2017

Bug fixes and improvements
Linux compilation success
Creation of logo and title screen (not functional) 

8 - 10 March 2017

Bug fixes
Work on linux porting
Modifications at OPMons level 

5-7 March 2017

Bug fixes and code optimizations
Adding 4 OpMons 

4 March 2017

Passage to 0.08.1
Improved dialogue 

1 - 3 March 2017

Changed the name of the game and therefore everything related to Pokemon.
Added a total of 26 OPMons 

------- March 2017 ------- 27 - 28 February 2017

Corrections to minor changes
Added dialogue background for choice 

24 - 26 February 2017

Added several music and sound effects
Adding sound functionality to the game
Addition of the entry of the rival's name 

18 - 23 February 2017

Bug fixes
Progress on the GUI (progress testable on the site
Addition of the entry of the name during the intro of the game 

17 February 2017

Bug fixes
Adding Jlppc sprites
Adding Joystick Management for Windows 

16 February 2017

Merge of GUI and Master branches
Passage in Alpha 0.08 with the main addition: the switch to Graphical Interface (GUI) 

15 February 2017

Progress on the GUI, especially dialogues 

13 - 14 February 2017

Adding SDL, the graphics engine of the game
Added the first .exe of the game, with an image of Jlppc during the intro 

11 - 12 February 2017

Compilation in C ++ success
C ++ translation of Pokemon
Merge from the C ++ branch to Master and create a new GUI branch for the C ++ GUI 

6 - 10 February 2017

End of translation of components in C ++. All you have to do is add elements (items, attacks, pokemon) and compile
Added the compiled version of Regimys.jar alpha 0.07.1 

2 - 5 February 2017

Added 16 attacks per level (54/251)
Translation of several attacks in C ++ 

1 February 2017

Transposing multiple files to the C ++ language
Improved Preview
Addition of the English translation of the README 

------- February 2017 ------- 30 - 31 January 2017

Translation of Species and Character in C ++
Added 6 attacks per level (38/251)
Added a preview of what the GUI will look like in combat 

28 -29 January 2017

Adding the background for the fight in tall grass, for the caves and for the introduction of the game
C ++ translation of multiple files in the game 

25 - 27 January 2017

Switching to Alpha 0.07.1 with the main novelty of bug fixes and Pokemon additions
Creation of the C ++ branch (cpp) and start of the translation in this language
Added Pokemon attacks (32/251) 

22 - 24 January 2017

Beginning work on loading the game, loading pokemons and attacks
Added 13 attacks per level (20/251)
Improvement of the Rubi API, including Pokemons
Corrected syntax bugs for 2G Pokemons 

21 January 2017

New contributor: Aerzia
Addition of 19 Pokemon (251/251)
End of Pokemon Additions of the 2nd Generation
Creating the API branch 

17 - 20 January 2017

Moving resource files to execution GUI files so they can be used
Creation of the Save branch
Beginning of the improved backup in the game
Addition of 16 Pokémon (232/251)
Addition of rival sprites
GUI: start of work on interface in combat 

14 - 16 January 2017

New contributor: Ricardo (linkyFR)
Adding 8 Pokemon (216/251) 

13 January 2017

Adding 6 Pokemon (208/251)
Accent Correction
Improvement of the logo 

12 January 2017

Adding 2 Pokemon (202/251) 

11 January 2017

Adding 8 Pokemon (200/251)

5 - 10 January 2017

Changing the repository site, it now has a repository for the site only
Adding 8 Pokemon (192/251) 

1 - 4 January 2017

Added the possibility of choosing a nickname in GUI (Graphic)
Added the ability to learn attacks by level (for Pokemon)
Added the first 5 attacks per level for the first 4 pokemons 

------- January 2017 ------- 28 - 31 December 2016 (Happy Holidays)

Small break of end of the year :) 

24 - 27 December 2016

Addition of 5 Pokemon (184/251)
Improved Artificial Intelligence in Combat
Improved documentation 

