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[Frontend/Backend] split cpapabilites Data Sharing & Ingestion into 3…
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… + manage CSV + Bypass ref + Connector Api (#7428)

Co-authored-by: Angelique <>
  • Loading branch information
frapuks and aHenryJard authored Jun 20, 2024
1 parent 0e2117b commit cddf50f
Showing 51 changed files with 514 additions and 155 deletions.
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/de.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -13,10 +13,18 @@
"Abstract": "Zusammenfassung",
"Accent color": "Akzentfarbe",
"Accept": "Akzeptieren Sie",
"Access administration": "Zugriff auf die Verwaltung",
"Access already granted": "Zugriff bereits gewährt",
"Access connectors": "Zugriff auf Konnektoren",
"Access CSV feeds directly in your browser": "Zugriff auf CSV-Feeds direkt in Ihrem Browser",
"Access Dashboards and investigations": "Zugriff auf Dashboards und Untersuchungen",
"Access dashboards and investigations": "Zugriff auf Dashboards und Untersuchungen",
"Access data sharing": "Zugang zur gemeinsamen Nutzung von Daten",
"Access ingestion": "Zugang zur Aufnahme",
"Access knowledge": "Zugriff auf Wissen",
"Access right": "Zugriffsrecht",
"Access stream directly in your browser": "Zugang zum Stream direkt in Ihrem Browser",
"Access to collaborative creation": "Zugriff auf kollaborative Erstellung",
"Access to the scenario": "Zugang zum Szenario",
"Accessible for": "Erreichbar für",
"accidental": "Versehentlich/Fehler",
@@ -165,6 +173,7 @@
"Artifacts": "Artefakte",
"As it happens": "Wie es geschieht",
"Ask AI": "Fragen Sie AI",
"Ask for knowledge enrichment": "Wissenserweiterung anfordern",
"Assignee(s)": "Zessionar(en)",
"Assignees": "Beauftragte",
"Associated file": "Zugehörige Datei",
@@ -240,6 +249,8 @@
"By default we accept iso date (YYYY-MM-DD), but you can specify your own date format in ISO notation (for instance DD.MM.YYYY)": "Standardmäßig wird das ISO-Datum (JJJJ-MM-TT) akzeptiert, aber Sie können Ihr eigenes Datumsformat in ISO-Notation angeben (z. B. TT.MM.JJJJ)",
"By default, all files will be used to generate the response.": "Standardmäßig werden alle Dateien zur Erzeugung der Antwort verwendet.",
"By enabling the OpenCTI Enterprise Edition, you (and your organization) agrees to the OpenCTI Enterprise Edition (EE) supplemental license terms and conditions of usage:": "Mit der Aktivierung der OpenCTI Enterprise Edition erklären Sie (und Ihre Organisation) sich mit den zusätzlichen Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen der OpenCTI Enterprise Edition (EE) einverstanden:",
"Bypass all capabilities": "Alle Fähigkeiten umgehen",
"Bypass enforced reference": "Umgehung der erzwungenen Referenz",
"CA certificate (base64)": "CA-Zertifikat (base64)",
"Campaign": "Kampagne",
"Campaigns": "Kampagnen",
@@ -327,6 +338,7 @@
"Connector": "Anschluss",
"Connectors": "Konnektoren",
"Connectors & workers": "Konnektoren & Arbeiter",
"Connectors API usage: register, ping, export push ...": "Nutzung der Connectors-API: registrieren, ping, export push ...",
"consent message": "zustimmungsnachricht",
"Constituent": "Wähler",
"Contact information": "Kontaktinformationen",
@@ -386,6 +398,9 @@
"Create": "Erstellen",
"create": "Erstellungsereignisse",
"Create / Update Dashboards and investigations": "Dashboards und Untersuchungen erstellen/aktualisieren",
"Create / Update dashboards and investigations": "Dashboards und Untersuchungen erstellen/aktualisieren",
"Create / Update knowledge": "Wissen erstellen/aktualisieren",
"Create a campaign": "Eine Kampagne erstellen",
"Create a case template": "Eine Fallvorlage erstellen",
"Create a channel": "Erstellen eines Kanals",
@@ -578,6 +593,9 @@
"Definition": "Definition",
"Delete": "Löschen",
"delete": "Löschungsereignisse",
"Delete Dashboards and investigations": "Dashboards und Untersuchungen löschen",
"Delete dashboards and investigations": "Dashboards und Untersuchungen löschen",
