A Servlet (jakarta.jws.WebService interface implementation) that handles IRIXReports and uploads them to specific servers. The actual upload is performed by IRIXBroker.
further information:
To install the webservice simply build it with:
mvn clean package
and install the packaged webapplication from:
in the Servlet Container of your choice.
For an actual upload to a Dokpool instance, copy the file
to this
directory, adapt it to your instance and then run:
mvn test
Note that tests will not fail even without bfs-irixbroker.properties
but you will see exceptions in the logs.
With the default configuration the servlet will be available under:
The WSDL file can be obtained through:
- Find example IRIX-xml docs in
(there are some futher example in./old_examples
that do no longer fit to the current Dokpool XML schema).
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8" \
-H 'SOAPAction:"http://irixservice.intevation.de/UploadReportInterface/uploadReportRequest"' \
--data @png-pdf-test.xml http://localhost/irix-webservice/upload-report
- Because dokpool-client refuses to upload a Report having a UUID already imported, the id:ReportUUID....</id:ReportUUID> has to be edited in the Report, if already succesfully imported.
- To transform irix:Report xml-Files (e.g. as produced as output by irix-client) you can use xsltproc and the irixReport2irixwsUploadReport.xslt in ./examples Folder. Use it like this:
xsltproc -o irixwsReportUpload.xml irixReport2irixwsUploadReport.xslt irixReport.xml