The Builder module provides a standardized mechanism to execute build configurations and docker builds for Workflows that are orchestrated through the OpenAperture system.
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The WorkflowOrchestrator module is responsible for the following actions within OpenAperture:
- Reading and updating the deployment repository associated with Workflows
- Executing Docker builders
The following message(s) may be sent to the Builder. A Workflow is a OpenAperture construct that can be created/retrieved at /workflow.
- Request config & build for a Workflow
- Queue: builder
- Payload (Map)
- force_build
- db field: workflow_id (same as id)
- db field: id
- db field: deployment_repo
- db field: deployment_repo_git_ref
- db field: source_repo
- db field: source_repo_git_ref
- db field: milestones [:build, :deploy]
- db field: current_step
- db field: elapsed_step_time
- db field: elapsed_workflow_time
- db field: workflow_duration
- db field: workflow_step_durations
- db field: workflow_error
- db field: workflow_completed
- db field: event_log
- notifications_exchange_id
- notifications_broker_id
- orchestration_exchange_id
- orchestration_broker_id
- docker_build_etcd_token
The following configuration values must be defined either as environment variables or as part of the environment configuration files:
- Current Exchange
- Type: String
- Description: The identifier of the exchange in which the Orchestrator is running
- Environment Variable: EXCHANGE_ID
- Current Broker
- Type: String
- Description: The identifier of the broker to which the Orchestrator is connecting
- Environment Variable: BROKER_ID
- Manager URL
- Type: String
- Description: The url of the OpenAperture Manager
- Environment Variable: MANAGER_URL
- Environment Configuration (.exs): :openaperture_manager_api, :manager_url
- OAuth Login URL
- Type: String
- Description: The login url of the OAuth2 server
- Environment Variable: OAUTH_LOGIN_URL
- Environment Configuration (.exs): :openaperture_manager_api, :oauth_login_url
- OAuth Client ID
- Type: String
- Description: The OAuth2 client id to be used for authenticating with the OpenAperture Manager
- Environment Variable: OAUTH_CLIENT_ID
- Environment Configuration (.exs): :openaperture_manager_api, :oauth_client_id
- OAuth Client Secret
- Type: String
- Description: The OAuth2 client secret to be used for authenticating with the OpenAperture Manager
- Environment Variable: OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET
- Environment Configuration (.exs): :openaperture_manager_api, :oauth_client_secret
- System Module Type
- Type: atom or string
- Description: An atom or string describing what kind of system module is running (i.e. builder, deployer, etc...)
- Environment Configuration (.exs): :openaperture_overseer_api, :module_type
- Dockerhub Registry URL
- Type: String
- Description: By default, the Builder will push to a registry. This is the URL for that registry, defaults to dockerhub.
- Environment Variable: DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL
- Environment Configuration (.exs): :openaperture_builder, :docker_registry_url
- Docker Registry Username
- Type: String
- Description: By default, the Builder will push to a registry. This is the username for that registry, defaults to dockerhub.
- Environment Variable: DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME
- Environment Configuration (.exs): :openaperture_builder, :docker_registry_username
- Docker Registry Email
- Type: String
- Description: By default, the Builder will push to a registry. This is the email for that registry, defaults to dockerhub.
- Environment Variable: DOCKER_REGISTRY_EMAIL
- Environment Configuration (.exs): :openaperture_builder, :docker_registry_email
- Docker Registry Password
- Type: String
- Description: By default, the Builder will push to a registry. This is the password for that registry, defaults to dockerhub.
- Environment Variable: DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD
- Environment Configuration (.exs): :openaperture_builder, :docker_registry_password
- Github OAuth Credentials
- Type: String
- Environment Variable: GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN
- Description: For private repositories, specify a Github OAuth token with access to those repositories
- Environment Configuration (.exs): :github, :user_credentials
The normal elixir project setup steps are required:
mix do deps.get, deps.compile
To startup the application, use mix run:
MIX_ENV=prod elixir --sname builder -S mix run --no-halt
You can then run the tests
MIX_ENV=test mix test test/