"Delete knowledge": "Wissen löschen",
"Delete mapping": "Mapping löschen",
"Delete permanently": "Dauerhaft löschen",
"Delete public dashboard": "Öffentliches Dashboard löschen",
@@ -783,6 +801,7 @@
"Download as STIX report": "Als STIX-Bericht herunterladen",
"Download as SVG": "Herunterladen als SVG",
"Download in pdf": "Herunterladen im pdf-Format",
"Download knowledge export": "Wissensexport herunterladen",
"Download this file": "Herunterladen dieser Datei",
"Download this support package": "Laden Sie dieses Support-Paket herunter",
"Due Date": "Fälligkeitsdatum",
@@ -1115,6 +1134,7 @@
"Generate": "Erzeugen",
"Generate a simulation scenario": "Erzeugen eines Simulationsszenarios",
"Generate an export": "Erzeugen Sie einen Export",
"Generate knowledge export": "Wissensexport generieren",
"Generate report document": "Berichtsdokument generieren",
"Generate Support Package": "Erzeugen von Support Package",
"Generated Support Package": "Erstelltes Support Package",
@@ -1211,6 +1231,7 @@
"Import dashboard": "Dashboard importieren",
"Import data": "Daten importieren",
"Import from date (empty = all Csv possible items)": "Import von Datum (leer = alle möglichen Csv-Elemente)",
"Import knowledge": "Wissen importieren",
"Import successfully asked": "Import erfolgreich abgefragt",
"Import type": "Art des Imports",
"Important notice: your action is required!": "Wichtiger Hinweis: Ihr Handeln ist erforderlich!",
@@ -1471,6 +1492,16 @@
"Manage access restriction": "Zugriffsbeschränkung verwalten",
"Manage an entity": "Verwalten einer Entität",
"Manage an observable": "Verwalten eines Observablen",
"Manage authorized members": "Autorisierte Mitglieder verwalten",
"Manage connector state": "Konnektorstatus verwalten",
"Manage credentials": "Zugangsdaten verwalten",
"Manage CSV mappers": "CSV-Mapper verwalten",
"Manage data sharing": "Verwalten der gemeinsamen Datennutzung",
"Manage ingestion": "Ingestion verwalten",
"Manage labels & Attributes": "Labels und Attribute verwalten",
"Manage marking definitions": "Markierungsdefinitionen verwalten",
"Manage Public Dashboards": "Öffentliche Dashboards verwalten",
"Manage public dashboards": "Öffentliche Dashboards verwalten",
"Mandatory": "Obligatorisch",
"Mandatory attributes": "Obligatorische Attribute",
"Manual": "Handbuch",
@@ -2092,6 +2123,7 @@
"Response type": "Antworttyp",
"Restore": "Wiederherstellen",
"Restore the state of the graphic before the last expansion": "Wiederherstellung des Zustands der Grafik vor der letzten Erweiterung",
"Restrict organization access": "Zugriff auf Organisation einschränken",
"Restrict to specific entity types": "Beschränkung auf bestimmte Entitätstypen",
"Restricted": "Eingeschränkt",
"Result": "Ergebnis",
@@ -2641,6 +2673,7 @@
"Update without references": "Update ohne Referenzen",
"Updated on": "Aktualisiert am",
"Upload date": "Datum des Uploads",
"Upload knowledge files": "Wissensdateien hochladen",
"Uploaded files": "Hochgeladene Dateien",
"Uploaded PDF files": "Hochgeladene PDF-Dateien",
"Uploading image": "Bild hochladen",
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/en.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -13,10 +13,18 @@
"Abstract": "Abstract",
"Accent color": "Accent color",
"Accept": "Accept",
"Access administration": "Access administration",
"Access already granted": "Access already granted",
"Access connectors": "Access connectors",
"Access CSV feeds directly in your browser": "Access CSV feeds directly in your browser",
"Access Dashboards and investigations": "Access dashboards and investigations",
"Access dashboards and investigations": "Access dashboards and investigations",
"Access data sharing": "Access data sharing",
"Access ingestion": "Access ingestion",
"Access knowledge": "Access knowledge",
"Access right": "Access right",
"Access stream directly in your browser": "Access stream directly in your browser",
"Access to collaborative creation": "Access to collaborative creation",
