Releases: Orch3strator/w3rkstatt
Releases · Orch3strator/w3rkstatt
stable release
W3rkstatt module tested with:
- G-Mail, SMTP/S e-mail with HTML body
- Helix ITSM, Incident Management & Worklog
- TrueSight Operations Management
- TrueSight Orchestrator
- Control-M
OS Platform:
- Microsoft Windows Server
- Linux
control-m alert integration
Control-M alert testing
control-m alert integration
Test Control-M Alert Management
stable release
W3rkstatt module tested with:
- G-Mail, SMTP/S e-mail with HTML body
- Helix ITSM, Incident Management & Worklog
- TrueSight Operations Management
- Control-M
OS Platform:
- Microsoft Windows Server
- Linux