What's Changed
- GitHub actions build by @vharseko in #17
- Github action deploy by @vharseko in #18
- Github action deploy by @vharseko in #19
- Switch to openam: 14.6.5-SNAPSHOT by @vharseko in #20
- actions: separate deploy by @vharseko in #21
- ADD EmbeddedKafka and MQ_IBM+MQ_Kafka Producer/consumer by @vharseko in #22
- ADD full error stack about IBM MQ by @vharseko in #23
- update groovy-all library by @maximthomas in #24
- Bump h2 from 1.4.178 to 2.0.206 in /openig-core by @dependabot in #25
- Bump h2 from 2.0.206 to 2.1.210 in /openig-core by @dependabot in #26
- Update pom.xml nexus-staging-maven-plugin 1.6.11 by @artb1sh in #27
- ADD extra info for 429 Too Many Requests: Retry-After-Partition,Retry-After-Rate,Retry-After-Rule by @vharseko in #28
- ICAP Filter for DLP and Antivirus protection by @vharseko in #29
- fix ibm mq jms_text message processing by @maximthomas in #30
- ADD partitionKey to Applying rate tracing by @vharseko in #31
- use default OpenIG logging if there is no default logback file #16 by @maximthomas in #32
- java 11, 16, 17, 18 build by @maximthomas in #33
- fix admin console UI by @maximthomas in #34
- upgrade docker tomcat to 9 openjdk 8 by @maximthomas in #35
- Fix build frontend codemirror lib error by @maximthomas in #36
- EntityExtractFilter match multiline entity by @maximthomas in #37
- fix UI module build by @maximthomas in #39
- Dockerfile + alpine+ multi platform build by @vharseko in #40
- ADD ClientHandler websocket support ws:// wss:// by @vharseko in #41
- Bump ivy from 2.4.0 to 2.5.1 in /openig-core by @dependabot in #42
- FIX lock in MQ producer context by @vharseko in #43
- FIX lock in MQ producer context by @vharseko in #44
- UPDATE github action by @vharseko in #45
- ADD jdk19 support + docker platforms: linux/arm/v7, linux/ppc64le by @vharseko in #46
- Switch Docker to jre17 LTS by @vharseko in #47
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 5.0.11...5.1.0