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Ansible-driven provisioning of the OpenConext platform.


This repository contains everything you need if you want to use Ansible for deployment of OpenConext applications, including the Stepup suite. It does currently not provide you with a step by step manual to get the whole OpenConext suite installed and working. With some Ansible experience and some work, you will be able to use this repository to deploy the OpenConext applications however. The document will provide information on how to do that.

If you want to get started with OpenConext, or with OpenConext development you can use our Docker compose based environment to get up and running quickly on a VM or your local laptop. Please refer to the devconf project that can be found here:

Contents of this repository

Application roles

Every application has a seperate role to install it. The following roles can be found:

name function
engine Engineblock, the SAML proxy
oidcng OpenID connect proxy
myconext eduID
profile Profile page
manage Entity registration
teams Group membership app
mujina Mujina IdP
voot Voot membership API
pdp Policy Decicions API
attribute-aggregation Attribute aggregation API
invite Invite based groups
welcome Invite UI
dashboard IdP dashboard
lifecycle User lifecycle
stats Statistics
monitoring-tests end2end monitoring app
diyidp A SimpleSAMLphp based test IdP
stepupazuremfa Stepup AzureMFA GSSP
stepuptiqr Stepup TIQR GSSP
stepupwebauthn Stepup Webauthn GSSP
stepupgateway Stepup SAML gateway
stepupmiddleware Stepup middleware
stepupra Stepup ra interface
stepupselfservice Stepup selfservice interface

All these applications run in Docker. You can use the "docker" role to install docker and Traefik. The result is a Docker application server, with port 443 open. Applications are served by Traefik and recognized on basis of a Host: header. If you run a small installation, you can add a https certificate to Traefik and run a single node application server.

For a fully functioning environment you also need a MariaDB database server and a Mongo database server.

Infra roles

This repository is used for deployment of SURFconext, and several roles that the SURFconext teams uses to provision our infrastructure are provided here as well. You can use them for your own infrastructure or use them as inspiration.

name remarks
bind DNS server for high availability. Very specific for SURFconext
docker To deploy Docker and Traefik application servers
elk Not maintained Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana role. For inspiration only
haproxy Loadbalancer configuration. The role has its' own README
haproxy_mgnt For red / blue deployments using haproxy
iptables Manage your iptables based firewall
keepalived VRRP config for HA between loadbalancers and database nodes
rsyslog For central logging and parsing login statistics for stats
galera Install multi master MariaDB database with galera. Runs on Rocky 9
mongo Install a mongo cluster (has its own README)
manage_provision_entities Provision entities to Manage

Environment specific variables

Many variables can be overridden to create a setup suitable for your needs. The environment should be placed in the directory environments_external.

A script is available to provision a new environment. It will create a new environment directory under environments-external/ and it will create all necessary passwords and (self-signed) certificates. Replace with the name of the target. Replace with the domain of the target.

/prep-env <environment> <domain>

Then run

cp environments-external/<environment>/host_vars/template.yml environments-external/<environment>/host_vars/<target_ip>.yml

(where <target_ip> is the ip address or hostname of your target machine, whatever is set in your inventory file)

Change in environments-external//inventory: Change all references from %target_host% to <target_ip>

Please note that this has not been tested in quite a while. You will need a lot of manual work to get this environment working

Playbooks, tags and the provision wrapper script

Two playbooks exist in this repository: provision.yml and playbook_haproxy.yml. The latter can be used to do red/blue deployments if you also use our haproxy role. The main playbook is provision.yml. It contains series of plays to install every role on the right node. All roles are tagged, so you can use the Ansible tag mechanism to deploy a specific role.

If you would like to deploy manage to your test environment, you would run:

ansible-playbook -i environments-external/test/inventory --tags manage -u THE_REMOTE_SSH_USER_WITH_SUDO_PERMISSIONS

A wrapper script which enables you to use your own roles can be used as well. That is documented here:


These files are licensed under version 2.0 of the Apache License, as described in the file LICENSE.