"Access to the scenario": "Access to the scenario",
"Accessible for": "Accessible for",
"accidental": "Accidental/Mistake",
@@ -165,6 +173,7 @@
"Artifacts": "Artifacts",
"As it happens": "As it happens",
"Ask AI": "Ask AI",
"Ask for knowledge enrichment": "Ask for knowledge enrichment",
"Assignee(s)": "Assignee(s)",
"Assignees": "Assignees",
"Associated file": "Associated file",
@@ -240,6 +249,8 @@
"By default we accept iso date (YYYY-MM-DD), but you can specify your own date format in ISO notation (for instance DD.MM.YYYY)": "By default we accept iso date (YYYY-MM-DD), but you can specify your own date format in ISO notation (for instance DD.MM.YYYY)",
"By default, all files will be used to generate the response.": "By default, all files will be used to generate the response.",
"By enabling the OpenCTI Enterprise Edition, you (and your organization) agrees to the OpenCTI Enterprise Edition (EE) supplemental license terms and conditions of usage:": "By enabling the OpenCTI Enterprise Edition, you (and your organization) agrees to the OpenCTI Enterprise Edition (EE) supplemental license terms and conditions of usage:",
"Bypass all capabilities": "Bypass all capabilities",
"Bypass enforced reference": "Bypass enforced reference",
"CA certificate (base64)": "CA certificate (base64)",
"Campaign": "Campaign",
"Campaigns": "Campaigns",
@@ -327,6 +338,7 @@
"Connector": "Connector",
"Connectors": "Connectors",
"Connectors & workers": "Connectors & workers",
"Connectors API usage: register, ping, export push ...": "Connectors API usage: register, ping, export push ...",
"consent message": "consent message",
"Constituent": "Constituent",
"Contact information": "Contact information",
@@ -386,6 +398,9 @@
"Create": "Create",
"create": "create",
"Create / Update Dashboards and investigations": "Create / Update dashboards and investigations",
"Create / Update dashboards and investigations": "Create / Update dashboards and investigations",
"Create / Update knowledge": "Create / Update knowledge",
"Create a campaign": "Create a campaign",
"Create a case template": "Create a case template",
"Create a channel": "Create a channel",
@@ -578,6 +593,9 @@
"Definition": "Definition",
"Delete": "Delete",
"delete": "delete",
"Delete Dashboards and investigations": "Delete dashboards and investigations",
"Delete dashboards and investigations": "Delete dashboards and investigations",
"Delete knowledge": "Delete knowledge",
"Delete mapping": "Delete mapping",
"Delete permanently": "Delete permanently",
"Delete public dashboard": "Delete public dashboard",
@@ -783,6 +801,7 @@
"Download as STIX report": "Download as STIX report",
"Download as SVG": "Download as SVG",
"Download in pdf": "Download in pdf",
"Download knowledge export": "Download knowledge export",
"Download this file": "Download this file",
"Download this support package": "Download this support package",
"Due Date": "Due Date",
@@ -1115,6 +1134,7 @@
"Generate": "Generate",
"Generate a simulation scenario": "Generate a simulation scenario",
"Generate an export": "Generate an export",
"Generate knowledge export": "Generate knowledge export",
"Generate report document": "Generate report document",
"Generate Support Package": "Generate Support Package",
"Generated Support Package": "Generated Support Package",
@@ -1211,6 +1231,7 @@
"Import dashboard": "Import dashboard",
"Import data": "Import data",
"Import from date (empty = all Csv possible items)": "Import from date (empty = all Csv possible items)",
"Import knowledge": "Import knowledge",
"Import successfully asked": "Import successfully asked",
"Import type": "Import type",
"Important notice: your action is required!": "Important notice: your action is required!",
@@ -1471,6 +1492,16 @@
"Manage access restriction": "Manage access restriction",
"Manage an entity": "Manage an entity",
"Manage an observable": "Manage an observable",
"Manage authorized members": "Manage authorized members",
