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Known Issues for out of service releases

Dave Barfield edited this page May 27, 2022 · 1 revision

Symptom Workaround
When creating or importing a project which uses the Liberty Gradle plugin version 3.x, no prompt appears to create a runtime and server for the project. This can be worked around by manually specifying the location of the server.xml in the build.gradle file which is detailed in this issue.
When generating a web service into an OSGi app and completing the wizard, a dialog appears saying that the app hasn't started successfully. At this point, the liberty server logs report: The application could not be started as it could not be found at location Clicking "Finish" again deploys the app and the wizard completes successfully.
When creating and deploying a web service client using the Generate Web Service wizard, Eclipse may wrongly report that the generated client has validation errors and may not deploy correctly. In this case, try clicking OK to continue with the deployment. Once the wizard has completed, check for error markers on the web service client project.
Installing the Liberty Developer Tools on 2020-09 eclipse using openjdk jdk-11.0.10+9 we have seen a "Do you trust these certificates?" screen pop up for "IBM Canada Limited; Digital ID class 3 - Java Object Signing; IBM Canada Limited" Either use Eclipse 2020-12 or later, or run 2020-09 with the VM bundled with 2020-12 (or later) in, for example, plugins/org.eclipse.justj.openjdk.hotspot.
jre.full.win32.x86_64_15.0.1.v20201027-0507 (this will vary depending on your platform). This should be specified on the -vm parameter in the eclipse.ini. If you are unable to do this you can accept the certificate.
  • Aesthetic inconsistencies present in some wizards when using dark mode

Symptom Workaround
IBM WebSphere Developer Tools for WAS 9.0.5 fails installing on STS version 4.7.2 due to the configured Available Software Sites (Help>Install New Software>Manage>Available Software sites) on STS only listing Latest Eclipse Release. The Eclipse upon which STS is based (Eclipse 20-06) lists the download location for Eclipse 20-06 rather than latest which contains the applicable levels of the prerequisite software. In Help>Install New Software>Manage>Available Software add an entry Name=20-06,Location= and un-tick Latest Eclipse Release (A customer has noted that they also needed to un-tick 'Contact All update sites during Install ...' in order for the install to work but we have not been able to reproduce this requirement)
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