15 - 23 December 2016

Creation of the first version of the game in GUI (with graphics and not text)
Adding the Jlppc sprite 

13 - 14 December 2016

Adding 9 Pokemon (179/251)
Adding documentation to the game's website 

11 - 12 December 2016

Adding 8 Pokemon (170/251)
Adding documentation to the site
Adding the GPL license 

10 December 2016

Bug fixes
Adding the launcher 

9 December 2016

Adding the game site
Adding a sprite
Adding 3 Pokemon 

5 to 8 December 2016

Adding music for Team Mystare
Adding 3 Pokemon 

4 December 2016

Music Changes
Added GUI branch and first commits for this branch 

1 - 3 December 2016

Beginning of the addition of the Pkms of the 2G (154/252)
Start of additions of CTs
New major contributor just joined the adventure: Dogmotion 

------- December 2016 ------- 24 - 30 November 2016

End of 1K Pokemon Additions
Passing in 0.07 

21 - 23 November 2016

Addition of several pokemons in particular Evoli and its evolutions (143/151)
Corrections of faults of othographers
Adding music (error, city random,) 

20 November 2016

Adding 3 Pokémon (135/151) 

19 November 2016

Addition of 4 pokemons (132/151) 

17 - 18 November 2016

Adding 6 Pokemon (128/151) 

16 November 2016

Adding the Team object
Bug fixes and errors
Combat Modification, Fighting ability Trainer / Trainer
Adding 5 Pokemon (121/151)
Adding music from Fauxbourg Euvi 

14 - 15 November 2016

Adding Pokemons (115/151 added Pokemon)
Adding backup functionality
Adding the ability to capture a Pokemon
Adding Multiple Pokémon to Battle 

12 - 13 November 2016

Added several pokemons (we are at 110/151 Pokemons added)
Fixed a bug in the Pokémon Creator
Moving to 0.06.1 

10 - 11 November 2016

Adding POkemons 142 to 150 (so we are at 90/151 added Pokemons) 

November 6 to 9, 2016

Adding some sprites
Passage in 0.06 following the addition of a Pokémon generator 

3 - 4 - 5 November 2016

Change to Alpha 0.05
Addition of an infinite combat system with gains of experiences, evolutions and gains of EV
Adding basic game mechanics (Items, Player) for the moment not functional to 100%
Add sprites to the main character's mother 

2 November 2016

Adding a temporary GIF animation for battle level gain 

1 November 2016

Changes to the New Evolution System
Addition of sprites for the main presumptive mother
Addition of the sprite of Ornitank (temporary, because the canon will be improved and the hands too)
Adding Pokemon 83/151
Adding the beginning of the Player class 

------- November 2016 ------- 31 October 2016 (Bouuuuh)

Adding the evolution system 

30 October 2016

Addition of the Pokemon Ornitank (its complete record) 

29 October 2016

Addition of the Pokemon Ornitaupe, with its sprite and its complete sheet 

28 October 2016

Added descriptions of Euvi Island locations, with captured Pokemons
Minor changes to the map with names. 

25 October 2016

Adding Pokémon 80/151
Addition of sprites for the PP and the infermier Joelle
Minor changes
Adding basics to create the evolution system 

24 October 2016

Added several Team Mystare sprites (Sbire Gars and Admin Scientific)
Adding several Pokemon in code 52/151 

23 October 2016

Addition of several Team Mystare sprites
Added several Pokemons in code 21/151 

22 October 2016

Added the sprite of the Center Pokemon of Regimys which also makes Boutique
Added several Pokemons in code 12/151 

21 October 2016

End of attack additions of the first generation
Creating the Regimys logo
Beginning of Pokémon additions 4/151
Added pokeball sprite
Adding Pokémon Sprites Outside
Added several main character sprites
Add the map of Fauxbourg Euvi 

20 October 2016

Adding the development log
Added a lot of attacks
Adding city names to the map of Regimys
Bug fixes: Attacks in two rounds, initialization of StringKeys
Addition of sprites of the main character on the left side up and the character in combat 

------- October 2016 -------

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