ADesk Menu
v0.4 : set default menu position to bottom left, just above the panel prevent window display on taskbar added behaivor to hide window menu on second execution
v0.3 : This script was edited from the original by sliphot and MoD from silver irc. I thhought it might come in handy with tint2s's new launcher feature. We re-worked it so it will open the menu in a designated area of the screen when the script is executed. by default it opens in the top left corner of the screen. To adjust go to line 369 and adjust x= and y= Make this script executable and move it to /usr/bin after that make a .desktop file pointing to it. Point tint2 to the .desktop file and presto! tint2 desktop menu. It can be a little slow to load. It helps to run it once in a terminal with the -s option. it saves a config file of all your .desktop files. If you install a new app after you have ran the -s option you will have to run it again to update the config.
v0.2 : add signal , get cursor position and show menu whith it
v0.1 : check if 'Terminal=true' in .desktop file, always above other windows
Original by ADcomp [email protected]
Current modifications by Agustín Cruz [email protected]
This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License For more info see