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Michal Opala edited this page Feb 19, 2025 · 4 revisions

Playbook Reference


Name / Link Description
opennebula.deploy.ceph πŸ”— Pre-deploys Ceph clusters with ceph-ansible.
opennebula.deploy.infra πŸ”— Pre-deploys Front-ends as VMs directly in Libvirt.
opennebula.deploy.main πŸ”— Combines opennebula.deploy.pre and playbooks.
opennebula.deploy.pre πŸ”— Runs pre-checks and some operations that are not part of the main deployment. πŸ”— Runs the actual deployment.


Name / Link Description
opennebula.deploy.bastion πŸ”— A role that renders local SSH configs (in the inventory dir), then those can be used to access cluster nodes via a SSH jump host (aka bastion).
opennebula.deploy.ceph.frontend πŸ”— A role that manages Ceph related settings on an OpenNebula Frontend.
opennebula.deploy.ceph.node πŸ”— A role that manages Ceph related settings on an OpenNebula Node.
opennebula.deploy.ceph.repository πŸ”— A role that prepares Ceph repository.
opennebula.deploy.common πŸ”— A basic role that aggregates global defaults/handlers etc.
opennebula.deploy.database πŸ”— A role that performs initial configuration of the OpenNebula database.
opennebula.deploy.datastore.frontend πŸ”— A role that manages OpenNebula datastores (to be run on Frontends).
opennebula.deploy.datastore.generic πŸ”— A role that manages OpenNebula datastores (generic mode).
opennebula.deploy.datastore.node πŸ”— A role that manages OpenNebula datastores (to be run on Nodes).
opennebula.deploy.datastore.simple πŸ”— A role that manages OpenNebula datastores (ssh, ceph and shared modes).
opennebula.deploy.flow πŸ”— A role that manages the OneFlow service.
opennebula.deploy.frr.common πŸ”— A role that installs Free Range Routing (FRR) software.
opennebula.deploy.frr.evpn πŸ”— A role that configures BGP/EVPN Control Plane (for VXLAN VNETs).
opennebula.deploy.gate πŸ”— A role that manages the OneGate service.
opennebula.deploy.gui πŸ”— A role that manages Sunstone and FireEdge services.
opennebula.deploy.helper.cache πŸ”— A role that updates APT / DNF cache.
opennebula.deploy.helper.certs πŸ”— A simple role that generates a certificate authority (CA) and then a server certificate signed by that CA.
opennebula.deploy.helper.facts πŸ”— A role that replaces/optimizes built-in fact gathering.
opennebula.deploy.helper.flush πŸ”— A simple role that flushes Ansible handlers.
opennebula.deploy.helper.fstab πŸ”— A role that populates /etc/fstab and mounts filesystems.
opennebula.deploy.helper.hosts πŸ”— A role that populates /etc/hosts and sets the hostname.
opennebula.deploy.helper.keys πŸ”— A role that generates and distributes SSH/RSA keypairs across OpenNebula inventory (password-less login).
opennebula.deploy.helper.python3 πŸ”— A simple role that installs Python3 on Debian/RedHat-like distros (via BASH script).
opennebula.deploy.infra πŸ”— A role that pre-deploys Front-end VMs directly in Libvirt.
opennebula.deploy.kvm πŸ”— A role that manages OpenNebula KVM Nodes/Hosts. πŸ”— A role that aggregates common network defaults/handlers/tasks etc. πŸ”— A role that manages OpenNebula virtual networks (to be run on Frontends). πŸ”— A role that manages OpenNebula virtual networks (to be run on Nodes).
opennebula.deploy.opennebula.common πŸ”— A role that aggregates common OpenNebula defaults/handlers etc.
opennebula.deploy.opennebula.leader πŸ”— A role that detects the Leader.
opennebula.deploy.opennebula.server πŸ”— A role that deploys OpenNebula Frontends in HA mode.
opennebula.deploy.precheck πŸ”— A role that performs various checks and assertions.
opennebula.deploy.prometheus.common πŸ”— A role that aggregates Prometheus/Grafana defaults/handlers etc.
opennebula.deploy.prometheus.exporter πŸ”— A role that manages the Prometheus exporters.
opennebula.deploy.prometheus.grafana πŸ”— A role that manages the Grafana service.
opennebula.deploy.prometheus.server πŸ”— A role that manages the Prometheus and Alertmanager services.
opennebula.deploy.provision πŸ”— A role that sets up the OneProvision utility.
opennebula.deploy.repository πŸ”— A role that creates various package repository configs on Debian/RedHat-like distros.