This is a work in progress and not operational
I want to to start a web UI for ClamAV, or at least get the ball rolling.
This is a frontend for clamscan and freshclam on linux using flask, python, html, and css. This my ultimatly change.
What does the project do?
- At the moment you can run a full scan on your system, and update fresh clams.
How does this project work?
- Currently there is a python 3 flask server running, hosting a website which does form html/flask calls, that then run the command associated with them on the termianl so you dont have to...
Create a user
sudo adduser --system --no-create-home spiderweb
Add the user to sudoers file
sudo usermod -aG sudo spiderweb
Run the command to edit the sudoers file
sudo visudo
Add this line to the bottom.
spiderweb ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/freshclam, /usr/bin/clamscan
- My current goal for this project is to have this project servered in a docker container, and have that docker container running the website and send back commands over ssh to localhost using a key instead of a password, with out any ports exposed outside of system. Their for client can see website, and with sudo we can give only the commands needed for clamav/fresh clam or what have you built in.
Why the project is useful.
- Most modren antivirus's may it be form a large box company to a scammy AV's have a pretty nice UI. Larger AV's for enterprise have a web interface. I belive clam av could have a Web UI to access which would be great for headless servers with out the need to access the command line.
How users can get started with the project
- All users are welcome to help this project come to life.
Who maintains and contributes to the project
- Me, and who ever can code, and contribute. Come one come all.
Get layout concept completed
- Get multiple buttons working
Build a docker container
- Container must have no exposed ports execpt ssh and web port for web server.
- Docker container must be under 20MB/s
create script to create user profile build.
Create spider clam logo