"Manage connector state": "Manage connector state",
"Manage credentials": "Manage credentials",
"Manage CSV mappers": "Manage CSV mappers",
"Manage data sharing": "Manage data sharing",
"Manage ingestion": "Manage ingestion",
"Manage labels & Attributes": "Manage labels & Attributes",
"Manage marking definitions": "Manage marking definitions",
"Manage Public Dashboards": "Manage public dashboards",
"Manage public dashboards": "Manage public dashboards",
"Mandatory": "Mandatory",
"Mandatory attributes": "Mandatory attributes",
"Manual": "Manual",
@@ -2092,6 +2123,7 @@
"Response type": "Response type",
"Restore": "Restore",
"Restore the state of the graphic before the last expansion": "Restore the state of the graphic before the last expansion",
"Restrict organization access": "Restrict organization access",
"Restrict to specific entity types": "Restrict to specific entity types",
"Restricted": "Restricted",
"Result": "Result",
@@ -2641,6 +2673,7 @@
"Update without references": "Update without references",
"Updated on": "Updated on",
"Upload date": "Upload date",
"Upload knowledge files": "Upload knowledge files",
"Uploaded files": "Uploaded files",
"Uploaded PDF files": "Uploaded PDF files",
"Uploading image": "Uploading image",
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/es.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -13,10 +13,18 @@
"Abstract": "Resumen",
"Accent color": "Color de resalte",
"Accept": "Aceptar",
"Access administration": "Acceder a la administración",
"Access already granted": "Acceso ya concedido",
"Access connectors": "Acceder a conectores",
"Access CSV feeds directly in your browser": "Acceda a las fuentes CSV directamente en su navegador",
"Access Dashboards and investigations": "Acceder a paneles de control e investigaciones",
"Access dashboards and investigations": "Acceder a paneles de control e investigaciones",
"Access data sharing": "Compartir datos de acceso",
"Access ingestion": "Ingesta de acceso",
"Access knowledge": "Acceder al conocimiento",
"Access right": "Derecho de acceso",
"Access stream directly in your browser": "Acceda al stream directamente en su navegador",
"Access to collaborative creation": "Acceder a la creación colaborativa",
"Access to the scenario": "Acceso al escenario",
"Accessible for": "Accesible para",
"accidental": "Accidente o error",
@@ -165,6 +173,7 @@
"Artifacts": "Artefactos",
"As it happens": "Tal y como ocurre",
"Ask AI": "Pregunte a AI",
"Ask for knowledge enrichment": "Solicitar enriquecimiento del conocimiento",
"Assignee(s)": "Referente(s)",
"Assignees": "Asignatarios",
"Associated file": "Fichero asociado",
@@ -240,6 +249,8 @@
"By default we accept iso date (YYYY-MM-DD), but you can specify your own date format in ISO notation (for instance DD.MM.YYYY)": "Por defecto aceptamos la fecha ISO (AAAA-MM-DD), pero puede especificar su propio formato de fecha en notación ISO (por ejemplo, DD.MM.AAAA)",
"By default, all files will be used to generate the response.": "Por defecto, se utilizarán todos los archivos para generar la respuesta.",
"By enabling the OpenCTI Enterprise Edition, you (and your organization) agrees to the OpenCTI Enterprise Edition (EE) supplemental license terms and conditions of usage:": "Al activar OpenCTI Enterprise Edition, usted (y su organización) acepta los términos y condiciones de uso de la licencia complementaria de OpenCTI Enterprise Edition (EE):",
"Bypass all capabilities": "Saltar todas las capacidades",
"Bypass enforced reference": "Evitar la referencia obligatoria",
"CA certificate (base64)": "Certificado CA (base64)",
"Campaign": "Campaña",
"Campaigns": "Campañas",
@@ -327,6 +338,7 @@
"Connector": "Conector",
"Connectors": "Conectores",
"Connectors & workers": "Conectores y «workers»",
"Connectors API usage: register, ping, export push ...": "Uso de la API de conectores: registrar, ping, export push ...",
"consent message": "mensaje de consentimiento",
"Constituent": "Constitutivo",
