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1.54" Soil Sensor w trending data

Fauropitotto edited this page Dec 6, 2023 · 2 revisions

We know that "graphing" functions aren't yet available, so this was brute forced in a way.

I am not a programmer or proficient with HA or YAML, so this is the best solution I could adapt. Using helper functions (to allow easy universal access to the variables), the automation runs every 3 hours and triggers a systematic update of historical data. It may be possible to use this to actually build a bar graph or a line graph where the length, size, color, or location of the line or bar is driven off these helpers/globalvariables.

I think we're only scratching the surface of what this can do for accessible hobby displays.

Trigger model here:

  - platform: time_pattern
    hours: /3
    id: Time
condition: []
  - service: input_number.set_value
      value: "{{ states('input_number.soil_moisture_previous_2') | int }}"
      entity_id: input_number.soil_moisture_previous_3
  - service: input_number.set_value
      value: "{{ states('input_number.soil_moisture_previous_1') | int }}"
      entity_id: input_number.soil_moisture_previous_2
  - service: input_number.set_value
      value: "{{ states('input_number.soil_moisture_current') | int }}"
      entity_id: input_number.soil_moisture_previous_1
  - service: input_number.set_value
      value: "{{ states('sensor.tuya_soil_sensor_soil_moisture') | int }}"
      entity_id: input_number.soil_moisture_current
  - service: input_number.set_value
      value: "{{ states('input_number.soil_temp_previous_2') | int }}"
      entity_id: input_number.soil_temp_previous_3
  - service: input_number.set_value
      value: "{{ states('input_number.soil_temp_previous_1') | int }}"
      entity_id: input_number.soil_temp_previous_2
  - service: input_number.set_value
      value: "{{ states('input_number.soil_temp_current') | int }}"
      entity_id: input_number.soil_temp_previous_1
  - service: input_number.set_value
      value: "{{ states('sensor.tuya_soil_sensor_temperature') | int }}"
      entity_id: input_number.soil_temp_current
  - service: open_epaper_link.drawcustom

Dashboard blueprint here

#Current Build Soil Sensor
service: open_epaper_link.drawcustom
    - open_epaper_link.0000021EF2EE3416
  background: white
  rotate: 0

  #Header and Title
    - type: icon
      value: flower-tulip-outline
      x: 0
      y: 0
      size: 30
      color: black   
    - type: text
      value: "Soil Sensor"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 89
      y: 8
      size: 15
      color: black
      anchor: mm      
    - type: line
      x_start: 30 
      x_end: 152
      y_start: 15
      y_end: 15
      width: 1
      fill: black  

#Last Update
    - type: text
      value: " Last Update  {{ states('sensor.time') | string }} "
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 89
      y: 23
      size: 9
      color: red     
      anchor: mm
    - type: line
      x_start: 0 
      x_end: 152
      y_start: 31
      y_end: 31
      width: 1
      fill: black     

#Soil Moisture Header
    - type: icon
      value: water-outline
      x: 0
      y: 31
      size: 28
      color: black
    - type: text
      value: "Soil"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 15
      y: 60
      size: 8
      color: black 
      anchor: mm      

