- Once you are viewing the workshop's gitHub page's website, you can see a list of Lab Guides at any time by clicking on the Menu Icon
Welcome to the Golden Gate for Big Data Workshop. The content will give you a basic understanding of Golden Gate and Big Data Cloud Service and many of the capabilities related to provisioning, data preparation and internals. The labs are as follows:
- Lab 100 - Provisioning Golden Gate for Big Data
- Lab 200 - Provisioning and accessing BigData
- Lab 300 - Using BigData Components (Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Spark, Oracle R)
- Lab 400 - MySQL to MySQL
- Lab 500 - MySQL to File Writer Handler (csv/parquet format)
- Lab 600 - MySQL to HDFS (json / text / avro / ocf format)
- Lab 700 - MySQL to Hive (avro format - Metadata providers)
- Lab 800 - MySQL to Hbase
- Lab 900 - Oracle to Kafka (json / avro format)/ Eventhub
- Lab 1000 - MySQL to Cassandra
- Lab 1100 - MySQL to Oracle (using jdbc)
- Lab 1300 - MySQL to MongoDB
- Lab 1400 - MySQL to Flume
- Source: GG4BD_Source1
- Target: GG4BD_Target1
- On-Prem: Cloud Compute Instance that will simulate an On-Prem environment
Reference the following Lab Guides by opening their Documentation Files:
Documentation: CloudWorkshop_GG4BD_100.md
- Installation of Golden Gate for Big Data
Documentation: CloudWorkshop_GG4BD_200.md
- Provision Big Data Cloud instance
Documentation: CloudWorkshop_GG4BD_300.md
- Overview about different Golden Gate big data Products.
Documentation: CloudWorkshop_GG4BD_400.md
- Goldengate replication for MySQL to capture CDC from MySQL
Documentation: CloudWorkshop_GG4BD_500.md
- Goldengate BigData Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Handler to replicate source transactional data to a target or database.
Documentation: CloudWorkshop_GG4BD_600.md
- GoldenGate replication from MySQL to HDFS
Documentation: CloudWorkshop_GG4BD_700.md
- Replicate source transactional data to Hive using Oracle Goldengate for Bigdata.
Documentation: CloudWorkshop_GG4BD_800.md
- Replicate source transactional data to Hbase database using Oracle Goldengate for Bigdata
Documentation: CloudWorkshop_GG4BD_900.md
- Extract from Oracle to generate the Trail Files on Source
- Dump the trail files from Source to target machine
- Replicate from trail files on the target machine to Kafka topic.
Documentation: CloudWorkshop_GG4BD_1000.md
- Goldengate replication for Cassandra to capture CDC from MySQL
Documentation: CloudWorkshop_GG4BD_1100.md
- Replicate from MySQL to Oracle using jdbc
Documentation: CloudWorkshop_GG4BD_1300.md
- Replicate from MySQL to MongoDB
Documentation: CloudWorkshop_GG4BD_1400.md
- Goldengate BigData replication to Apache Flume