This Dart package provides functionality for interacting with OpenEarable devices. It enables you to communicate with OpenEarable devices, control LED colors, control audio, and access raw sensor data.
Try it online, provided your browser supports Web Bluetooth.
For your app to be able to use UniversalBLE in this package, you need to grant the following permissions:
You need to add the following permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml file:
<!-- flutter_reactive_ble permissions -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<!-- location permissions -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION"/>
If you use location services in your app, remove android:maxSdkVersion="30"
from the location permission tags
For iOS it is required you add the following entries to the Info.plist
file of your app. It is not allowed to access Core BLuetooth without this. See our example app on how to implement this. For more indepth details: Blog post on iOS bluetooth permissions
iOS 13 and higher
- NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription
iOS 12 and lower
- NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription
For macOS, add the Bluetooth capability to the macOS app from Xcode.
To get started with the OpenEarable Flutter package, follow these steps:
- Installation: Add the package to your flutter project: \
flutter pub add open_earable_flutter
Alternatively, you can follow the instructions on
- Import the package:
import 'package:open_earable_flutter/open_earable_flutter.dart';
- Initialize OpenEarable
final openEarable = OpenEarable();
- Connect to Earable Device
// Listen for discovered devices
openEarable.bleManager.scanStream.listen((device) {
// Handle discovered device
// Connect to a device
- Read device information after connecting to a device:
String? deviceName = openEarable.deviceName; String? deviceIdentifier = openEarable.deviceIdentifier; String? deviceFirmwareVersion = openEarable.deviceFirmwareVersion;
- Sensors:
- Configuration of Sensors:
Please refer to open-earable for a documentation on all possible sensor configurations
var config = OpenEarableSensorConfig(sensorId: 0, samplingRate: 30, latency: 0); openEarable.sensorManager.writeSensorConfig(config);
- Subscribing to sensor data with sensor id 0
Sensor data is returned as a dictionary:
openEarable.sensorManager.subscribeToSensorData(0).listen((data) { // Handle sensor data });
{ "sensorId": 0, "timestamp": 163538, "sensorName": "ACC_GYRO_MAG", "ACC": { "units": {"X": "g", "Y": "g", "Z": "g"}, "X": 5.255882263183594, "Y": -2.622856855392456, "Z": 8.134146690368652 }, "GYRO": { "units": {"X": "dps", "Y": "dps", "Z": "dps"}, "X": 0.007621999830007553, "Y": -0.030487999320030212, "Z": -0.015243999660015106 }, "MAG": { "units": {"X": "uT", "Y": "uT", "Z": "uT"}, "X": -566.1000366210938, "Y": -95.70000457763672, "Z": -117.30000305175781 } "EULER": { "units": {"ROLL": "rad", "PITCH": "rad", "YAW": "rad"}, "ROLL": 0.8741, "PITCH": -0.2417, "YAW": 1.2913 } }
- Battery Level percentage:
Stream batteryLevelStream = openEarable.sensorManager.getBatteryLevelStream();
- Button State:
Stream buttonStateStream = openEarable.sensorManager.getButtonStateStream();
- contains the following button states as integers:
- 0: Idle
- 1: Pressed
- 2: Held
- Configuration of Sensors:
- Control built-in LED:
openEarable.rgbLed.writeLedColor(r: 0, g: 255, b: 0);
- Control audio player:
- Play WAV files
openEarable.audioPlayer.wavFile("audio.wav"); openEarable.audioPlayer.setState(AudioPlayerState.start);
- name: filename of audio file stored on earable
- Play Frequency:
int waveForm = 1; double frequency = 500.0; double loudness = 0.5; openEarable.audioPlayer.frequency(waveForm, frequency, loudness); openEarable.audioPlayer.setState(AudioPlayerState.start);
- state: WavAudioPlayerState
- frequency: double
- waveForm: int
- 0: sine
- 1: triangle
- 2: square
- 3: sawtooth
- loudness: double between 0.0 and 1.0
- Play Jingle:
int jingleId = 1; openEarable.audioPlayer.jingle(jingleId); openEarable.audioPlayer.setState(AudioPlayerState.start);
- jingleId: id of jingle stored on earable
- 0: 'IDLE'
- 2: 'SUCCESS'
- 3: 'ERROR'
- 4: 'ALARM'
- 5: 'PING'
- 6: 'OPEN'
- 7: 'CLOSE'
- 8: 'CLICK'
- state: WavAudioPlayerState
- Play WAV files