This project starts at 2017.12.26 and It will keep updating in the next year.
- Bit Manipulation
- Array
- String
- Linked List
- Stack
- Queue
- Heap
- Tree
- Hash Table
- Math
- Two Pointers
- Sort
- Recursion
- Binary Search
- Binary Search Tree
- Breadth-First Search
- Depth-First Search
- Backtracking
- Dynamic Programming
- Greedy
- Geometry
- Design
Title | Difficulty | C++ | Python | Go | Tag | Note |
Title | Difficulty | C++ | Python | Go | Tag | Note |
Simplify Path | Medium | split |
Title | Difficulty | C++ | Python | Go | Tag | Note |
Middle of the Linked List | Easy | C++ | two pointers |
Remove Linked List Elements | Easy | C++ | ||||
Remove Duplicates from Sorted List | Easy | C++ | ||||
Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II | Medium | C++ | ||||
Remove Nth Node From End of List | Medium | C++ | two pointers |
Merge Two Sorted Lists | Easy | Go | ||||
Merge k Sorted Lists | Hard | |||||
Linked List Cycle | Easy | C++ | two pointers |
Linked List Cycle II | Medium | C++ | two pointers |
Intersection of Two Linked Lists | Easy | C++ | ||||
Add Two Numbers | Medium | C++ | ||||
Add Two Numbers II | Medium | C++ | stack |
Reverse Linked List | Easy | C++ | ||||
Reverse Linked List II | Medium | C++ | ||||
Reverse Nodes in k-Group | Hard | |||||
Reorder List | Medium | Go | ||||
Sort List | Medium | Go | sort | Merge-Sort |
Insertion Sort List | Medium | C++ | sort | |||
Palindrome Linked List | Medium | |||||
Odd Even Linked List | Medium | |||||
Swap Nodes in Pairs | Medium | |||||
Copy List with Random Pointer | Medium | |||||
Partition List | Medium | |||||
Rotate List | Medium |
Title | Difficulty | C++ | Python | Go | Tag | Note |
Number of Recent Calls | Easy | |||||
Design Circular Queue | Medium | |||||
Design Circular Deque | Medium | |||||
Task Scheduler | Medium | |||||
Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K | Hard | |||||
Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K | Hard |
Title | Difficulty | C++ | Python | Go | Tag | Note |
Clone Graph | ||||||
Evaluate Division | ||||||
Network Delay Time | ||||||
Redundant Connection | ||||||
Redundant Connection II | ||||||
Minimum Height Trees | ||||||
Reconstruct Itinerary | ||||||
Title | Difficulty | C++ | Python | Go | Tag | Note |
Title | Difficulty | C++ | Python | Go | Tag | Note |
Title | Difficulty | C++ | Python | Go | Tag | Note |
Valid Anagram | ||||||
H-Index | ||||||
Sort Colors | ||||||
Intersection of Two Arrays | ||||||
Intersection of Two Arrays II | ||||||
Sort List | ||||||
Insertion Sort List | ||||||
Largest Number | ||||||
Merge Intervals | ||||||
Reorganize String | ||||||
Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting | ||||||
Maximum Gap | ||||||
Insert Interval | ||||||
Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | Medium | C++ | Go | Trie |
Title | Difficulty | C++ | Python | Go | Tag | Note |
Title | Difficulty | C++ | Python | Go | Tag | Note |
First Bad Version | ||||||
Pow(x, n) | ||||||
Sqrt(x) | ||||||
Heaters | ||||||
Search for a Range | ||||||
Title | Difficulty | C++ | Python | Go | Tag | Note |
Range Sum Query - Mutable | ||||||
Count of Smaller Numbers After Self | ||||||
The Skyline Problem | ||||||
Reverse Pairs | ||||||
Title | Difficulty | C++ | Python | Go | Tag | Note |
Longest Univalue Path | Easy | |||||
放平果 | Medium | C++ | 分类讨论 |
Hanoi | Medium | C++ | ||||
Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets | Medium | |||||
K-th Symbol in Grammar | Medium | |||||
Valid Tic-Tac-Toe State | Medium | |||||
All Possible Full Binary Trees | Medium | |||||
Number of Atoms | Hard | |||||
Special Binary String | Hard |
Title | Difficulty | C++ | Python | Go | Tag | Note |
Red and Black | Medium | C++ | ||||
Combination Sum | Medium | C++ | ||||
Combination Sum II | Medium | C++ | ||||
Combination Sum III | Medium | C++ | ||||
Permutations | Medium | C++ | ||||
Permutations II | Medium | C++ | ||||
Subsets | Medium | C++ | ||||
Subsets II | Medium | C++ | ||||
N-Queens | Hard | C++ | ||||
N-Queens II | Hard | C++ | ||||
Sudoku Solver | Hard | |||||
Word Search | Medium | |||||
Word Search II | Hard | |||||
Restore IP Addresses | Medium | |||||
Palindrome Partitioning | Medium | C++ | ||||
Wildcard Matching | Hard | |||||
Regular Expression Matching | Hard | |||||
Word Ladder | Medium | |||||
Word Ladder II | Hard | |||||
Additive Number | Medium | |||||
Binary Watch | Easy | |||||
Count Numbers with Unique Digits | Medium | |||||
Beautiful Arrangement | Medium | |||||
Letter Case Permutation | Easy |
Title | Difficulty | C++ | Python | Go | Tag | Note |
Container With Most Water | Medium | C++ | ||||
Jump Game | Medium | |||||
Jump Game II | Hard | |||||
Gas Station | Medium | |||||
Candy | Hard | |||||
Remove Duplicate Letters | Hard | |||||
Create Maximum Number | Hard | |||||
Patching Array | Hard | |||||
Queue Reconstruction by Height | Medium | |||||
Remove K Digits | Medium | |||||
Non-overlapping Intervals | Medium | |||||
Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons | Medium | |||||
Assign Cookies | Easy | |||||
IPO | Hard | |||||
Dota2 Senate | Medium | |||||
Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences | Medium | |||||
Monotone Increasing Digits | Medium | |||||
Partition Labels | Medium | |||||
Reorganize String | Medium | |||||
Lemonade Change | Easy | |||||
Delete Columns to Make Sorted | Medium | |||||
Boats to Save People | Medium | |||||
Walking Robot Simulation | Medium | |||||
Advantage Shuffle | Medium | |||||
Score After Flipping Matrix | Medium | |||||
Title | Difficulty | C++ | Python | Go | Tag | Note |
Surrounded Regions | Medium | |||||
Number of Islands | Medium | |||||
Longest Consecutive Sequence | Hard | |||||
Accounts Merge | Medium | |||||
Friend Circles | Medium | |||||
Redundant Connection | Medium | |||||
Redundant Connection II | Hard | |||||
Couples Holding Hands | Hard | |||||
Swim in Rising Water | Hard | |||||
Bricks Falling When Hit | Hard | |||||
Similar String Groups | Hard | |||||
Minimize Malware Spread II | Hard | |||||
Title | Difficulty | C++ | Python | Go | Tag | Note |
Erect the Fence | Hard | C++ | Python | Monotone Chain |
Title | Difficulty | C++ | Python | Go | Tag | Note |
LRU Cache | Hard | C++ | Python | |||