#Soil Moisture Marker
    - type: rectangle
      x_start: 130 
      x_end: 150
      y_start: 33
      y_end: 47
      width: 1
      fill: white
      outline: black
    - type: text
      value: "{{ states('input_number.soil_moisture_previous_3') | int }}"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 40
      y: 40
      size: 10
      color: red 
      anchor: mm            
    - type: text
      value: "{{ states('input_number.soil_moisture_previous_2') | int }}"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 73
      y: 40
      size: 10
      color: red 
      anchor: mm  
    - type: text
      value: "{{ states('input_number.soil_moisture_previous_1') | int }}"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 106
      y: 40
      size: 10
      color: red 
      anchor: mm  
    - type: text
      value: "{{ states('input_number.soil_moisture_current') | int }}"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 140
      y: 40
      size: 10
      color: red 
      anchor: mm  	  
#Soil Line Graph
    - type: line
      x_start: 40
      x_end: 140
      y_start: 52
      y_end: 52
      width: 1
      fill: black  
    - type: line
      x_start: 40
      x_end: 40
      y_start: 47
      y_end: 52
      width: 1
      fill: black 
    - type: line
      x_start: 73
      x_end: 73
      y_start: 47
      y_end: 52
      width: 1
      fill: black 
    - type: line
      x_start: 106
      x_end: 106
      y_start: 47
      y_end: 52
      width: 1
      fill: black
    - type: line
      x_start: 140
      x_end: 140
      y_start: 47
      y_end: 52
      width: 1
      fill: black  	  
#Soil Hour Marker
    - type: text
      value: "9h"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 40
      y: 60
      size: 8
      color: black 
      anchor: mm            
    - type: text
      value: "6h"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 73
      y: 60
      size: 8
      color: black 
      anchor: mm  
    - type: text
      value: "3h"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 106
      y: 60
      size: 8
      color: black 
      anchor: mm  
    - type: text
      value: "Curr"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 140
      y: 60
      size: 8
      color: black 
      anchor: mm  	 
    - type: line
      x_start: 0 
      x_end: 152
      y_start: 68
      y_end: 68
      width: 1
      fill: black 
 #Soil Temperature          
    - type: icon
      value: thermometer
      x: 2
      y: 68
      size: 26
      color: black
    - type: text
      value: "Soil"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 15
      y: 97
      size: 8
      color: black 
      anchor: mm   
#Soil Temperature Marker
    - type: rectangle
      x_start: 130 
      x_end: 150
      y_start: 70
      y_end: 84
      width: 1
      fill: white
      outline: black
    - type: text
      value: "{{ states('input_number.soil_temp_previous_3') | int }}"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 40
      y: 77
      size: 10
      color: red 
      anchor: mm            
    - type: text
      value: "{{ states('input_number.soil_temp_previous_2') | int }}"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 73
      y: 77
      size: 10
      color: red 
      anchor: mm  
    - type: text
      value: "{{ states('input_number.soil_temp_previous_1') | int }}"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 106
      y: 77
      size: 10
      color: red 
      anchor: mm  
    - type: text
      value: "{{ states('input_number.soil_temp_current') | int }}"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 140
      y: 77
      size: 10
      color: red 
      anchor: mm  	  
#Soil Temp Line Graph
    - type: line
      x_start: 40
      x_end: 140
      y_start: 89
      y_end: 89
      width: 1
      fill: black  
    - type: line
      x_start: 40
      x_end: 40
      y_start: 84
      y_end: 89
      width: 1
      fill: black 
    - type: line
      x_start: 73
      x_end: 73
      y_start: 84
      y_end: 89
      width: 1
      fill: black 
    - type: line
      x_start: 106
      x_end: 106
      y_start: 84
      y_end: 89
      width: 1
      fill: black
    - type: line
      x_start: 140
      x_end: 140
      y_start: 84
      y_end: 89
      width: 1
      fill: black  	  
#Soil Temp Hour Marker
    - type: text
      value: "9h"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 40
      y: 97
      size: 8
      color: black 
      anchor: mm            
    - type: text
      value: "6h"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 73
      y: 97
      size: 8
      color: black 
      anchor: mm  
    - type: text
      value: "3h"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 106
      y: 97
      size: 8
      color: black 
      anchor: mm  
    - type: text
      value: "Curr"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 140
      y: 97
      size: 8
      color: black 
      anchor: mm  	 
    - type: line
      x_start: 0 
      x_end: 152
      y_start: 105
      y_end: 105
      width: 1
      fill: black 
#Soil Condition Flag
    - type: rectangle
      x_start: 0 
      x_end: 51
      y_start: 105
      y_end: 151
      width: 1
      fill: white
      outline: black
    - type: icon
      value: "{{ 'alert' if is_state('binary_sensor.soil_moisture_low', 'on') else 'check-outline' }}"
      x: 9
      y: 105
      size: 30
      color: "{{ 'red' if is_state('binary_sensor.soil_moisture_low', 'on') else 'black' }}"

    - type: text
      value: "Soil"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 26
      y: 142
      size: 10
      color: black 
      anchor: mm

#Battery Condition Flag
    - type: rectangle
      x_start: 51 
      x_end: 102
      y_start: 105
      y_end: 151
      width: 1
      fill: white
      outline: black
    - type: icon
      value: "{{ 'battery-alert-variant-outline' if is_state('binary_sensor.soil_battery_low', 'on') else 'battery-check-outline' }}"
      x: 60
      y: 105
      size: 30
      color: "{{ 'red' if is_state('binary_sensor.soil_battery_low', 'on') else 'black' }}"
    - type: text
      value: "Battery"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 76
      y: 142
      size: 10
      color: black 
      anchor: mm
    - type: text
      value: "{{ states('sensor.tuya_soil_sensor_battery') | string }}"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 94
      y: 130
      size: 8
      color: black 
      anchor: mm    

#Link Condition Flag
    - type: rectangle
      x_start: 102 
      x_end: 151
      y_start: 105
      y_end: 151
      width: 1
      fill: white
      outline: black
    - type: icon
      value: "{{ 'signal-cellular-3' if is_state('binary_sensor.soil_link_low', 'on') else 'signal-cellular-outline' }}"
      x: 105
      y: 105
      size: 30
      color: "{{ 'red' if is_state('binary_sensor.soil_link_low', 'on') else 'black' }}"
    - type: text
      value: "Link"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 126
      y: 142
      size: 10
      color: black 
      anchor: mm
    - type: text
      value: "{{ states('sensor.tuya_soil_sensor_linkquality') | string }}"
      font: "ppb.ttf"
      x: 144
      y: 130
      size: 8
      color: black 
      anchor: mm