This application, developed by Code for Charlotte. See Dependencies Documentation below for more information on the dependencies we use.
The backend is an Express application running in Node and enhanced with routing-controllers. The source code is written in TypeScript and transpiled to JavaScript using FuseBox
Authentication is provided jsonwebtoken. Passwords are encrypted using bcrypt.
Data is stored in a PostgreSQL database using TypeORM
Email is sent using [tbd]. Email templates are rendered with [tbd]. For development, we use [tbd] to test sending emails.
The frontend is written with Preact, a lightweight flavor of React. The UI is styled with Bloomer which is based on Bulma. Communication with the API is handled through axios. We're using cxs for custom styles (in place of LESS / SCSS).
Back end tests are run using [tbd].
Check the CONTRIBUTING file for more information about this project and how to help.
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