Soap client for the Yodlee API. Supports version 10.2.
# Gemfile
gem 'yodlee_api', :git => "[email protected]:OtoAnalytics/yodlee_api.git"
- create a global config and put it somewhere like config/environment.rb
YodleeApi.configure do |config|
config.application_id = "APP_ID"
config.cobrand_id = "COBRAND_ID"
config.cobrand_login = "COBRAND_USERNAME"
config.cobrand_password = "COBRAND_PASSWORD"
config.locale = {:country => "US", :language => "en"} # optional
config.tnc_version = 1 # optional
config.endpoint = "https://some/endpoint/here"
- Create a client and log in to the CobrandLoginService
client =
If you don't have a global config, then you need to specify credentials and your endpoint. All fields are required unless commented as optional
credentials =
:cobrand_id => "YOUR_COBRAND_ID",
:application_id => "YOUR_APPLICATION_ID",
:cobrand_login => "YOUR_COBRAND_USERNAME",
:cobrand_password => "YOUR_COBRAND_PASSWORD",
:locale => = {:country => "US", :language => "en"}, # optional
:tnc_version => 1 # optional
endpoint = "https://some/endpoint/here"
client =, credentials)
- Create user credentials (email is only required for registration)
user_creds = => "[email protected]", :login_name => "foobarone", :password => "foobartwo1")
4a) Register the user and log in
registration_manager =, user_creds)
4b) If you already have a user with those credentials, log in instead
login_manager =, user_creds)
- Create a content service request to get the list of supported sites and their login forms
services =
# Fetch the sites list for a container type
# you can also specify an array of container_types, see YodleeApi::ContentServices::SupportedContainerTypes for a list of valid types
service.get_content_services(["bank", "credits"])
- Access the sites list. The sites will be stored an array of hashes with keys :content_service_id, :site_name, :organization_name and :login_form
=> {
:site_name=>"WT Direct",
:organization_name=>"Wilmington Trust",
:login_form =>
{:name=>"PASSWORD", :displayName=>"Password", :isEditable=>"true", ... :fieldErrorCode=>""}, # each hash is a form field
{:name=>"LOGIN", :displayName=>"User ID", :isEditable=>"true",... :fieldErrorCode=>""},
{:name=>"OP_OPTIONS", :displayName=>"Question1", :isEditable=>"true", :isOptional=>"true", :isEscaped=>"false", :isOptionalMFA=>"false", :isMFA=>"false",
:validValues=>["city were you born in", "first name of the best man at your wedding", ... "name of your first pet"],
:displayValidValues=>["What city were you born in?", ... "What was the name of your first pet?"],
:valueIdentifier=>"OP_OPTIONS", :valueMask=>"LOGIN_FIELD", :fieldType=>"OPTIONS", :size=>"20", :maxlength=>"40", :fieldErrorCode=>""},
{:name=>"OP_LOGIN3", :displayName=>"Answer1", :isEditable=>"true", ... :fieldErrorCode=>""},
Display the content services to a user and grab input for the appropriate login form. Implementation will vary.
Create an array of credential fields for the content service provider the user has chosen
credential_fields = [ => "LOGIN", :display_name => "Online ID", ..., :value => "fooooobarr", ... ), => "PASSWORD", :display_name => "Passcode", ..., :value => "1234foobarr", ... ), => "", :display_name => "Verify Passcode", ..., :value => "1234foobarr", ... )
- Add an account for the user
item_manager =
# this method expects a user context (from registration_manager or login_manager), a content service id and an array of credential fields
# corresponding to the fields in that content service's login form
item_manager.add_account_for_content_service(login_manager.user_context, 2931, credential_fields)
- Start an account refresh
refresh_service =
- Poll the refresh service until item is done refreshing
loop do
break if refresh_service.is_item_refreshing(item_manager.item_id) == false
sleep 2
- Get the refresh info and proceed if status code is 0
info_hash = refresh_service.get_refresh_info
status_code = info_hash["statusCode"].to_i
if status_code == 0
# success, proceed to step 14
elsif status_code == 402
# invalid credentials, present login form to user to try again and proceed to step 13
- Update credentials if user passed in incorrect credentials and go back to step 10
item_manager.update_credentials_for_item(login_manager.user_context, item_manager.item_id, credential_fields)
- Grab the account summaries
data_service =
accounts = data_service.get_account_summaries
# The account summaries returned will be arrays of hashes with the format
{:account_id=>"11076596", :account_name=>"MyAccess Checking-0123"},
{:account_id=>"11076597", :account_name=>"MyAccess Savings-4567"}
- Create a transaction search request using an account id fetched in step 14, the only required parameter is :account_id,
however, you can customize the search request by passing in values for other parameters. See
for possible values.
search_request = => 11076596)
- Fetch transactions using the transaction search service
search_service =
The transactions will be stored in a hash with the following format:
{:transaction_id=>"23902396", :description=>"CHECKCARD 0725 CURRY UP NOW (TRUCK 2) SOUTH SAN FRACA xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000", :category_name=>"Restaurants/Dining", :categorization_keyword=>"curry", :amount=>"14.0", :currency_code=>"USD"},
{:transaction_id=>"23902600", :description=>"USPS xxxxxxxxx 07/25 #xxxxx2102 PURCHASE USPS xxxxxx0000/U PALO ALTO CA", :category_name=>"Postage and Shipping", :categorization_keyword=>"usps", :amount=>"29.95", :currency_code=>"USD"}
savon, '>= 0.9.6'
nokogiri, '>= 1.4.0'
ruby, '1.9.2' #(hashes in 1.8.7 don't store element order and that will cause all sorts of havoc)
Coming Soon.