"Contact information": "Información de contacto",
@@ -386,6 +398,9 @@
"Create": "Crear",
"create": "crear",
"Create / Update Dashboards and investigations": "Crear / Actualizar paneles de control e investigaciones",
"Create / Update dashboards and investigations": "Crear / Actualizar paneles de control e investigaciones",
"Create / Update knowledge": "Crear / Actualizar conocimiento",
"Create a campaign": "Crear una campaña",
"Create a case template": "Crear una nueva plantilla de caso",
"Create a channel": "Crear un canal",
@@ -578,6 +593,9 @@
"Definition": "Definición",
"Delete": "Suprimir",
"delete": "borrar",
"Delete Dashboards and investigations": "Eliminar paneles de control e investigaciones",
"Delete dashboards and investigations": "Eliminar paneles de control e investigaciones",
"Delete knowledge": "Eliminar conocimiento",
"Delete mapping": "Eliminar asignación",
"Delete permanently": "Borrar permanentemente",
"Delete public dashboard": "Borrar panel público",
@@ -783,6 +801,7 @@
"Download as STIX report": "Descargar como STIX informe",
"Download as SVG": "Descargar como SVG",
"Download in pdf": "Descargar en pdf",
"Download knowledge export": "Descargar exportación de conocimiento",
"Download this file": "Descargar este fichero",
"Download this support package": "Descargar este paquete de soporte",
"Due Date": "Fecha de vencimiento",
@@ -1115,6 +1134,7 @@
"Generate": "Generar",
"Generate a simulation scenario": "Generar un escenario de simulación",
"Generate an export": "Generar una exportación",
"Generate knowledge export": "Generar exportación de conocimiento",
"Generate report document": "Generar documento de informe",
"Generate Support Package": "Generar paquete de soporte",
"Generated Support Package": "Paquete de soporte generado",
@@ -1211,6 +1231,7 @@
"Import dashboard": "Importar un cuadro de mando personalizado",
"Import data": "Importar datos",
"Import from date (empty = all Csv possible items)": "Importar desde fecha (vacío = todos los elementos Csv posibles)",
"Import knowledge": "Importar conocimiento",
"Import successfully asked": "Importación solicitada exitosamente",
"Import type": "Tipo de importación",
"Important notice: your action is required!": "Aviso importante: ¡su acción es necesaria!",
@@ -1471,6 +1492,16 @@
"Manage access restriction": "Administrar restricción de acceso",
"Manage an entity": "Administrar una entidad",
"Manage an observable": "Administrar un observable",
"Manage authorized members": "Gestionar miembros autorizados",
"Manage connector state": "Gestionar estado del conector",
"Manage credentials": "Gestionar credenciales",
"Manage CSV mappers": "Gestionar mapeadores CSV",
"Manage data sharing": "Gestionar los datos compartidos",
"Manage ingestion": "Gestionar la ingesta",
"Manage labels & Attributes": "Gestionar etiquetas y atributos",
"Manage marking definitions": "Gestionar definiciones de marcado",
"Manage Public Dashboards": "Gestionar paneles de control públicos",
"Manage public dashboards": "Gestionar paneles de control públicos",
"Mandatory": "Obligatoria",
"Mandatory attributes": "Atributos obligatorios",
"Manual": "Manual",
@@ -2092,6 +2123,7 @@
"Response type": "Tipo de respuesta",
"Restore": "Restaurar",
"Restore the state of the graphic before the last expansion": "Restaurar el estado del gráfico antes de la última ampliación",
"Restrict organization access": "Restringir acceso a la organización",
"Restrict to specific entity types": "Restringir a tipos de entidad específicos",
"Restricted": "Restringido",
"Result": "Resultados",
@@ -2641,6 +2673,7 @@
"Update without references": "Actualizar sin referencias",
"Updated on": "Actualizado el",
"Upload date": "Fecha de carga",
"Upload knowledge files": "Cargar archivos de conocimiento",
"Uploaded files": "Ficheros subidos",
"Uploaded PDF files": "Subido ficheros PDF",
"Uploading image": "Cargar imagen",

0 comments on commit cddf50f

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