Check out this repository
Patient health data needs to be provided in a csv file. It needs the following columns:
- date (eg. 15.12.17)
- time (eg. 13:59)
- bgValue
- cgmValue
- basalValue
- bolusValue
- mealValue
- glucoseAnnotation
Go to Folder cd data/csv
Add file called data.csv
Start with a file containing about 5 days of history and see how fast the computation is.
Go to Folder cd data/input
(call it from root of project)
Add your profile.json and profile.pump.json files
Build the docker image from the provided Dockerfile
docker build -t t1d-pred:latest .
(call from root of project)
You need to mount your local files and input data to the docker container
docker run --rm -v <absoulute path to root of project (should end with /t1d-prediction)>:/t1d t1d-pred:latest
Inside the docker container the python/ will be called.
Nodemon will watch inside the docker container for file changes (only .py) and will restart the
docker run --rm -v <absoulute path to root of project>:/t1d t1d-pred:latest nodemon --exec python python/ -e py -L
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q --filter ancestor=t1d-pred:latest --format="{{.ID}}")
To change code, open the python directory with your editor of choice. For rapid development start the docker container with autowatch. It will rerun the code everytime you change a python file.
After the first run, autotune has created all necessary files and run_autotune in python/ can be set to False for a faster runtime.
docker build -t t1d-pred-ml:latest -f Dockerfile-ML .
docker run --rm -v ~/code/t1d-prediction:/t1d t1d-pred-ml:latest
docker build -t t1d-pred-ml:latest -f Dockerfile-ML . && docker run --runtime=nvidia --rm -v ~/code/t1d-prediction:/t1d t1d-pred-ml:latest